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Posts posted by Arabland

  1. "Arabland votes yes," King Muhammad says in a proud voice. "It's time that the world stops acts of terrorism before they spill over into all out, regional war as they did in Europe and the Middle East not long ago."

  2. OT slightly, who had the (dubious) honour of being the first to be pounded to ZI?

    Not talking about scraps between small nations, but the first big nation to be hammered by an alliance until the last little bit of infrastructure had been destroyed. (tech couldn't be destroyed or stolen then)

    I know the Legion wiped out Beepoon (top 6 nuke attack) sometime in the middle of April and I think the Grey Council was developing it's ZI policy at around the same time, but was there an earlier use of the tactic?

    Can't have been much earlier as ZI was only possible with the introduction of cruise missiles, which came in at the end of March/beginning of April, ground battles were percentage based, so you could only get them down to about 1 infra.

    Also, hi bros.

    The GC got the 1st ZI. Indeed I think I had the honor myself... B)

    So long ago, could be thinking of another nation.

  3. The king looks around as the others walk out, "Arabland wishes to recess until this can be better orginized to stave off a collapse of this conference. Can I have a 2nd?

    "I'd hate to see this conference fail due to a little thing like bad planning."

  4. King Muhammad rises and speaks, "You seem to be misunderstanding me. I'm simply saying with past experiences, having a force to deal with threats is a good thing. We have no planes to attack Persia nor do we wish to occupy anything other then the small military zone we've had in place since the 1st war after their failed invasion of Europe."

  5. Today the Revolutionary Army launched a surprise attack on a forward military base using several attack helicopters that while flying rebel colors, was of Russian Union design.

    Arabland hereby closes it's borders to the Russian Union and as announced planes for a massive attack on rebel positions.

  6. King Muhammad rises and speaks, "Arabland supports an anti-terrorism organization as Persia, Afghanistan and other nations on our borders, within our region and of interest to us have become... Troublesome."

  7. Wow, you guys make me feel young. I'm only 518 days old. I remember the buildup to GWII and when ODN didn't get involved. I remember almost getting ZIed by GOONS in GWIII. I remember hating The Initiative and NPO. I remember when NAAC and LUE where alliances. I remember the League......I remember it dying. I remember Aegis (WAEgis) and being enough of a noob to think we'd win. I have seen a lot I tell ya'. I remember the treaty web having TWO sides! That makes me feel kind of old.

    A lot of things have changed in my time here; I can only imagine what Bros has seen.

    You miss PW2? I got here at the 1/2 way mark.

  8. lol, all this is making feel like a complete noob. For me the oldest "I remember" memory was VietFAN and GOONS claiming their wouldn't be an Initiative civil war. And GOONS getting mad at GPA because of El Bruc's un-neutral posting.

    When I was new in August I thought the 500,000 I was given to buy a harbor was a huge amount of money and offered to forward what I didn't use. :lol:

    I remember when the 1st nation hit 10K. For some reason everyone (including me) thought is was a big deal.

    In fact, I remember the 1st ZI. :blink:

  9. We shall implement Barron's system of things regarding relligon. But since we are communist we will have to make it so that the punishments for violation of the system are a bit tougher

    The Arab Government also wonders how your nation can even exist if it's communist? If you are in fact communist as you claim, then there is no government to ban the FMs and no state to bar them from.

  10. You will not enter our borders and since we are no were near the middle east Arab you have no bushinesses in what happens in underground Siberia. I suggest you leave us be and since my nation is under ground and there is one way in and all our allies men are here protecting this communist state I suggest you rethink.

    We are a people of the sands, hiding under the stuff just means you live in our favored environment. As for our being Arab, that is a moot point. We are here at the bequest of the FMs within our borders. You mess with our people or any people we have relations with, you mess with with Arabland as a whole. You WILL allow us to enter or you will see the earth you hide under collapse on top of you beneath the might of Arab bombs.

  11. All borders are to be shut to Arab land forces and convoys. If they approach borders they will be shot only martins can enter the borders for the masons I will only work with him yells Zameria. all others will not enter

    They WILL enter unless you want to start a war with us. No-one fights a war with Arabs and wins, history has proven that many times over. WE WILL shoot any U.S.S.Z associated personnel that come within 50 feet of our convoys. Remain outside the kill zone and no harm will come to your people unless they attack.

  12. I'm an old geezer in CN terms. (Joined March 16th 2006)

    When I say Andaras, people say "Who?"

    When I talk about the surrender terms back then, people say "What? They had to pay nothing? All they had to do was an oath? LOL"

    I remember the rise and fall of many alliances (sometimes major, sometimes not). I remember the Emperors of the NPO. I remember when Vlad was Imperial Regent. I remember the formation of the NPO. I remember Classic GATO (Not present GATO, GATO Zero). I remember stupid decisions being made. I see history repeating itself. I remember when Automagfreek was a mod. I remember when LUE and NPO fought together. I've been banned from the game 3 times. Had 5 nations total. And about 15 forum bannings (old forums)

    This topic doesn't really have a point. I just felt like saying how damn old I am in CN terms.

    I know a few people are still as old as me though. Not many from the evil scum of LUE like me though. Mostly NPO. They're like dragons.

    No kidding. I remember the rise of the NpO.

    'NPO colony FTL' I said. 'CoaLUEtion FTW' I said. Ah, GW1, the only war the Orders ever lost and I had a part in it. Shame LUE lead us, that LUEicide was... Never mind. :gag:

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