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Sir Keshav IV

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Posts posted by Sir Keshav IV

  1. We think it has something to do with this organization called "Karma"

    Announcement from Beijing Corp Board-

    We will clean up this mess and put those terrorists to death-


    CEO- Keshav

    President-Keira Knightley

    Vice President- Lizzie Maguire

    Secretary- Jordana Brewster

    Director of Operations- Selena Gomez

    Director of Foreign Affairs- Natalie Portman


  2. *Message to Mykep*

    Respectable Sir,

    Ever since your "demise" the old Northern Empire tried killing of your wife, Megan Fox. Rest assured shes safe as someone else. She does not look as good looking as she I was I might add, but she is interested in visiting the republic.

    -CEO Keshav.


    Welcome back old friend.

  3. OOC: I'm not leaving BC, its just I wanted to RP my Nuclear Anarchy :P

    IC: Yea, we are such imbeciles we blew this up right? I forget to inform you that this was sabotage, not mishandling or whatever you claim it to be. If you see earlier we even released some information.

    More Information-

    A symbol representing "K" was found painted on a wall nearby. below that it was return-

    "Karma is a !@#$%*"

    More information is being looked upon for this terrorist attack.

    OOC: :P

  4. Some notes were released-

    Two security guards bodies or what left of it was found. One postmortem on the security guard body was done and cause of death was bullet shot to the head. The other was burnt and damaged beyond recognition.

    Thirteen workers who should have come for morning shift did not arrive for attendance. Thirteen new workers had come instead. Names not known.

    All thirteen workers who missed their shift, found dead in their homes, bullet shots to 9 of them were mostly from close range, bullet shells matching description of Shotgun shells were found. Rest four were found dead with bullets through the head. Sniped right at the centre.

    Confirmed Number of Death: 37

    Approximate Number: 121

    Injured: 193

    Damage: Nuclear Fallout, Beijing and Tianjin are Radioactive

  5. Earlier today,

    A Nuclear Power Plant in the Tianjin Province blew. The police believes it is the work of terrorists. They will be searching for more clues to pin the terrorist(s) respobsible for this attack.


    1000 HAZMAT troops were sent to clean the Nuclear mess.

  6. We offer condolences to your nation but are disturbed by the new president, specifically Vallos. We would not be surprised if this federation joins the ComIntern and the red tide sweeping Planet Bob.

    The "Red Tide" is atleast better then fake cultures ;)

  7. The Beaches were still closed and kept ready with em trenches. The troops were sent back to their homes and mobilization was stopped. The Nuclear Silo's were still ready and wont be disarmed but other missiles,aircrafts, and tanks were disarmed and sent back to maintenance centre's for the time being.

  8. While we for now wont sign that NAP which was accepted at that silly conference, we shall disarm and demobilize in the spirit of good will to our comrades. As, the document states that we should share goodwill, we have not signed it we wish to continue our free speech against them as we find their nations the lowest possible nations in the world. We won't talk big, but keep to our free speech and our sovereignty. We hope this is acceptable,

    -CEO Keshav

  9. Even when I was President of the Nordic Confederacy I pushed for peace, repeatedly, but the world shows no solace for them. First of all, I understand full well that the Nords were the aggressors in that war, however, if I do recall Slavorussia surrendered relatively fast in that war. This could have been avoided if they would have fought back longer, but you are no longer the defender. You are the aggressor. I am dealing then with two aggressors, the Nords who want to hold on to their imperialist claims and the ComIntern who wants to destroy everything that currently exists in Europe.

    Perhaps you are unclear about how bad this war will be. If nuclear weapons would be used, or perhaps even biological weapons as used in South America, the whole of Europe and Northern Asia would be wiped out. Is Beijing willing to take in refugees? Is Beijing prepared to clean up the destruction of the world? Is Beijing ready to live with the death of millions on their hands? Every single nation that fights in this war will have their hands dirty. That is why I withdrew, because I will not have the blood of millions on my hands. I already have the blood of my nation during the nuking on my conscious.

    Those terms are of course willing to be discussed, Slavorussia will be reinstated, but they will not be given back their entire territory. Defeat has this problem, it is a shame, but the Nords did win this war, you must be willing to accept that and that war did not become nuclear or worse. I fully agree with nuclear disarming, however will this involve countries of the ComIntern as well? We are trying for peace...not slavery and if a Non-Aggression Pact is signed between ComIntern and the Nordic Confederacy then disbandment of that organization is not needed. Please do not be so demanding and unchanging, this is a conference that things will be changed and discussed.

    Yes we are willing to take refugees and clean up the mess, No it wont go Nuclear unless Kaiser Martens and his cronies go Nuclear.

    It is not slavery, I am not telling all of Europe to go into slavery for Comintern, just the disbandment of NC, That is not so bad.

    We also wont sign this peace deal as we don't like it

  10. If AWS wishes they can sign such terms but we wont and as such they are not terms Comintern gave out, I am sorry. Also, signing the NC in the past has made us critical of your so neutrality Lady Tintagyl.

    *Private to AWS*

    We are not happy that such terms were given out without atleast informing other members, these are the only terms we will accept peace for.

    1)Allow Slavorussia to reform in their former territories

    2)Complete Nuclear Disarment

    3)Disbanding the NC

    OOC: Unless those terms were classified when in discussion(AWS Terms)

  11. SteinhammerF-1.png

    This was a tank blueprint which Republic of Mariehamm gave us. We call it the Beijing GT-1. It requires high technology and we are willing to help build this with Comintern nations who have the same/higher technology then us.(Somewhere around 2013, Also ask Baron for the specs, he's yet to tell me ffs)

    OOC: I want Bavaria for the beer and ladies.

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