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Sir Keshav IV

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Posts posted by Sir Keshav IV

  1. Reading comprehension is lacking on these boards I see. I said "everyone rped their states equally." What I mean by that is everyone was equally active, you didn't rp everything while all the others sat back and did nothing, until war came. So stop with the subtle insult's because you're not cute.

    As far as coming together for mutual protection/co-operation, that’s why countries make alliances, sign trade agreements, and work together on other social and technological projects. The Dragon Empire wasn’t like the U.N. I don’t even know why you’re comparing the two. Comparing it to the USA that annexed, bought or won land in wars. The USA didn’t go to the Native Americans and say “Hey guys join the USA, we have caek.” We didn’t say “hey Spain give us Florida pl0x” and we definitely didn’t ask Mexico for… anything. People don’t willingly give up their sovereignty like they did with the Dragon Empire.

    Only thing I can say to that "Bull !@#$" if your throwing that out at the Dragon Empire its pure "Bull !@#$".

  2. Dragon Empire was I would say the most active merger where all RP'ers were active. It was fare more active then Greater Nordland as Martens only RP'ed that and occasionally BR will pop in a post(No offense mate). While joining Dragon Empire like that was no point, rp wise it was the best merger. We didn't go overboard with stats. We did not stack up, we RP'ed ONE NATION, as different ministers etc, which was more or less like a REAL government RP'ing. So if you call that retarded then I dunno how else you want mergers to be. Also who cares if they were a bunch of nations in different parts of the world? It was the Dragon EMPIRE for a reason you know.

    Otherwise I would say yes to mergers.

  3. " Sleep over here is pretty hard to come by. The cold leaves us awake and restless most of the day, but out of the 21 hours there is a 3 hour break for rest, so about 6 hours a day we get to sleep."

  4. "While the government of Vaule would have liked the matter to have been presented in a less confrontational manner than it was (OOC: ie. in the OP), we thank the Nordlandic Confederacy for their co-operation regarding this matter. Although there were some misunderstandings regarding the situation, we are glad that they have been clarified.

    It is our hope that despite the tension between the Nordlandic Confederacy and the ComIntern, that there will always be a channel of communication open between us."- Foreign Minister Lt. Kharkov.

    "With all due respect sir, the situation hasn't been clarified. Some papers were sent and the German Reich or whatever the nation is called claims this situation is over. It is not over yet, at least for the time being."

  5. OOC: "Blaze attacks Yuktobania Lands" " Wardog squadron never defeated" " Edge becomes my wife" "Yuktobania is dead" MUAHAHAHAHA

    IC: "NC do not seem to have any interest in working with us on this case. What does the member nations propose us to do?"

  6. With the transferring of documents confirming our rightful annexation of AWS lands, we consider this case closed. Good day gentlemen.

    "Transferring of documents mean nothing yet. Let us go through these before you claim its legitimate."

    OOC: This is just politics, stop screaming OOC guys. We lost an ally to our "enemies" and we just wanted to know what happened IC. We can't bring OOC knowledge into the IC game can we?

  7. "We are glad atleast someone from your nation could make it. Send your king our regards when you return."

    "Mr.Markus, I believe we haven't met yet, I am Keira Knightley, current Councilor of Osea. It is a pleasant surprise to see you arrive. We will be eating mostly native food. We find it is helps in keeping ourselves warm and it is very nice and has alot of flavour. We think it will be perfect for an evening like this."

  8. "These talks even started because we find it difficult a communist nation would just give up its land like that to a NC nation. That being said, we are not butting into your internal issues but the fall of our comrade has made us take this decision"

  9. "We are sad to see Chairman Leclerc resigning but wish him good luck on improving his health. He can even come to Greenland for sometime to relax if he wishes. We also send our congratulations to Lady Merkel on becoming chairwoman of Canada."

    OOC: Thats allowed right :P

  10. Signed for Osea:

    Keira Knightley, CEO

    "There is a slight mistake in the signature. It is actually-

    Signed for Osea:

    *Council of Osea*

    Keira Knigthely

    Jordana Brewster

    Lizzie Maguire

    *Deputy Council of Osea*

    Selena Gomez

    Demi Lovato

    Christian Bale


    Official Seal of Osea



  11. "I thank you for your comments sir. Yes my dress is from Gebiv, it was made for me by an old friend. You may please take a seat and ask for dinner at any point of time sir."

    She moved over to the kitchen to see if the appetizers and soups were ready to be served. She would come back out and announce,

    "Appetizers and Soups are served, anyone who wishes to start eating have to inform the kitchen as the food can get cold very fast over here."

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