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The Last Imperial

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Everything posted by The Last Imperial

  1. and failed to Anarchy me as was stated before in this thread, by a nation of your guys that was 2000 infra more then me, so keep pointing out how much you guys fail at war
  2. see you guys keep failing what we are trying to get at, you could of entered alone time ago, on any alliance that jumped "Your Allies" but no you waited for use, to get asked if we would like to join in to attack some1, and in your attack that took you 1 or 2 days to plan you only had 10 people attack which the first part if you look at it from my point of view makes you guys look stupid because you defended not an ally but an allies ally, we defended an ally and stand by them even if it ment that Farks true allies came in, but no we go the pathetic little 10 people counter attack
  3. yes I am, I wanted a bigger counter attack, but like I said no balls, THATS WHY ONLY 10 OF YOU ATTACKED FAIL! and I know I am quite funny... and I also know what it takes to say you balls, thats what happens when you were in FAN and IAA and fight out numbered
  4. because we expect other alliances to have balls, and from where I am standing you guys have none
  5. yes I would, it would of been more fun the only 10 people from the Corporation to counter attack us, and mind you they tried to catch us off guard, and another thing I wouldn't be whining because someone that was treated to them would joined LIKE CD, even if we were out numbered we attacked. what this looks like to me is the Corporation was just waiting for an alliance to be out numbered and small to come so they jump on the bandwagon like BR said, if I am wrong then tell me why they just declared yesterday, they had any other person to attack but didn't
  6. yes not allied to Fark directly, still looks to me like you guys don't have a sack in that pants of yours, we are not the first to declare on Fark, where were u guys then?
  7. that's some big man talk, oh wait your not even in a war against anyone.... That really makes you not a fighter, why do people try and talk when there in hippy mode or not even fighting
  8. no because love can turn into anger and hate, which help Sith, and seeings how you love us attacking along side you, you must hate and be angry that we got attacked
  9. or you guys can by growing a pare, guess you do belong with Fark
  10. because they didnt want to get crushed quickly, so we will do it nice and slow, don't worry were coming right back at you guys o/CD
  11. congrats to my former alliances o/ IAA and CD new Allies GATO, love both you alliances
  12. o/ CD & GATO good to see we Brown alliances can stick together
  13. really because what I am getting from this is that TPF didn't want to take White Peace till there allies join in, kinda sounds like someone didn't want to take a PR burn for not helping the allies before the war ended all I know is this is bull TPF should of taken WP along time ago
  14. why do you keep misunderstanding me, I am not calling anyone a coward.... read what I have to say maybe, as your alliance was one of the alliances that didn't like PM till we showed that it worked, and yes I agree it is a strategy, but not one that I would use. And what I keep saying is from your alliance and TPF former point of view, which was that if your in PM going into a war your a coward and deserve PZI, WHICH I WILL NEVER AGREE WITH
  15. last time I checked most of Athens allies didn't enter the war, but TPF allies did, and a lot in PM.... it just sounds like your mad about being in PM during the Karma war and you dont want to be called a coward, and if I am wrong and you are the one of the few that stayed out of PM then I am sorry, but if I am right, why am I an idiot, I am just look from TPF side of things
  16. but you keep misunderstanding me, I am not calling anyone a coward, I am say that if you do fallow what your allies say, and TPF said that PM in war makes you a coward, then according to your allies, who ever entered into this war in PM is a coward. I am not saying anyone is a coward, I may agree with the logic, if your going to go to war, then dont go into peace mode, but if you look at my post, never said "you and your alliance are Cowards" and if you want to threaten me, then I would be happy to show how much I am not a coward, how much I know how to fight a war, and how well my nukes work, I am ready for war, and always will be
  17. exactly, I have been here 3 years, so I would know, and as for your other post about talking about Zenith, I have nothing against Zenith, you were defending TPF, and if your going to defend them make sure you know your facts, and the fact is those that entered this war in PM in defense of TPF, and those in TPF in PM, according to your past (TPF), you are all cowards, no if ands or buts about it.
  18. I was in IAA1, and I know for a fact that it was TPF and NPO that maid up that rule that anyone in peace mode was Perma-ZI, they did post here on the OWF, so no I am not lying, and if TPF stands by what they said, they're cowards, no if ands or buts about it Edit: spelling
  19. really because last I checked TPF was one of the alliances that told IAA1 that all there alliances that went in Peace mode that they were going to be Perma-ZI, so no according to TPF, those in PM are cowards, and should be Perma-ZI'ed, but seeings as your not in TPF I guess you could think like that
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