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christian trojans

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Everything posted by christian trojans

  1. Thank you for support. I went to Iron because i was willing to fight with matt miller and his great alliance. I would have been better off fighting NPO's enemies but instead i chose to fight With IRON who had much stronger enemies. This is not running from fear of damage. I knew that i would get bashed worse but i refuse to stay in war mode while half of NPO went to peace. That is not fair and is taking the p,,,
  2. Thank you for your comments. I have changed. Also People seem to forget or just be unaware that even before enderland i have been nuked 4 times in war. I dont go to peace every time i see war. Look and listen haters... I have been a bit (well quite a bad) infra lover i will admit that now. I loved growth and i grew well. I will also admit that some of my actions can definately be seen as running from wars (Although i would say i left for other reasons). So from now on i will not argue against people that keep commenting on my past. I would now ask people to judge me by future actions I have made great friends at FnKa and i have never enjoyed an alliance this much before. They are amazing and i owe my nation to Platino and Fury for thier help. I can understand that i have said one thing and done another on some occasions but this will not happen at FnKa. I was asked to surrender to enderland bu my DPM but i refused even though He is nuking me everyday and i am losing quite a bit of Infra, NS, tech and land but i just dont seem to care. I will continue to attack him by every means possible and i will be aiding nations that attack him after me. I am happy to fight and if anyone else wants to go rogue on me i will nuke them everyday too. I feel like i am not so worried about growth anymore. I see my nation less selfishly nowadays.
  3. Oh my lord. LMAO you aint even worth replying to duncan .LOL
  4. I am not asking people to DoW i am saying that dont just be brave here and mock me. If people think they are better than me because i am a coward then why dont you give it a go. I dont care who you are i will nuke you every single day and bring you down as much as i possibly can. And i will do the same for my new true alliance That is not permission it is a question.
  5. I am not whining. I just wanted to shed some light on actions of the self righteous enderland. I will fight for friends! matt miller is a great guy and i tried to fight with him. Also FnKa is the first alliance that i have really made friends at. platino, silent fury and many others are so cool. And i would attack anyone who attacked them. They are my friends in contrast i will not fight for pompous leaders who sit in peace mode. No, i took attacks for few days in GPA war and then recieved a surrender message which i accepted after a day or two because i was bill locked. Anyway there were lots of us surrendering.
  6. But then we went the diplomatic route and we are fine now. Like i said before back up your big mouth with some action.
  7. Oh my mistake i thought that i payed him myself. Well anyway The resistance is a merge of FnKa and MOON
  8. Lordhanibal was a member of our alliance when he payed me the tech. And he had not officially resigned from our alliance at the time that i sent the aid. It was money that i owed Lordhannibal for quite a while so as soon as i got a free slot i sent him the money because i assumed that he was still FnKa. And i did nt check his AA either.
  9. I am not a liar and i am not a coward. And i fought in the GPA war i got bashed by three guys. Wentworth was one of those nations you can ask him. I did not flee even though they did nt listen to me when i said we needed allies. I still fought and got smacked up. Also i attempted to join the karma war Matt Miller knows this you can ask him. I wanted to fight alongside him but NPO disallowed it at the time.
  10. So how can he tech raid you when you sent him your last soldiers. You have used the same nation to 1) fill a war slot to avoid more attacks from our alliance and 2) you have sent him aid which consisted of the last of your soldiers so that you can turtle. That nation was clearly doing you a favour illegally
  11. Ok i've been a bad guy at times and i know it. But concerning this little event i would like to show what tactics Enderland is resorting to: Firstly, he is war slot filling. He has a gramlin nation filling his war slot so that he can avoid attack from another one of our nations. 7/13/2009 12:42:12 PM "FU ENDER FU" Citadel of Adun Ruler: Omas Nams The Grämlins Ender Land Ruler: Alden Peterson ... Currently Fighting Also he had the same nation accept the last of his soldiers so that he could turtle. 7/14/2009 3:18:51 PM "ROFLCOPTER REPS" Ender Land Ruler: Alden Peterson ... Citadel of Adun Ruler: Omas Nams The Grämlins $69 50 Tech 825 Soldiers Approved Here are the results of enderlands first attacks on my nation: To: Christian Trojans From: Alden Peterson Date: 7/12/2009 10:52:46 PM Subject: Battle Report Message: You have been attacked by Alden Peterson. You lost 31,833 soldiers and 1,197 tanks. You killed 23,579 soldiers and 3,986 tanks. Their forces razed 0.000 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 0.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $1,369,974.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled. To: Christian Trojans From: Alden Peterson Date: 7/12/2009 10:52:51 PM Subject: Battle Report Message: You have been attacked by Alden Peterson. You lost 22,994 soldiers and 795 tanks. You killed 12,968 soldiers and 1,593 tanks. Their forces razed 0.000 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 0.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $1,191,324.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled. To: Christian Trojans From: Alden Peterson Date: 7/13/2009 11:07:17 PM Subject: Battle Report Message: You have been attacked by Alden Peterson. You lost 900 soldiers and 1,611 tanks. You killed 3,150 soldiers and 5,760 tanks. Their forces razed 0.000 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 0.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $1,376,650.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled. There are more reports to see. If you would like to see them please feel free to visit our forums. http://fnka.b1.jcink.com/index.php?act=idx Christian Trojans
  12. I'll join... I have oil and lumber http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=115876 Edit: Actually no sorry. i need construction and uranium in my trade set
  13. HI peoples, I need the money sent to tech dealers that i owe money to. So if you have lots of open slots this would be better. Thanks Message me in game... http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=115876
  14. Oh thanks very much for that enderland. Admin this post is in the wrong place so please close. Many thanks
  15. HI peoples, I need the money sent to tech dealers that i owe money to. So if you have lots of open slots this would be better. Thanks Message me in game... http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=115876
  16. Hi there, I am looking for long term, loyal sellers. I will pay you 3m for 100 tech. I will get a friend who owes me money to pay you right away. If you want a deal just send me the tech and i will have someone send the money a soon as i receive the tech. Thanks CT p.s Dont forget i am lokking for long term dealers so if you want a constant flow of income im your man.
  17. Hi there Fuhrer Logan, I have sent you a message in game CT
  18. Hey sellers i am a large nation who is reliable. I am currently looking for sellers who can send me the tech right away and i will pay you through a friend who owes me money. This is the guy who will pay you: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=213150 So if ya wanna get paid right away send me a batch of 50 tech. Deal details: Transaction: 100 tech/ 3 million Day 1 seller sends 50 tech and my friend sends you 3m Day 11 seller sends final batch of 50, Done. Thanks CT
  19. Bro just make sure you sell it to a nation who has been in a respectable alliance for a long time. This will ensure that you are selling to a reliable and trustworthy guy. I sell donations sometimes too and i have never had a problem getting payments. It is a great way of making money but to make it really worth while you should sell it to a guy who has lots of middle men so that you can recieve the money straight away and all at once. But another great way of making money is to sell tech. Sorry i have nt seen your nation. Are you in an alliance? If not then visit my nation and visit my alliance to join and we can buy tech from you. CT
  20. I'll do 2m for 50 tech if you send first. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=115876 Thanks tech recieved and payment sent. Nice doing business with you.
  21. Still need the Donation? If so message me. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=115876
  22. I vouch for this guy!!!!! Good honest seller. He owes me and he pays up everytime!!!!!!!
  23. Wow i feel sorry for you guys being in the middle like this. I think it would be great if you fought with IRON. They are such a great alliance. They deserve some assistance. You guys could make history, you guys could turn this war around.
  24. Everyone thinks they know who is winning and everyone thinks that they know who will win. But how amazing would it be if TOP came in for an alliance from the continuum! TOP could turn this around and tip the balance, they would never be forgotten. They would be known as mighty warriors who stuck by their friends against all odds and won. Wow, how much would that shock and amaze?
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