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Ernesto Che Guevara

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Posts posted by Ernesto Che Guevara

  1. As an alliance with strong family values GOONS will always stand up for good parenting (biological or not).


    MK added to this world, NPO Classic™ tore people from it.


    There's a reason I love you. 



    First I have to say that the dolphin reference is awesome, that said, there goes my plan to one day join MK. I had much fun opposing you and I'll miss that and with MK disbandment CN loses the best propagandist team that this place ever saw and I lose my motivation to keep doing propaganda for the wars to come, so CN will become a worse place graphically speaking. 

    All that said, I can't lie that part of me is happy to outlive MK and this part of me see it as a ultimate victory against you, this is a classless thing to say in a disbandment notice, but the great majority of you never enjoyed being a respectful person, so I think you will apologize me. 


    Rest in pieces peace.


    Certain MK detractors need to learn a thing or two from D34th about decent posting and respect. Never thought I'd say that. 

  2. Peggy_Sue vs. Everyone

    This one wins. Thank you. 



    I hate Chax and Sardonic but neither of them knows who I am. 


    We both know who you are, and it pains me that you hate me. You've always got a place in my heart. 



    Me vs English


    You've been getting a lot better as time has gone on tbh. 

  3. Uhh, hello? I attacked the entirety of CnG during a losing war via oA and against a proxy ally (ODN), also I helped enable all those LPH guys you've all been listing. (with the exception of Rey)

    I'm pretty sure I should be Director of "Defense" in this horrible line-up. :)


    You and I polluted the OWF with dick jokes for like two years. 

  4. I'm going to violate my own rule of "don't post on the owf" and point out that to everyone else, this forum is like a good-posting wasteland, where the radioactive, decaying remnants of humanity collect to decide who is the "best poster" with no perspective whatsoever of how much better the posting used to be, before ~the fall.


    The joke is that it was never good, and you're all shit, and the "best posters" are just the beads of dew that rolled off the lumps of poop that dot our abysmal horizon. 


    In other words, the best posters are the ones that don't post.


    You're my favorite poster because you don't ever post. 

  5. If you can't be bothered to at least lay down your own mindless drivel I ask that you please stay out of this pointless conversation. Don't you see I'm in the middle of randomly posting nonsense here.


    Uh oh, big boy found a thesaurus. Let me lay down some more of my mindless drivel:


    Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
    To say everything you ever wanted. one moment
    Would you capture it or just shut your mouth?
  6. Rey you are such a whiney little prick aren't you. 


    If you are still mad about me calling you out and you doing nothing about It then maybe that problem is yours. As for me constantly pissing on your thread you should get used to it. Call it my last bit of fun here before I leave this planet called bob.


    I await your whitty retort because as I have come to discover that's all you are really good at. that and harassing female gamers on irc.


    Shut up. 

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