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Ernesto Che Guevara

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Posts posted by Ernesto Che Guevara

  1. I fully understand your perspective, I'm looking at it from the opposite side, and I can't sit idly by while a splinter cell of one of the most politically savvy alliances to ever exist does anything, even if it's simply a last hurrah, you may not have the same level of competitiveness that MK had, but sitting on the sidelines will do nothing, at least combating your actions will grant me a moral victory, even if I accomplish nothing else.


    From your perspective I absolutely understand what you're getting at and I guess time will show which of us is crazier. 

  2. you're allowed to break precedents to do something your own alliance used as a reason to take down the former hegemony, now that your alliance is not the hegemony, it's almost a dare to anyone against you in the most recent war to "do something about it" and any resources allocated to fighting MQ will be worthless in the next war, MQ can simply delete and no further punishment will happen, now if your leadership continues to let MK members declare, it puts TOP in a very sensitive situation, something I genuinely think you should consider before you let what a brilliant decision this was slip out of your hands.


    We don't really have a leadership though. Hell, the most formal thing we've got going is a "send me aid" thread and a "embarrassing CN stuff you've done" thread. 

  3. you intend on furthering MK's objectives in our world, even if MQ is all that exists currently.


    Let's pretend for a moment that what you're saying is true. How would that benefit MK in any way? 


    @Zoskia, I am unable to think deeply on the matter you have brought to my attention. Any attempts result in a strange electric shock. 

  4. I don't think you quite understand what a Casus Belli is. Casus Belli translates to "Case for war;" What sets aside a proper Casus Belli is that it lays out a moral, legal case for war based on the principle of national self interests. A good Casus Belli is lengthy and describes to all how the enemy continued to offend or threaten despite diplomatic efforts being made.


    To quote: "A nation's casus belli involves offenses or threats directly against it, whereas a nation's casus foederis involves offenses or threats to an ally nation or nations--usually one with which it has a mutual defense pact." Neither of these conditions were met in attacking TDO, because TDO never represented a threat to MK, or slighted MK in a materialist sense.


    This continues to highlight the differences between materialist philosophies like Francoism which endorses foreign affairs based on stability, and others including the "lulz" mentalities who exercise power without discipline and ultimately drown themselves in their own folly.


    Right. Our case for war is that we're tired of neutrals. Get it? 

  5. Wow. I - for one - never saw this coming. Having been in your shoes only but weeks ago, you have my sympathies and congratulations in all you all have accomplished throughout your time with us. While I never really was on MK's "side", I always have personally felt that an organization's disbandment should largely be free of politics. Thus, you have my genuine sympathies and none of us ever like to see people leave Planet Bob. After all, it would make this a very lonely place...


    This guy has class. I like you. 

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