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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. "Oh, oh, FAN, come out of peace mode! I'm so cool and tough because I can make veiled threats at an alliance of a hundred members when all I have is fifteen treaties and three blocs to back me up! Why are you in peace mode FAN? I thought you liked war! Stop hiding in peace mode FAN, fight like a man! One on thirty!"

    Seriously, do you all have any idea at all how utterly inane and stupid comments like these are?

  2. I am sorry to ever have participated in the second FAN war.

    I would actually like to see FAN receive white peace, it would be interesting.

    I have absolutely no doubt they would be immediately attacked again upon leaving peace mode.

  3. What's next in this disturbingly Orwellian quest of revisionism? Has NPO always been at war with FAN? Shall purged NPO members such as RedCommunist be wiped from the records of history? Considering the fact that you are willing to take historical fact - that NPO lost the "Great Patriotic War" - and completely reverse it to produce a past where the Orders were the victors, what is stopping you from attempting to destroy other historical facts other than simple lack of motivation?

    If the Cyberverse accepts this falsification of the past, then there is absolutely nothing preventing further alteration of what we today hold to be true of CN history. I urge anyone tempted to believe this open attempt at rewriting history to consider the potential ramifications of allowing the intellectuals of the New Pacific Order to dictate what has happened in CN and what has not.

  4. If you kept reading, you'd have known I already know the outcome, and that GR and MCXA are working together.

    But it's much easier to avoid that little fact, isn't it.

    And yet, if GR had threatened MCXA, I have absolutely no doubt that mouths would be frothing in MCXA, demanding war. The world would not bat an eye as GR would be attacked. This situation beautifully demonstrates the double standards in this world.

  5. Excellent announcement. I eagerly await MCXA's response; no doubt they will choose war over diplomacy as they have done so many times in the past.

    A few things:

    1. Given the fact that I'm not Polar government, I'm just going to strongly request my comrades avoid this thread because nothing good will come of it.

    2. KP, I love you, but nothing good will come from this.

    3. Shouldn't this thread be put out of it's misery because it will inevitably revolve around a certain banned member, and discussing such moderation issues outside of the mod forums is against the rules?

    OOC: Do you actually think he believes anything good will come of this? There's no need to get all serious in a light-hearted thread.

  6. Then you will have accomplished nothing. Another power will rise, whether benign or malignant will be unknown. CN does not like a vacuum and in such a vacuum of power, one or more powers will be risen to fill the void. As such, you will have done nothing, accomplished nothing. Again, the predicament of Vox is twofold. First, they must fight the current hegemony, without becoming like the current hegemony. Second, they must find an alliance(s) that will be able to fill the void that will be created. It does not matter if it is a single bloc, or a multi-polar world. but unless Vox hand picks the new power(s), all will be for naught.

    Vox has never had any illusions of grandeur that involve us single-handedly toppling the current hegemony. We are here to act as a voice of reason in a world muddied with lies and deceit, to at most act as a catalyst of change, not the agent itself. Vox has hardly the strength to 'handpick' which alliances would emerge in a new world, and saying we would ever have the potential to become a hegemony is even further out of the realm of possibility.

    Ideally, I would like to see NPO fall, and at that point it would matter little who rises through the ashes of the world hegemony. It cannot be denied that NPO has and has had some of the best political strategists in the game. Through this they have been able to absolutely dominate the game for a year now, and certainly they were a superpower before then. I do not foresee any alliance that takes NPO's spot as being able to hold it as well as they have been able to.

  7. We never expelled Penchuk. He left of his own accord.
    The member in question left of his own accord. As such, there was no need to expel him. ;)

    Edit: Buuyo beat me to it. :wub: Buuyo :wub:

    See the edit.

    Trolling an alliance genuinely attempting to do the right thing is a not a new low for CN, still sad however

    If you are referring to me, I was merely responding to Fallen_Fool's comment by saying that making an apology over accepting a member is not 'honorable', and indeed has little to do with the concept of honor altogether. It may certainly be the best choice from the perspective of Genesis, naturally, but that is beside the point.

  8. An honorable move Genesis, though that is only to be expected from such excellent people :)

    A survivalist move, certainly, but how is it honorable to expel a member because of a grudge held by a larger alliance? I can see why Genesis did that but to call it 'honorable' makes little sense.

    Edit: My bad, KP left rather than was expelled. However, the point still stands; making an apology over this is not honorable, just merely what is needed for survival.

  9. Oh, I am not after anything good sir its just I am not used to anything but hails directed towards NpO from Vox members.

    Really? Can you show me some of these hails?

    And more on topic, Junka did leave by his own choice, though that is certainly not to say there was not disagreement with his philosophy among members of Vox and pressure on him to resign. I like to think that no Senator would have kicked him out, though that of course is mere speculation.

  10. Is this a harbringer of what is to come from Vox concerning opinion towards NpO?

    What exactly are you after? I was stating a simple truth, not signaling some massive shift of perspective and rhetoric in Vox Populi.

    We went to war for the actions of one man, Moridin. Do you honestly think we were going into the dustbin of history for one man? No, I'd prefer Polaris not to be remembered as a Wiki article and a line in a sig.

    You went to war for the actions of one man who was actually guilty of something. You then kicked out someone who the NPO simply had an old grudge against. How could you possibly abandon such a longtime member of Polar to save your own skin? It's disgusting, and you should be glad he left of his own accord before Grub decided to kick him out.

    He did leave of his own accord, right?

  11. I think you're misremembering your storylines. Non-involvement does not equate to fighting against the machine.

    I don't wish to derail this further, but evidently a clarification is needed in the area of science fiction ;)

    Ender, as soon as he finished his work at the IF, immediately regretted destroying the Formics (Buggers), and then wrote a book that caused most of humanity to see his work as villainous and evil. Throughout the next few books, Ender (the Speaker for the Dead) does everything he can to reverse the fate of the Formics and prevent such a thing from happening again in the future. I hope that clears up the analogy.

    Ok, back on topic :P

  12. If you know your Card, consider me nothing more than Speaker for the Dead.

    Perhaps a poor analogy, as you still refuse to work against the monstrosity you created.

    It's been some time since I last read those novels, but if memory serves the Speaker learned the life of one recently deceased, and proceeded to tell his story.

    In a general sense, yes, but more specifically, Ender was the original Speaker for the Dead, and first used it as a pen name for writing the Hive Queen - a short book from the perspective of the 'Bugger' queen, which shifted popular opinion towards perceiving Ender and the destruction of the Buggers as evil.

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