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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. Yes, Polar could have been more prepared and could have performed better in the war. It also could have performed quite a bit worse. I find the idea of criticizing Polaris for not inflicting very much damage while being curbstomped by a coalition that outclassed them in every category and every tier of nation to be a rather poor excuse to bash them. Polar wasn't going to come out on top no matter what happened, so all this debate is quite pointless.

    Polar's warchests were not sufficient for an extensive war, but again, however big it wouldn't have changed a thing in the end. Polar also fought a group of alliances who generally tend to have larger warchests than normal - while Gramlins members usually have several hundred million, an NPO nation for example is required only to have 20 days of collections and even that is not well enforced - roughly the same standards that were in Polar.

    edit: added more.

  2. I'm not sure why I even bothered reading that considering you added absolutely nothing to the discussion. Feel free to actually contribute, however, if you so desire.

    Actually, it was in fact a real contribution. A respected member of the community is telling you you're more of a laughingstock than Vox Populi. That's when you know you have PR issues.

  3. This is fun to listen to.

    You mentioned electron sponge recorded something?

    About a year ago, Sponge did a similar show to this, though it was a one-time thing, and was about two hours long. The site it was hosted at has since been taken down, you'd have to PM him if you want to listen to it.

  4. You have been in the Cyberverse for a mere two and a half weeks. How is it that you suddenly feel qualified to make an extravagant, over-the-top 'analysis' of Vox Populi, an organization that has existed about eight times as long as you, and when most of our actions were undertaken before you existed?

  5. It still baffles me how we broke our charter by shortening our terms. Honestly, what is the problem?

    Something other than USBR's simply ridiculous answer, please.

    As a former member of the Senate I am appalled that I agreed to cut my term off early! This is an offense to the integrity of the Charter and of Vox Populi itself! All of those responsible for this gross breach of alliance law should be expelled!

  6. Congraulations, Polaris. You have endured harsher surrender terms and have paid more reparations than any alliance in the history of CN, and came out far stronger than you entered - a feat that few, if any alliances today could perform. I look forward to seeing you flourish.

    One last time: o/ Polaris

  7. No one lied. They were simply wrong. If I believe today is Tuesday and tell you today is Tuesday, and it is actually Wednesday, I have not lied. I have simply made a mistake.

    Ivan was never appointed, legally or illegally. Moo simply said "he is the current Emperor."

    Using the date analogy again, if I'm the Emperor and I think it's Tuesday and it's actually Wednesday, it doesn't automatically become Tuesday because I said so.

    So TrotskysRevenge was not aware he had been coerced into giving up the throne? I'm not sure I follow. I would've assumed he was the most informed of the situation out of, well, anyone.

  8. He did neither. He was the object of an illegal coup attempt which was thwarted by the legitimate government of the NPO.


    Ok, here is my reasoning:

    1. TrotskysRevenge stated that Ivan was the current Emperor.

    2. Ivan was either the current Emperor or not the current Emperor

    3. If Ivan was not the current Emperor, then there is one possibility:

    - TrotskysRevenge lied to the Body Republic and the Cyberverse as a whole, as did Dilber.

    4. If Ivan was the current Emperor, then there are two possibilities:

    - Ivan was appointed legally and is the rightful Emperor and thus the charter was broken by TrotskysRevenge in his removal.

    - Ivan was appointed illegally and thus the charter was broken by TrotskysRevenge in doing so.

    Perhaps you could point out the flaw in my reasoning?

  9. Further, Moo never officially designated his replacement. He simply said "Ivan is the Emperor." He did not state that he chose Ivan to succeed him. All he said was that Ivan was "our current Emperor." This was not a proper designation. Regardless of the fact that Moo made that statement, it was not accurate. He remained the Emperor, and remains the Emperor to this day.

    So you're saying that Moo either lied to the Body Republic or else broke the charter by appointing a new Emperor without resigning?

  10. Heh. Maybe ya'll should look to strengthening that part of your charter.

    As Sponge pointed out, it's actually pretty much the most clear part of their charter. If USBR thinks it's vague then it's probably a problem with either literacy or making up an wildly inaccurate claim for lack of an actual argument, and I don't think it's the former.

  11. And this is why you and the rest of Vox Populi will never understand.

    Comrade Doppelganger is correct. He is in the most important position any nation can hold within the Order, he is a soldier.

    Regardless of that, he is also an August Revolutionary and a co-author of the original Proper Francoist Thought from "elsewhere" lest that is forgotten by some of the current headliners.

    We can be idealistic and pretend that if we like, but the simple truth is that the Emperor and the IOs have more power and are held to an entirely different set of standards. Remove ten people from top government and you're going to have a much more dysfunctional alliance than if you remove ten common 'soldiers'.

  12. Yeah. But they are getting shaken brain syndrome. If this keeps up, I will be expecting them to start blubbering their statements in a few weeks.

    Oh, wait...

    You have brain damage! Har har har!

    That was an excellent post, wasn't it? It just added so much to the discussion!

    There's no codified rule of law on the international arena.

    My point is simple - why waste the time and energy going through the motions to set up an alliance governing structure if you're going to ignore it whenever it's convenient to you?

    That's what I find most hypocritical about Vox. You work yourselves into a fine lather about how the NPO keeps its members in the dark, ignores them, etc., but the NPO has never violated its charter - primarily because the charter was drafted in such a way that likelihood of a crisis over charter provisions was minimal. Without some document - some written covenant between the members that everyone can buy into, accept and support, an alliance is just a collection of states.

    You attack the NPO while your own structure leaves open the same possibility for oppression and despotism you accuse us of. I would think that such an enlightened group as you all claim to be would have learned from what you consider to be the mistakes of the past.


    Except when, you know, you broke the charter by couping your rightful Emperor. But I suppose that's only a minor breach. Really nothing in comparison to the disgusting treason and utter disregard for the rule of law that is holding elections a few weeks early to get it on a schedule that makes sense.

  13. Will vox call thei senate with ordinal number until when? 45th senate of vox populi doesn't look cool :P

    It does if we use Roman numerals!

    Also, if we're still around in 90 months then, well.... there are other things we'll need to think about.

  14. They want to destroy the current power structure, therefore they are anarchists.

    Anarchy is the absence of government.

    Anarchists having a government is pretty funny.

    So you've discovered how to combine an incorrect definition and a correct definition of the same word and produce an impossibility. Would you like an award?

  15. Oh yes now that Vox has all the GGA Gov's IP's as well as mine and my email. Thank you so much for that Ephie <_<

    Ok seriously, I am absolutely tired of your constant insinuations that we want your IP or anyone else's. I don't care what your IP is. I don't care what your email address is. No one I know in Vox cares. You've gone on long enough making veiled accusations of Vox wanting to somehow attack you OOC or harrass you. Until you get some proof that we care what string of numbers your ISP assigns you, you really need to just resign yourself to the fact that we are not a bunch of OOC attackers who are out to get you or the GGA in real life.

    I apologize for the derail but I really can't stand this crap anymore.

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