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Everything posted by Williambonney

  1. [quote name='speakerwire' timestamp='1302024932' post='2684780'] So it's wrong to ask questions or clarifications which in turn infer there's some sense of misunderstanding? [/quote] I'm still waiting on some answers btw.
  2. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1301972437' post='2684435'] NPO did not send me a cartoon character valentine's card during the class party this year, I demand accountability for this slight! [/quote] Apologies Scatt, I take full responsibility. I've been a bit distracted lately, but I have been sending plenty to dh's soldiers [img]http://theneedleandthegroove.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/St-Valentines-Day-Massacre_Front.png[/img]
  3. [quote name='speakerwire' timestamp='1301971675' post='2684425'] Based on your overly aggressive conversational stance I'd say something is wrong. Would you like to talk about it? [/quote] Yes, but you're obviously not worth my time or energy. I would probably get farther talking to my monitor, or perhaps even Ryangdi. He seemed to have much more sensibility.
  4. [quote name='speakerwire' timestamp='1301971005' post='2684412'] We may do these things, but we don't hide behind an expendable line of unimportant nations whose hopes we dash with our apathy. We are not unique in bringing these things into common play either. And for the most part, we're pretty civil about our actions. Peace had been offered, we only wanted the economic oligarchy of NPO to pay their share of blood to come even with the sacrifices made by the junior nations - the ones who had been misled through propoganda and lies to fight for them. To defend interests that would provide them with no benefit. Ultimately, it could be said that we did it for the proles - a sentiment finally being picked up by the lower classes if the number of NPO expatriates is anything to gauge by. [/quote] Yes, your just letting mk hide behind you. That's completely differnt! And I've been NPO two years now, not a junior nation. And lets go and see our oldest nations stats? Wow Moo is at the top of the list, and not in peace mode! Second is Prij, also not in peace mode! Third is Vladimir, also not in peace mode! Gateborg, not in peace mode. Saruman, not in peace mode. Save your breath kiddo, I ain't buying any of your rubbish today. Try a flea market, there might be some rubes there interested.
  5. [quote name='speakerwire' timestamp='1301969055' post='2684396'] Maybe if you folks brought more to the previous political discourse than demands, mockery, threats, and a stumbling and bumbling sense of superiority - you wouldn't be in this current situation? I can't speak with absolute surety, mind you, but I can't see how any of that wouldn't have helped. [/quote] Um...demands? Mockery? Threats? Sense of superiority? Are you still on pb here or what? And do tell exactly, what have you brought since we are on the subject? Tech raids? Extortion? Slanderous lais? First strike wars?
  6. [quote name='mattski133' timestamp='1301967198' post='2684377'] I seem to recall it starting amongst the Hegemony side in the Karma War with an astounding rush to peace mode by alliances like Valhalla...Legion...Invicta...really their entire side, once the tables started to turn. I mean really it's whole basis for Purplol. In fact, the great curbstomps NPO partook in, were only great because alliances like Mushroom Kingdom fought them tooth and nail. I'm sure there are exceptions but for me...that was the rule. I remember, EVERYONE fought in GWIII.[/quote] I didn't. [quote] Then declare your neutrality next time dawg. [/quote] I don't see the point when you end up get declared on anyways, and still, you know exactly what I was talking about.
  7. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1301967812' post='2684382'] This is all a red herring to the point I was making. Yes, there has been. Your official publications have been doing it non-stop and your side does it every time we do almost anything. Another red herring. [/quote] Is that all you will reply, rather than answering anything meaningful to my posts? Wow, you just turned red herring into the next "no you". Congrats on starting a new trend good sir.
  8. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1301966464' post='2684365'] Your third sentence has nothing to do with the second, it's a red herring. I know y'all are obsessed with throwing the hypocrisy label at us as much as possible but it gets old. [/quote] I`m sorry if your reading comprehension isn`t very strong. Let me put it clearer. Karma was a war waged to put an end to hedgemonys. To put an end to the reign of the "evil NPO" was it not? [quote] What does this even mean? Your words are so vague as to be meaningless. [/quote] Again, see above. [quote] Our existence and world view isn't based around NPO, just because we were lined up on you guys this war doesn't mean we only care about you. What have you done since Karma? !@#$%*ed incessantly about Karma. That doesn't inspire confidence that you've learned your lesson or moved on. [/quote] I doubt there has been much %$@^#ing about Karma until this nonsense started, and I seriously hope that's not your next pathetic excuse for this war. I thought it was because we were going to attack you anyway? Oh wait, I remember now, your DoW said you just don't like us. No wait, I have been reading countless posts that said it was because of other things we've done in the past. What's next, your going to claim it's because we don't all come from the same country? Or because we're not all using windows systems? Give it up, you guys are nothing but a bunch of flim flammers, any excuse to cover your own b.s. I wasn't born yesterday you know.
  9. [quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1301966168' post='2684360'] Are you quartered on the [b]port[/b] side? [/quote] Port, aft, stern and bow as always
  10. [quote name='speakerwire' timestamp='1301965838' post='2684350'] You would think there would be at least some issues wrt cognitive dissonence when you wage a PR war talking about ones self-professed superiority and martial prowess while hiding and leaving others who you've taken distinct advantage of to die. The whammy is that you feel that leaves you with the moral highground. [/quote] I'm sorry your right. I'm currently serving as a meat shield for my alliance, not like you are for mk.
  11. [quote name='speakerwire' timestamp='1301965373' post='2684346'] I think it would be better said as: "It's hard to be taken seriously if you talk a big game and wave threats about callously while hiding behind starving child soldiers in your inpenetrable bunker". [/quote] Sigh...once more, there are no children in NPO. We eat babies, thus making that an impossibility.
  12. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1301963928' post='2684326'] You ignored my point and the distinction between proximate and ultimate causes. As for "nicely worded lies", what do you call NPO's thinly veiled attempt to sweet talk FAN with an apology so they can divide and conquer? Or talks about how they've "changed" while blaming everyone else for Karma. If you mean they believe what they say because they have an Orwellian ability to literally believe whatever the party line is regardless of obvious contradictions and falsehoods, I'll grant you that. Having different opinions within your alliance is a good sign, it shows that your members are capable of independent thought. [/quote] Hold up. Karma was our fault and we haven't changed? We're not the ones who promised cn a "new world" so seriously, don't even try that. If anything, this is the second time mk has been behind a coalition that promised a "new world" and have contradicted themselves twice now in trying achieve whatever this "new world" is supposed to be. And name one thing we've done since karma that shows NPO is still the same old NPO. The only thing in this game that hasn't changed is you guys. Your all still living in the world of Ivan and the one single order. Incase you failed to notice, there are now three orders out there. (Sorry to everyone else like OBR and TOP, you know I don't mean just having the word order in your aa)
  13. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301958665' post='2684269'] Peace mode has historically been used to either limit counters to introduce a blitz when and where an alliance wishes, to recover from total loss of nukes to restock and not be attacked in the meantime, and for nations who are incapable of war (banks, or people who aren't currently able to access their nation). It has [i][b]not[/b][/i] generally been used for large percentages of alliances to completely sit out of an entire war so they don't take any damage. And if you want someone to change the subject, William is the one who prompted my response. [img]http://meru.xfury.net/images/aeris/aerishehL4.jpg[/img] [/quote] Yes indeed I did. You seem to think that you have the right to dictate to people how to run their nations because why? Not everyone comes to cn for just pointless war you know. There would not be neutral alliances out there if they did. So excuse me, I'll stand next to the guys would like to think for themselves, and not listen to a bunch of facist dicators who drool at the mouth for war and whine like babies when they don't get their way.
  14. [quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1301958159' post='2684264'] Fighting would imply that there was anybody not in peace mode to declare on. We're more like a cheering section at this point. [/quote] Ok seriously, is my nation invisible or do I have really bad b.o.? Why won't dh declare on me!!!! stomps foot. Hey, I'm starting to sound like you guys now.
  15. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301957651' post='2684258'] FAN, NoR, VE, and FOK joined Doomhouse? Why wasn't I informed? [img]http://meru.xfury.net/images/aeris/aerisO_OL10.jpg[/img] [/quote] Are they not fighting on dh's side in this conflict? Or was it that they just [i]thought[/i] dh was going to attack and figured they should also join in, just incase?
  16. [quote name='speakerwire' timestamp='1301955752' post='2684232'] Acting as though an alliance with ~39% utilization to an alliance with ~8% utilization are equally guilty of using the same tactic is quite laughable. Especially considering that the alliance with the larger number noted above has larger numbers across the board in regards to membership and strength. [/quote] Yes that's true. Let's do a total of dh's nations in peace mode then, and see how the numbers add up? goons- 36 fan- 49 mk- 67 umbrella- 6 nor- 10 ve- 8 fok-7
  17. [quote name='speakerwire' timestamp='1301954664' post='2684209'] Well, the person utilizing child soldiers doesn't have many strengths other than to 'demoralize' the enemy by throwing younglings in their direction, or to vilify the enemy in the eyes of onlookers by bringing them down to their child slaughtering level (e.g. PR M.A.D.) while hiding in relative (or possibly complete) safety. So saying that sacrificing young nations for the reasons you list is alright is really no different than sacrificing young children for the same reasons. The evil of the Pacificans and their ardent supporters knows no bounds. [/quote] We're NPO remember, we eat babies.
  18. [quote name='Antonio Salovega VI' timestamp='1301944818' post='2684110'] WOW, based on the quantity of the rather inept [i]argumentum ad hominem[/i] posts referencing my lil ol' post, it would appear that I must have hit the target. [/quote] I think your right, there seems to be a rather odd bullseye painted on your face and a nasty bruise there. If you'd like our nurses can look after you when Moo's done keeping them preocupied.
  19. [quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1301942935' post='2684097'] Did DoomHouse do a survey of what Bob thinks? [right][IMG]http://i56.tinypic.com/10qjk85.jpg[/IMG][/right] [/quote] They did send a surveyor to my nation but they haven't been seen since. No one knows what happened. Excuse me while I tend to my garden.
  20. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301942897' post='2684096'] 36 nations (~8% of our alliance) in peace for less than a week because they're restocking nukes is not the same thing as 193 nations (~39% of NPO) in peace, a large portion of which have been there for more than a month (or two) to avoid fighting entirely. All peace mode uses are not equal. But nice try. [img]http://meru.xfury.net/images/aeris/aeris9_9L2.jpg[/img] [/quote] Yes your right, its only allowed when you do it. How silly of me your highness.
  21. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301941887' post='2684087'] This has been discussed and answered about sixty quadrillion times. I'm pretty sure it's even been answered to you. The answer, once again, is that the war would be over had they fought in the war. The peace mode strategy is not one that planet Bob can condone or allow to be used in future wars. Thus, we're putting a stop to it now. [img]http://meru.xfury.net/images/aeris/aerisdisL8.jpg[/img] [/quote] Are you seriously telling me now that you are trying to dictate the flow of how people should run their nations when attacked? Good lord you guys never stop do you? Oh and here's something rather interesting: 36 of your nations are in peace mode in your aggressive war. Are those 36 nations not yours?
  22. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1301936731' post='2684048'] Stop putting words in our mouth. We care deeply for the well-being of our allies and our coalition. We are not so selfish as to ignore the opinions of our allies. As to "even worse", don't even go there. You can claim to have changed all you want, but what were are doing now is nothing, NOTHING, compared to the immorality of the NPO at its peak. OOC: As to "winning the game", there has been no discussion anywhere among PB or DH about "winning the game". Why do you try to explain our actions this way I ask? It was never our private or public objective to do as such. [/quote] [quote]At long last the dream of the Kingdom and Doomhouse grows manifest--that we may have a world free of the cruel emotion and crippling condemnation that so dominates our past. That we may fight with one another in the pursuance of strategic goals without everlasting annihilation. That we may live without those who set the standards of misery and fear that so long ruled us, that so long required retribution.[/quote] Straight from the op. Does that mean goons will be gone? The s does stand for sadism does it not? And of course lets not forget the FANtastic display in our embassies, and everything they've done over the past few years in cn. Or even just a overview of mk's proud history from their wiki page? Umbrella's complete lack of character flaws? VE's great and noble tradition? Yeah, we are such scum, [b]shame[/b] on us.
  23. [quote name='Deki' timestamp='1301935984' post='2684042'] I love how your only argument boils down to "Doomhouse is just as bad as we are! We know what they'll do because we did it first!". [/quote] That's were you'd be incorrect, my argument boils down to you guys are even worse, and your only objective is to win a game you know you can't win, and yet still try by any means neccessary even though you don't give a darn about anything or anyone but yourselves and your precious infra. I wonder if we ever met in real life, would you guys look like this? [img]http://www.serkis.com/images/9983.jpg[/img]
  24. [quote name='Borsche' timestamp='1301933708' post='2684031'] GOONS is 'absolved' because they aren't the same alliance! How is this hard for you to understand? If the Goon Order of Neutral Shoving came back, then I would consider them to be just as despicable. However, this is the Goon Order of Oppression, Negligence, and Sadism. On the other hand, this is the same NPO. The same leadership, the same structure. The same NPO, with the same crimes. [/quote] Oi...Moldavi is gone. Dilber is gone. Moo is no longer emperor. Almost entirely new IO's and regent. Your name may be different but your behaviour is still exactly the same. The only thing same about the NPO from your argument is that we are still New Pacific Order and still have the same government structure. Are you going to tell me that this entire war is because our name hasn't changed or that you would like to see our government restructured because [i]you[/i] don't like it? If anything that would lead to the conclusion that eternal war is what's in store....you wouldn't want everyone to think that now would you?
  25. [quote name='Borsche' timestamp='1301933074' post='2684025'] 'We' didn't do anything. I wasn't a part of the original GOONS, and I do not condone that behavior. Not to mention that the current GOONS are structured completely differently from the previous alliance. Please get your history correct or refrain from making ignorant statements. But the main point here isn't what 'they' did. They were forced to disband which I think perhaps suited their crimes. Regardless, it doesn't absolve NPO of their crimes at all. [/quote] Nor was I a member of NPO then, and yet here I am facing this ridiculous nonsense. So if you're obsolved for any past doings your side did, how are the rest of us not? You yourself may not have been part of that previous behaviour, but your side sure did and haven't changed at all from what I've seen. This current situation shows exactly how much you guys haven't changed and are still obsessed with the past.
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