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Everything posted by LetsHunt

  1. What is this I don't even? Zerosoldier that name sounds so familiar.
  2. I do and yet I feel Zerosoldiers comment was spot on. Everyones petty squabbles have transferred into a thread everyone could have ignored, because it wasn't relative to their disputes. That, however, is besides the point at this point isn't it In other news This thread makes me go . One because it has TSO and I <3 their flag, its epic(srsly). Two because I like TSOs name. And third for the entertainment it gave me for about meh 7 minutes and 45 seconds(plus w/e it took to write this.) And fourth for the overzealous preaching going in the thread . TSO
  3. So when is the next GGA post coming
  4. Wayyyyy late ooh a first but GL anyways
  5. You win some, you lose some. In the end I am glad we all agreed we just had fun and parted ways
  6. WTH Happened in two days, your nation inexplicably took over another and some sovereign land popped up in ours. I am confuse. But good luck anyways.
  7. There won't be treaty connections, it will only be Wars declared as of when I start it. I plan to map it out beforehand and not add on it after. It will be a lot of work to begin with and I don't want to do more than it is. So after update tonight I will begin to map it out and then put it onto a world map.
  8. I have decided I am going to attempt to create a map showing every alliance as a country and draw lines to who they are fighting. It will be incredibly hard but wth I am going to give it a shot.
  9. I used Britain because It was less time consuming for me to draw arrows too. No other reason than that.
  10. If I find the time I will Make a Map with all the nations. Granted it will take several hours
  11. Well Lets have fun . I really do love the way my image turned out.
  12. edited for slight clarification
  13. Uranium - LetsHunt Spices - Platinumviper Cattle - the_fury Aluminium - open Iron - Tagmoute Lumber - open Marble - open Fish - open Pigs - Platinumviper Sugar - LetsHunt Water - the_fury Wheat - Tagmoute Need: Marble/Lumber/Fish/Aluminum Any Combo of two of those four and only those four resources.
  14. I got uranium and sugar if your at all interested in that.
  15. I got sugar and uranium in case those 2 guys drop out
  16. Dunno about furs being wanted here
  17. still need more for this
  18. Spices - Aluminum - Marble - Lumber - Iron - Fish - Water - Wheat - Cattle - trigar Pigs - trigar Sugar - LetsHunt Uranium - LetsHunt Bonuses: Fast Food, Beer, Construction Initial infrastructure cost: -33% Infrastructure upkeep: -21% Population increase: 27.5% Citizen income increase: $0 Population happiness increase: 9.5 Initial land cost: -15% Purchased land area increase: 18% Natural growth increase: 0% Technology cost decrease: 0% Environment increase: 10% Environment decrease: -1 Soldier increase: 35% Soldier cost decrease: $-3 Soldier upkeep cost: $-0.5 Tank cost decrease: -5% Tank upkeep cost: -5% Aircraft cost decrease: -8% Aircraft upkeep: 0% Aircraft limit increase: 10 Cruise missle cost decrease: 0% Cruise missle upkeep: 0% Nuke cost decrease: 0% Nuke upkeep: 0% Just post here or msg me
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