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Status Updates posted by Gebiv

  1. Thank-you for noticing my thread-winnage.

  2. I haven't in fact. I think I'll have to read something of Tolkein sometime soon. Maybe I'll stop by the bookstore today.

    Also, I heard your birthday was recently?

  3. I really should read more, eh?

  4. Ah, and the best mod does her magic again...

    Also, what language is that on your profile in? Gaelic?

  5. Sorry 'bout that.

  6. I look at everyone's.

  7. *Gebiv[DC] shoots Ro|SPAAA|Solaris with his peep gun... pew pew pew

  8. And the most truthful answer.

  9. Yeah, I know. They let me have it when Kenadian was done with it. I just like the looks of her, but not more than you, Honey.

  10. Will do. Also, who's this Mercy Fallout?

  11. Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    Wassup dude?

  12. I thought you quit.

  13. I see you posted on one of my alliance's threads...

    Also, what should I pick up from the store on my way home?

  14. Nah, I still have decent freindships with some members of the Admin team. I trust Justy to keep you in line. Vivi if that fails. Then Snape, and if you've actually passed all that, SoE.

  15. You're a head mod now?

  16. Out of a possible +10

  17. By my math, you pass me up in post on Saturday. SO many posts a day... you could easily have the #1 spot before this year ends. Before Summer ends if you do it right.

  18. +9 for the avatar

  19. OMG! A Ro! Hail!

  20. Another one of you?

  21. In communist society, you oppress capitalist. In capitalist society, CAPITALIST OPPRESS YOU!

  22. It's lonely at the top, but it's comforting to look down upon everyone at the bottom.

  23. I'm chipping away at your lead. I'm making more posts a day than you are.

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