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Everything posted by Seerow

  1. [quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1317356595' post='2812396'] You're protectorate gets nothing, they are why you fought this war right? Non Grata nations 15k NS and below get nothing. [b]183 Non Grata nations above 15k will get approximately $549,000,000 and 9,150 tech.[/b] [/quote] You read that totally backwards. Nations surrendering above 15k pay the reparations. NG chooses who the reparations go to, and I imagine that their protectorates will be pretty high on that list.
  2. [quote name='hankidan' timestamp='1317355537' post='2812375'] lenient. also, charge em all 15M [/quote] I was going to suggest 30mil.
  3. [quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1317336168' post='2812180'] Mind you, apparently we found out NSO was moving to Maroon before they did. In the future we'll make sure NSO finds out what's planned for them at an earlier date. [/quote] btw I was genuinely impressed at that. I wish we could borrow your oracles. Cause nobody in MEAT knew that NSO was going to be a part of MEAT, til it was already happening.
  4. Okay Rztell, I've got you down for 12mil. Any extra for any supposed NG calendar would need to be handled elsewhere. Thank you for your pledge! We're creeping ever closer to the ellusive 200mil mark, can we make it?
  5. [quote name='Grabem' timestamp='1317352311' post='2812342'] What is this, preemptive reps as a bribe? I thought I'd seen everything. [/quote] I live to surprise. But please bear in mind this isn't a bribe so much as a race to get the funds being raised by the rest of CN to match the amount that NG wants to declare peace. It's really for the good of UPN, because we know UPN has such difficulty coming up with monetary aid, why not have those who are better able to pay make the payments? I will say though, most of our interest thus far has been in UPN calendars, which UPN has been silent on since making the offer. I daresay any alliance that comes forth with a calendar based on their alliance might have a sudden flurry of orders, it does seem to be a very untapped market for planet Bob. [quote name='King Ernie' timestamp='1317352815' post='2812345'] I'll do a $3Mil/1calendar deal. er pledge. i just want a calendar. [/quote] Updating.
  6. [quote name='rtellez06' timestamp='1317348309' post='2812302'] I will put in $12M to beat Spock, and help rebuild NG (Look at their heavy loses!!!) But I want a calendar! Also I get to choose which NGer gets the aid. My calendar btw has to have one of the NG nations on the front cover, and with their respective gay pride flag. [/quote] [quote name='Avery du Troiseau' timestamp='1317349113' post='2812310'] I'm pledging 9mil Provided UPN demands NG Gov makes a playgirl styled calander for 2012 as part of NG's surrender terms. [/quote] Like someone else said, that's not worth adding another column for. You can donate contingent upon UPN's calendar, and try to convince UPN to make the calendar to your tastes, if you like. Won't update with your pledge until you have confirmed this is acceptable. As for choosing which NG nation to donate to, that is fine, I won't be telling you who to send money to, just making sure you send to it and maintain your pledges. Of course, NG is welcome to take over that role as well at such time as the issue is resolved.
  7. [quote name='Eumirbago' timestamp='1317337139' post='2812186'] I pledge 3 mil so I can get that calendar [/quote] [quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1317338833' post='2812204'] 3 Mil because this war is dull as dirt and we can not get a new one unil this waste of time is over. [/quote] Updated both. We're now up to 142mil raised to be sent to NG for UPN's freedom. Will we break 200mil? [quote name='Kim Jaym Il' timestamp='1317336609' post='2812183'] Will this be tax deductible? [/quote] You rule your own nation and dictate taxes. Should you choose to decide that it is a deductible expense, that is wholly within your power.
  8. [quote name='sir pwnage' timestamp='1317335144' post='2812173'] I'll gladly cough up $12,000,000 if I get a calender out of it. After those expire, I would also be willing to contribute $12,000,000 to the GOONS reparation fund, IF those GOONS agree to do 3/50 deals with me afterwards, except send the tech to tamerlane so I can get some of his calenders. [/quote] Unfortunately I am not currently hosting the Save GOONS Fund, but you may choose to seek them out on your own. I am updating to reflect your pledge, and I am sure UPN appreciates it greatly! I do hope they get back with us regarding these calendars soon though. Any UPN readers lurking-do we have an ETA?
  9. [quote name='ALFERALFER' timestamp='1317331616' post='2812122'] I can give you all 6 of my aid slots once (18 mil), or 3 mil every 10 days for 100 days. Your choice. And I still want 7 million dead dudes. [/quote] Okay, I'm marking you down for 18mil for a calendar then, with an additional promise for me to kill some of your soldiers when the issue is resolved should you have not broken 7million casualties before the end of the war.
  10. [quote name='Alex0827a' timestamp='1317324394' post='2812005'] This, unless you can link to a post made on OWF regarding NG protecting this alliance? If there was one, then attacking the alliance was just... not the best choice, we'll say. But if not, then assuming UPN ceased attacking when notified that they were attacking NG's protectorate, and considering the damages (or lack thereof), 30 mil's simply unreasonable. [/quote] If you read the rest of the thread, it was pointed out that the protectorate being searched for in CN wiki redirects to Poison Clan, which is now a part of NG. NG's wiki indicates the protectorate. NG also has the treaty on their forums to verify. Basically the whole thing could have been avoided by doing a quick search on the wiki. I don't know where the idea that nations need to put "Protected by _____" in their bios to be protected came from, but traditionally treaties such as protectorates are handled via the OWF and documented elsewhere. If you can look and find out who Legion is treatied to and decide going to war with them for free tech isn't worth the trouble, you can probably do the same with a protectorate. As for damages, in the thread it has been calculated several times, and pretty much anyone who's tried to figure the math rather than saying "Oh I don't know enough" or "Money is meaningless why do you care?" has agreed that 30mil was a fair, and if anything generous, amount to demand. The 6million offer was a slap in the face. Since then, other nations have rallied around UPN, pledging their support to pay the reparations that UPN is clearly too poor to afford. We have raised over 120million for this cause now, and that number is still rising! If you wish to help UPN escape this mess, please go to The Save UPN Fund, and pledge your donation today!
  11. [quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1317322012' post='2811959'] Damn your scraps, Ill obnoxiously leap onto the table in the middle of dinner and start licking up your meal in it's entirety! [/quote] We'd be letting you into the kitchen, not the dining area. That is pretty exclusive, no puppies could force their way in there.
  12. [quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1317321210' post='2811947'] Wait, does this mean we have to give NSO access to Toad's Kitchen? [/quote] Well since they are apparently our puppies (I'm still confused on that point and would love to see the justification, but let's roll with it), it would be mean to not let them in, and feed them the scraps.
  13. [quote name='Captain Spock' timestamp='1317319694' post='2811904'] I would like to clarify that I will only pledge 9 million if I first receive a calendar. [/quote] [quote name='Erwin Schrodinger' timestamp='1317319814' post='2811913'] Yep, I want that calender. I'll send a starving UPN nation 3mil to help their rebuilding. [/quote] Updating OP to reflect both. Once again your contributions are appreciated, and I am sure we all eagerly await UPN's calendar. In fact, I'm going to go ahead and put in a 9mil pledge (following the resolution of my current tech deals) to UPN for a calendar of my own.
  14. The UPN Fund has at this time raised 114,000,000 dongs in your support. Hopefully the monetary support of your friends helps you with getting out of this war in a timely manner.
  15. [quote name='Erwin Schrodinger' timestamp='1317318896' post='2811878'] You said that you won't accept money from NG nations, but seriously, I want that calender. What do I have to do to get my hands on one of those sure-to-be masterpieces? [/quote] Hrm.... how about this? I can't accept pledges from NG to NG, because that's just silly. You could also technically just say "I collected and aided myself 400mil". I also can't just have your pledge take away from someone else's pledge, because they are making pledges as individuals to an alliance. So what I'll do is allow NG nations to pledge monetary or tech aid to UPN nations, when the war ends. This will be a direct payment to get access to the calendar. So tell me your pledge, and I will include it on those conditions. Also, ALFERALFER, if you still want to pledge 30mil, I will allow you to do so under the above listed conditions.
  16. [quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1317318209' post='2811869'] I could get behind this. Me too. [/quote] I have put down Tamerlane as a pledge for 3mil. I have also created a new category indicated as "Contingent upon calendar completion", so those who are interested in donating for the calendar, but don't want to be held accountable should UPN fail in producing what was promised, will be able to pledge. I hope this both inspires UPN to work harder on their calendar, and others to donate.
  17. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1317317300' post='2811852'] I pledge 9 mil because I don't want to see the NpO get hurt should they be force to defend their ally. [/quote] Updating. Your pledge is appreciated by all of the hapless nations in UPN! [quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1317317486' post='2811856'] I'm tempted but only if I can see samples of the calender first. [/quote] Unfortunately, these are still in early production, I am sure when UPN has some samples to share, they will be shown here first.
  18. [quote name='Captain Spock' timestamp='1317317026' post='2811848'] I will gladly pledge 9 million. [/quote] Noted and updated. We thank you for your pledge!
  19. [quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1317313672' post='2811789'] I pledge $3,000,000.00. [/quote] We thank Mathias for his generous pledge of $3,000,000! This has been updated in the original post. Surely there must be more people out there who are willing to pull out their pocket books to save UPN from NG. Remember, you get a free calendar with any pledge!
  20. [quote name='ALFERALFER' timestamp='1317313053' post='2811778'] I will pledge 30 million, IF you can get one of the UPN dudes to declare on me. I want to get to 7 million dead dudes. Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars. 2,993,548 Attacking + 4,002,188 Defending = 6,995,736 Casualties [/quote] Unfortunately as the proceeds from this drive go to NG, I cannot accept pledges from NG at this time. However, should you convince your alliance to back off, I would be happy to declare on you myself and launch a couple of ground attacks, to get you the 7,000,000 casualties you so desire.
  21. [quote name='zachart' timestamp='1317312424' post='2811767'] That could be arranged [/quote] There you have it, a UPN member has pledged a free calendar with pictures of all the UPN members you save with every donation! Pledge now to get your free calendar!
  22. [quote name='Stormsend' timestamp='1317311213' post='2811742'] I want to declare war on your alliance just for what you have done to Giovanni in your avatar. [/quote] No. Don't. The "Save Franz" thread would completely overwhelm this one, and UPN would never raise enough money to be free
  23. [quote name='Stormsend' timestamp='1317311082' post='2811738'] You have a never-before-seen faith in the people of this particular world. Where did you get it? [/quote] Hey, I didn't say it was [b]many[/b] people.
  24. [quote name='Stormsend' timestamp='1317310867' post='2811730'] Seerow beat me. I was hoping to work up some images with Jerry Lewis in them to increase the effect. [/quote] You are encouraged to do anything you can to help raise support for the fund. We still have only 90mil on the table, I am sure there are more than 3 people in the world willing to pay to save UPN.
  25. [quote name='NeCoHo' timestamp='1317310344' post='2811708'] I'll pledge negative 90 million dollars. [/quote] I'm sorry, negative amounts are not available for bidding at this time. We cannot allow outside alliances to profit from this venture. All procedes go directly to NG for the saving of UPN. [quote]I pledge 1 Legion. You may value that as you wish. [/quote] An interesting pledge. I take this to mean you will convince Legion to pay 15,000,000 per member. At 244 nations that is a whopping pledge of 3.66billion. Unfortunately, I cannot accept this pledge at this time, as at the moment pledges are only accepted from individuals. Should we open up alliance wide pledges, I will be sure to include this generous offer.
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