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Posts posted by RevolutionaryRebel

  1. You really think I'm going to white peace someone after they attack us and are providing our nations easy loot from the start, as their leader continues to refuse to recognize us as an alliance and makes a point of reiterating that whenever possible?


    We can go ahead and do white peace. I'll inform my members to peace out all their LPH and Alternian Empire Wars after you give me confirmation we have a deal.

    Since you hate bringing attention to things, no announcement is necessary.

    The situation with Kashmir complicates things a little. Rey is trying to talk to them about it atm.

    But for now, both of us agree to a complete ceasefire, and will move to white peace should that be resolved.

    Any peace would of course require them as well to agree and give confirmation they will abide by the agreement. No more further attacks on Stonewall.

    I'd say that's a yes.
  2. Considering you're the only alliance we've fought who disbanded rather than reach an eventual white peace agreement, its just you who doesn't know how to negotiate.

    No, just impatient. I don't have an invisible clock on the wall that tells me when someone decides to stop rejecting white peace offers. I wasn't going to let someone hold new members to ransom for however long. You accepted, then rejected white peace several times when I attempted to help LPH end the war. As far as 'waiting' to get peace goes when you are dealing with someone that arbitrary? Nah. I wasn't going to waste my time again, especially with Sigrun jumping in and deciding to make a fuss over 'not negotiating' when we'd already done so. The individual cost to AE nations of disbandment - even the few that briefly ended up on none, was lower than waiting for you to change your mind and that's the only thing I cared about the whole time.

    You even refused an offer of peace for them in exchange for a few rounds on me, go figure.
  3. US will probably keep trying to take shots at me, I know. But the great thing is that I don't really mind taking all the attention away from the people that started this thread. They want to make me a topic of discussion? Well, they're welcome to waste their time chasing shadows. When methrage gets into a war for the umpteenth time, maybe they'll have other people to talk about.

  4. That's not true. Kashmir was already engaged when you did as you acknowledge here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/123686-recognition-of-attention-seeking/#entry3300412

    I declared on him well in advance of any actions by War Jesus. Feel free to ask for date stamps from them. Your considerable efforts to label me a liar will be hindered by your hypocrisy.

    Your response to statements regarding disbandment is to quote me saying such months ago? You note of course, that I talked up AE's position early in the war, in an effort to coerce an early resolution; that has been done many times in CN history, though given meth still blundered his way into another war, his inability to negotiate certainly has certainly stopped LN from proving me wrong just yet.

    Can you pull up that time when I mocked your attempt to threaten alliances on the owf a year ago? I never quite understood why you seemed intent to hold a grudge over that but hey, whatever.
  5. What a load of self-serving bs. You would have served your members by taking responsibility, getting them peace, and giving them plenty of warning to find a new AA before actually disbanding. Not by 'quitting' and throwing them all to none with no warning, then turning around and talking $%^& afterwards.

    See, now this is the thing. I did provide forewarning to AE's members. Not as much as I would have liked, given there was a short window before LN could redeclare wars, but like I pointed out back then (I am rather disappointed that this hasn't sunk in by now), the majority of AE nations moved to none were inactive, most for over three weeks. Those that did get caught out were offered direct assistance, including aid. But you wouldn't know any of this, since you're not privy to our internal communications. You were content with being a nuisance and making ridiculous comments over negotiating peace, despite your 'side' being responsible for pretty much every single collapse in talks.
  6. Aren't you the guy who jumped on Methrage's alliance while several others were already hitting them?

    I got in before most of them, actually. LPH was he only one involved at the time, and they had nobody remotely in range of meth. That members of Kashmir and GOONS engaged LN later was coincidental.

    Sometimes you have to know when to call it quits; none of the nations in AE had the right set of wonders to deal with prolonged nuclear warfare, especially given overall inexperience. I was willing to put my reputation through the cleaners to give them an opportunity to move on. The future well-being of AE's members was more important to me than the 'honour' of being rolled, let alone AE's existence. Make of that what you will.
  7. You talking about bad alliance leaders is like a poopsmith telling another poopsmith they smell. You're welcome to talk to any of the alliances I worked with over the past year and a half and ask them what they think of my competency. The fact of the matter is, you won't, because that would ruin your perception of me. LN taking full credit for me disbanding AE only makes sense when you discard the fact that it was my intention prior to the conflict. The war simply reinforced the decision.

    You just sound pathetic complaining about how nobody has avenged you or nobody can beat us.

    Please, link to where you think this happened. Please, back up your words with anything resembling credibility rather than pulling out insults from the stonewall book of decorum. I don't think you can.

    I'm rather disappointed that you never tried to leak logs of our discussions during the war, or share how AE accepted and supported peace negotiations while you decided to fluff about and waste everyone's time with offers made without alliance backing. Or the time where you offered peace for just yourself, which was strange given you were the only member of LN I had any interest in. While you fought yet another war in the long line of squabbles, the remnants of AE are doing quite nicely thank you very much.

    When you sustain an ANS above the princely value of 3 for a year, you can talk to me about alliance leadership. Until then, I'll happily snipe from the galleries. You place your members in a state of near permanent war. You cling onto your micro-alliance for the sake of your ego and don't know when to call it quits. You rely on others to pull yourself from the holes you dig for yourself.

    That's what I call a bad alliance leader.
  8. One more person says To Be Fair and I am going to splode

    To Be Fair I think the Goonies have every right to hit Kashmir... :ehm: o/ Kashmiri Elephant :wub:

    Look what you've done hakai, I can never forgive you for baiting this post.

    Excuse me while I store up this silly grievance, make veiled threats about future retribution and otherwise lose my cool in public!!!
  9. Who needs a CB when you can 'write up' (on irc) an 'odp' (excuse) in five minutes then tag along with anything you want with the aa in question?

    I'm pretty sure that telling an alliance or group you don't like them is not a strong CB. When such opinions are aired out on the OWF off-handedly, you don't see anyone declaring over them. Usually. Ignoring as we are that GOONS has more or less stated/clarified/back-pedalled slightly, that they're annoyed and disappointed but aren't being gung-ho over Kashmir.

    Which is hard when you have to deal with stonewall & co spewing out stupid comments like an active volcano of ass. That's totally a valid CB and its use would have my wholehearted approval.

  10. Oni, please talk to your alliance-mates before replying here again. You are still new here and I think your approach to commentary would improve vastly once you better understand how things roll in these parts, compared to realms elsewhere. The war was a little more complex than you may think; no more meaningful perhaps, but you're probably barking up the wrong tree.

    I feel that this conversation has gone on a rather pointless tangent.

    It would be far more interesting to know what happened to LN's member count. 'Disregard stonewall, acquire War Jesus' is a great idea and I endorse it, regardless of the group in question. With luck, some of their values will rub off.

  11. IF an alliance finds enjoyment from posting announcements then they should be allowed to do so. It really shouldn't bother you and you probably need to reevaluate your life if it does.

    If GOONS takes an enjoyment in beating down LN, they should be allowed to do so.

    As if the OWF needed more disingenuous announcements.
  12. Myth lambasts stewie over ooc-ic differences, constantly brings up ic events and uses his misgivings over this idea to bring up everything myth hates about stewie's alliance.

    Please listen to your alliance-mates saying this is just harmless fun and shut the $%&@ up you enormous !@#$%*. Save it for IC.

    In reality I'd want none of them in my gov. Maybe Cuba, he's proved himself in backroom dealing. Or TBRaiders.

    Admittedly, I was thinking in terms of this being the equivalent of a football draft. Their offensive drive would be unparalleled, with stacked linebackers.

    Their special team (DS) could use some work though.
  13. This thread is 59 pages long because everyone wants to have the last word. Blaming anyone specifically for the length of the conversation is pretty stupid.

    Imagine a group of coal miners digging a hole, each taking turns to shovel out the anthracite. Eventually they realise they've dug too deep and can't get out. One of them turns to another miner, points at them accusingly and says "It's all YOUR fault", ignoring the fact that all of them chose to keep on mining well past a reasonable point.


    That's a pretty stupid thing to say right? Anyone that goes around making those sorts of statements probably comes across as a loutish turd.


    It's not too late to move down a path of self-discovery, methrage.*


    *Yeah, it pretty much is too late, but we can all dream of a day when there's one less bad poster on the OWF, right?

  14. "Hello, ladies, look at your alliance, now back to europa, now back at your aa, now back to me. Sadly, Die Linke isn’t Europa, but if they stopped watching libcons run their mouths and switched to Europa, they could roll them with me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re on an ODAP with the aa your aa could be like. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an oyster with three aid drops for that thing you love. Look again, the aid slots are now diamonds. Anything is possible when your alliance smells like Europa and not a lady.


    I’m on a ghost."

  15. Opportunism? Gee, don't say that word here. You might blow Unknown Smurf's efforts to garner moral superiority in this thread every single thread. It's frustrating at first, but as time wears on, it seems sad more than anything.


    As for MI6, well, I don't think Kaskus itself is adequate cause for any alleged feelings of 'butthurt'. But I can certainly vouch for the ability of some of their members to be rather impossible to deal with. Not quite LN-tier, but still less pleasant than tapdancing barefoot on sandpaper (don't try this, ever).

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