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Micheal Malone

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Posts posted by Micheal Malone

  1. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1335593184' post='2960344']
    The only reason you'd do the pre empt in the first place would be if you thought it was best for TOP, which would lead back to the stat collecting.

    Because doing what you think is best for the alliance is a... bad thing?

    Sometimes I wonder if you guys even think about the things you spew forth.

    Do I think Crymson is an exemplary leader? No. Do I like the guy personally? Meh. Do I think he should be knocked for making choices that he thinks would be ... best for his alliance... is this a bad thing? No...

    For Jiminey Cricket's Sake... take your two cents and rub them together a bit to heat them up and get that little noggin of yours working before you post next time.

    Edit: *this

  2. [quote name='Phineas' timestamp='1334879411' post='2955945']
    How dare you insult these Zombie alliances and how they go to war for their bloc without thinking?

    You are correct though, and we do have to remind ourselves that even the old VE was not as chaste as some would have us believe either. But at least they usually did their whoring in Marriotts and Hiltons instead of roach motels like Pandora's box.
    I wonder if this makes CoJ a newspaper to sleep under in the park?

    Seems fitting with the ever-increasing number of loud-mouth bums I see under their flag.

  3. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1334540637' post='2954013']
    Credibility at last.
    I am the authority, and like Malone said, I'm not an NG supporter. I will never lend credence to the words of an individual who says I am out of my mind.
    While I figured it would have been Schat that brought it up, I ask that you point anywhere that I have personally said you're out of your mind. While I have questioned your methods and implored you to not put your foot in your mouth, I've actually applauded you on multiple occasions for stirring up the drama-llama.

    Back to the topic however, I'm sad Pandora's Box declared. There's not enough targets. VE taking all of Non Grata's fun. :(

    Edit: Forgot the c in Schat's name... oops. Wouldn't have noticed except the filter caught it, lol.

  4. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1334538076' post='2953982']
    I love when ignorant people put words into my mouth.

    MK has over 40 nations in Kaskus' range, and was already involved in the war: Where. are. they? Perhaps you missed Johnny Apocalypse's dissenting comments in this thread while your helping hands monkey wasn't around to read them for you.

    I'm sorry, my helping hands monkey was busy fending off your advances. Perhaps you missed the part where Roq, adamant supporter of NG [/sarcasm], said that Johnny's dissent could easily be dismissed as Johnny was pretty much a loudmouth failure. Or dear me, perhaps I was ignorant about what he said and forgot to put on my selective memory readers.

  5. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1334515875' post='2953810']
    NPO didn't hold a gun to the hegemonic bloc of the day's head to help roll FAN and "force them to a faster surrender", how many of those allies stayed loyal to Pacifica when their time to get their teeth kicked in again?

    Are you really drawing a direct comparison between NPO of old and GOONS of now?


    Well played sir, well played. You win the award.

  6. [quote name='Prodigal Moon' timestamp='1334462630' post='2953595']
    And some people are willing to have their allies lose some NS in order to maintain a principle. Unfortunately it just doesn't carry quite the same weight that way.
    And some people are willing to shed some NS for an ally. Why does this seem like a foreign concept? It's not like GOONS force PB to join. PB willingly joined. GOONS didn't hold a gun to our head.

    [quote name='Dr William Westcher' timestamp='1334466487' post='2953627']
    Could you elaborate on that a little bit? As a newb, I am excited by dynamics.

    If you read a bit further up in the post that you quoted, it's quite simple. We like war, GOONS often brings us war. Why would we review that treaty?

  7. [quote name='sigelopisan' timestamp='1334333228' post='2952230']
    I think this is the most rational speculation on what's going on here :rolleyes:

    As GOONS want to stand up for their principle, people must understand that Kaskus wont left friends behind.
    PB standing in between and all you get is burning infra.

    My question left, how many infra PB willing to burn before PB end up like GOONS and UMBRELLA who declare war but at the end of the day think, oh crap, this is stupid.
    GOONS brings us war, war makes us happy. You should know this, you guys fought us once already.

    [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1334363341' post='2952601']
    Except I think you're all missing the point. GOONS is being mocked because they come up with these tough hardline stances, and don't have the power to back it up. After claiming they love war, are good at it, and would fulfill their policies no matter the cost; all they have done is bully smaller alliances. Hell, they're not even good at that.

    If you're going to talk big, then back it up. It's simple.
    Says someone sitting on the sideline talking about lack of action...

    [quote name='Stonewall Jaxon' timestamp='1334441777' post='2953368']
    I miss the days when raiders recognized they were doing dirty work and that sometimes raids didn't turn out to be beneficial for the raider. A raider can luck out and get an inactive who doesn't even log in to fight back for 18 days, and other times the raided party has friends and maybe even a decent fighting ability. Instead, now when GOONS tries to, metaphorically, steal a smaller kid's lunch money, and that kid has his friends help him out, GOONS throws a temper tantrum, and daddy Umbrella and Uncle Pandora actually come in to help him fight the little kids. Do you see what a bad influence you're being on your kid, Ardus? GOONS should be grounded; a week without TV or their skateboard. Make it happen.
    The fact that you think raiding 18+ days was a good thing goes to show how little you know about properly raiding. Not only that, most* raiding alliances likely have a rule/guide in place to stop repeat raids. Now, I suppose in re-reading your quote your 18 day comment could be pointed at just the fact that the guy logs in once every 18 days. If I misconstrued, meh, it happens.

    As far as all the side-liners expecting PB/DH to "review their treaty" with GOONS, lol. You really have no clue how this dynamic works, do you?

    Oh, and as a final point. Bob Janova, how's the high and mighty over in Gre? Only thing you need now is to write some document to hide behind to avoid war... History repeats itself and what not.

  8. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1334444845' post='2953395']
    [center]I had some time to kill today and figured that a graphic like this might be interesting.

    For reference, I believe nation #1000 was somewhere around 97.5k NS.


    I really dig that graphic. Definitely puts things into perspective.

  9. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330837040' post='2932946']
    I don't really care about it being about me. I cited someone else posting a similar sentiment. I love the traditional deflection of the DH milieu coming out in full force. Learn how to argue. You can pretend this is Scottie Pippen posting or something.

    The fact that it was going to be an MK/NG/GOONS/C&G, ETC. circlejerk if I didn't post is something else.
    Wait... I don't understand it... Are you doing this to break up our circle jerk?

    [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330835587' post='2932929']
    [b]I don't really understand why the people who are offering congrats don't notice the others doing the same like GOONS and MK lol[/b]

    also yes. Saniiro, I'm sure do nothing Tonberry "mental and social handicaps" King Archon would sign it at a drop of a hat.

    In addition: Let's look at it objectively: what do NPO and TLR actually share in common? It appears to be another "idle talk" treaty.
    Because here it seems you're upset that people are happy for the two alliances that signed this treaty who are NOT part of GOONS/MK/et all circlejerk you eluded to.

    [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1330837357' post='2932956']
    Does "Nice grouping" means "I'm your enemy" now? Thanks for informing.
    Well, historically, nice grouping means you intend or would like to take a shot at that grouping. So, if you'd like to continue being obstinate about this we can continue....

  10. I believe I told you it was htaccess first :P but what do I know ;) And I could even venture a guess that it was something to do with an ajaxfilemanager that allowed them to modify it by uploading a phpshell.

    As another tip: if it was the exploit I'm mentioning, you'd better get to scouring ALL your php files for injection code. That's the normal course of action with this exploit so they can regain control after you "fix" it.

  11. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1330548978' post='2930753']
    Do you have an example in which they went to war while the outcome wasn't certain? Overall it doesn't matter, because I've spoken about this situation over and over again and I always get the same answers.

    I enjoy the fact that arguments like this come up often.

    "You planned better than we did, you're weaker than us."

    To take a quote from another realm... 'A fair fight is the result of poor planning...' Would it be neat to have a fair fight? Sure would. Would any alliance willing walk into a war without thinking they already knew the outcome? Not likely. It's not really rocket science to know it's against the betterment of your alliance to not try to secure a war beforehand.

    Are there alliances that WILL walk into a war knowing they're going to lose? Sure are. And I give them the :thumbsup: because you make the world go round.

  12. [quote name='Wilhelm the Demented' timestamp='1330298720' post='2928837']
    Just stop trying.

    His point was that he preferred AGW Overlords as opposed to any of the alliances that are more politically prevalent. As is denoted by the fact that he went to them first and foremost.

    Congratulations, guys!

    That's not how I took it based on his reaction to the initial question. The way it came across to me was more of a "This is all I could get on short notice" type of response. However, everyone entitled to their own opinion. That's what makes this world great, right? Now, the better question is how Sparta feels after having kicked him out to see him treatied to an ally.

  13. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330290309' post='2928709']
    No, that wasn't my implication. You're just putting your best efforts to paint me in a negative light. The point rather is, major alliances tend to be bogged down in procedure and I didn't ask any of them for an MDoAP.

    Oh, so it's not that AGW is unimportant, they're just a minor alliance. Ok, all better now. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif[/img]

    Edit: Added eyeroll for clarification of my meaning.

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