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Everything posted by abaddonis

  1. I recently switched alliances. For the 20 minutes my AA was set to "none" i got several recruiting PMs.
  2. I find it hard to define "defeat" as losing pocket change on the battlefield. Defeats should be based on casualties, not what random money/equipment is left on the war path
  3. They'll come when you least expect it In other words: Whenever admin feels like adding them
  4. I'd like to know what you do to support your own cause.
  5. 34,159.788 233 days I'm not militarily built up completely
  6. I want to prevent spying on my nation and so do you. I spy on you twice and each time I do "Intel report" where I see your trade partners, etc... No more spying cna be done on you. If you do the same to me, we've basically filled our spy-slots. Perhaps this could be fixed by preventing a 2nd spy mission on the same nation if the first is successful
  7. Will there be penalties for abusing the spy system? If you can only be hit twice per day, alliances can just spy on their own members (albeit at a large cost) to prevent others from seeing inside. It's the equivalent of war-slot filling for spying Edit: Looks good!
  8. I'd imagine you eat the cost if they fail and they instantaneously return, much like how deployed soldiers return after a nuke
  9. That is a great way to implement it. Will it tell what kind of spying took place?
  10. People will find a way to screw the system. If admin prevents inter-alliance spying, alliances will outsource it to other alliances
  11. It's unrealistic to have soldiers carrying money into battle (you lose money when you lose battles). It's unrealistic to have an entire army refuse to fight and destroy an enemy's nation because they have no soldiers. If we're not going for realism (which I think we can all agree that realism and CN don't mix) what is stopping us from letting one person change people's desires? It's an interesting new feature that will add another side to game play. Why quibble over small semantics?
  12. Does the name Martin Luther ring a bell? One man CAN spark a swing in desired religion.
  13. Admin: I'm noticing a trend of posts here. Perhaps you could add something to let people know that spies can't change your religion or government, rather they change your desired religion or government. Hopefully that would cut down the posts that keep saying "They shouldn't be able to change you religion. How can they do that?, etc..." Edit: I did HTML tags and not bbcode
  14. You set your own threat level
  15. 1. Agreed 2. I sort of agree with you. I'd suggest that those in peace mode can only have certain options for spying. For example, a nation in peace mode can only send spies to gather intel and change desired religion/gov't. Also, nations in peace mode can be hit by the same spy missions as well as tech destroying/stealing missions. Tech will not bring down your nation if you lose a little over a few days 3. Some prices are ridiculous and some are spot on. Nukes are expensive, therefore, it should be costly to destroy one. 4. Agreed 5. They'll have an effect 6. Agreed. This will help promote trade circles within alliances.
  16. Admin delayed the release of spies during the FAN conflict and he gave plenty notice. They don't change the choice of gov't or religion. They change desired religion and gov't
  17. If you don't get penalized and start with negative spies, I'd say just let it go. Admin is probably going to introduce them VERY soon
  18. After reading a little closer, it changes "desired" religion and gov't. If you have the wonders, it doesn't matter. If you don't then you won't be impacted that much, you lose the happiness penalty for a few days, which isn't a large deal. I have no problem with that. DEFCON changing on the other hand, might need to be fixed. Randomly change it to ANY DEFCON (not just 4/5) would be fine. Destroying cash reserves makes no sense. Stealing seems more sensible. Question: Will # of spies be visible to other nations?
  19. I do like the timestamped information idea. Why? Nations at peace are still nations. Any nation can be spied upon. Just because Switzerland is peaceful and neutral doesn't mean they can't be spied upon
  20. How does it negate the gov't and religion wonders? They'll be happy with whatever is selected. Edit: Destroying a nuke should cost MUCH more than the current price. Since the price of nukes are relatively fixed, the cost of destroying one should be at least the price of the most expensive nuke. Perhaps a sliding scale that depends on how many nukes the target has? For example: 2 mil to destroy 1 nuke in a nation that has 20, 1 mil to destroy a nuke in a nation that has 1 or 2. The destruction of the nuke also prevents the owner of said nuke to rebuild that nuke that day. Also: the time frame for attacks needs to be longer, i.e. once every 2 days or so.
  21. That will work, if there are restrictions on who can attack who. Otherwise, it'd be unfair to larger nations against smaller ones who are being supplied by larger nations
  22. Destroying infra seems VERY unfair to large nations, where infra costs millions to replace. Also, get rid of changing gov't, religion, and DEFCON. It makes no sense for enemy spies to be able to change things like that.
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