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Everything posted by Lusitan

  1. It is with great pleasure that I announce this o/ TFD o/ Genesis o/ Blue
  2. What you, and many others, seem to be missing out is that Blue Team unity is not about everyone being on the same bloc. It's about alliances being able to work together for the good of the team. That will not happen if we just throw in all alliances in the same bloc, they are not going to start to get along because they share a bloc. That is achieved by the alliances interacting in order to solve pendent issues and develop a common basis from where they can start working. Ultimately, the bloc stability and qualitative (the capacity of cooperation between alliances) unity are the same thing. Does that mean that quantitative blue unity (every single blue alliance being in the bloc) will be achieved immediatelly? No. There's a long road. But I, personally, believe it's a road that can be walked in fairly easier way and that will produce much more desirable results than a bloc where member alliances might have unsolved issues between eachother. So we need to be sure those issues are solved, otherwise, why having a bloc? That's why we have an Application process, so that those issues are solved. Not to exclude people. Not to ostracize alliances. Just to solve pendent issues. That gets us to the invitation we made on the OP of this thread, which I believe is a honest step towards blue unity. Keep in mind though it's a two-direction road, the one of blue unity.
  3. It's actually 15 days. The overall for the month was 200k. EDIT: Aproximatelly.
  4. I don't think this round was too helpful to either of us It'd have been yours if you hadn't lost thos 80k.
  5. We're a bit tired of saying we're open to work towards a consensus in this thread...
  6. Lots of paper you have there Congrats Ven, on this new project of yours. You have us here to help whenever you need
  7. Personally, I believe Blue unity has more to do with each alliance's respect for the other's integrity and common work towards goals that bring advantage to the sphere itself. I honestly don't think that amalgamating a number of blue alliances into a bloc without previous background work will prove either useful or productive, regarding both Agora and Blue Team, hence I disagree with naming it Blue unity. Agora wants to work towards unity though, this announcement is a statement of that intention and that we do not hold any prejudices towards anyone wishing to join; that we're willing to establish relationships of mutual respect for eachother's that allow us to build a better future for Blue Team. Refer to my reply above to Penguin on why Agora membership does not equal Blue unity. Furthermore, Agora is a Red and Blue Economic Bloc. Blue unity plays an important role and we seriously want it to progress, but we recognize it's not only in our hands to make it go forward, it's a two-way street. There was one alliance refused indeed, for very specific reasons by one of Agora's members. It was not set in stone though, and the development of that application was let in the hands of those two alliances.
  8. No offense, but I start feeling like my time would be better spent arguing with a wall rather than arguing with you. I didn't say we cannot find tech buyers. I said that Agora facilitates doing business among it's member alliances. Pretty simple, please stop trying to distort it. Second, one of the Treaty's goals is indeed promote Blue Unity. However, the primary objective is to provide economic benefits to its signatories, as I already said. We use Pacifica for nothing but doing business and vice-versa. Finally, you're clearly an important and wise person who ought to be consulted on what is better for Agora but, seeing as the symbiosis between Agora and Pacifica is working for the reasons I already presented and you refused to read, thanks but no thanks.
  9. Agora facilitates economic transactions between alliances. It provides an easy meeting point for negotiation of larger tech deal operations. Pacifica being there allows it to enjoy the advantage of acquiring tech contracts more easily, however, it's always up to the alliance who's selling the technology the choice on who and how much to sell. If Pacifica wasn't there would it stop Agora signatories from selling them tech? Not at all. Each alliance keeps its sovereign right to decide with whom it does business. Agora provides a friendly and easier enviromment. That's all. As for your last sentence, Blue unity being one of Agora's goals does not make it exclusively a Blue Unity bloc. Agora is a blue and red economic bloc where each signatory looks to obtain economic advantages. There are alliances with excess technology to sell. Pacifica is interested in buying. I believe this constitutes enough economic reason for Pacifica to be there.
  10. You're right, my mistake, for some reason typed the wrong word
  11. Considering none of the other blue team alliances ever applied, I think what he is getting at can be named as prejudice EDIT: sorry, wrong word
  12. Very well, feel free to explain me why a inter-team treaty cannot aim for the unity of one of the teams in that treaty. Second, since when doing what is good for blue team makes it authomatically bad for red team and vice-versa? Third and last, if you go up there read your first quote, we just cleared that all blue team alliances are free to apply since we have no restrictions - which pretty much kills your point of "blue alliances we won't let in".
  13. Agora is not a blue team exclusive bloc. It's a blue and red team bloc. Whether it aims for blue unity or not, it's independent of that.
  14. o/ Agora o/ Blue Team o/ Firebolt o/ UBD taking the cup home!
  15. Does that mean I am back to that grace kingdom that is your love?
  16. TFD and NADC's Friendship is long and solid. Goes back almost to TFD's inception. Last June we signed a MDP. A special MDP that would actually read as a MDoAP. TFD and NADC's friendship (and their love for Cadie) has done nothing but grow, so we decided it was time we cleared up something, we couldn't have a MDP being read as MDoAP.. and therefore we upgraded it to this MDoAP
  17. Oh god, they gave FA back to Watchman clown emperor, we're all doomed! Congrats to all the others though, you're all fine people
  18. o/ Nueva Vida You're good friends and allies, and you also have a awesome charter
  19. Probably that despite the "NADC section" of the forums only being visible by NADC members and leadership, it was still Agora forums and they didn't feel comfortable with it. Which is perfectly understandable
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