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Blog Entries posted by admin

  1. admin
    I was so exhausted last night. With it being Thanksgiving and all the to-do surrounding that it was also the reset night for Tournament Edition. As early as 9:00 PM I was so ready to go to bed but couldn’t because I needed to stay up to manage the reset. I made it until 10:00 PM and decided enough was enough, man invented alarm clocks for a reason so I set mine to 11:45 PM and sunk in to take a nap. Well my silly alarm clock didn’t go off but I somehow managed to wake up at 11:55 PM. The reset went really smooth and all the scripts did their job perfectly. I did take the game down for a few minutes so that I could adjust the wonder prices and requirements since those settings were far too high in the previous round. Round 2 was a tough round for me because everyone seemed to want to raid my poor little nation. Here’s to a fresh start in Round 3 and a fighting chance this time around. If I win the round I wonder what type of flag design I'll submit?
  2. admin
    I guess since we have a blog feature now I might as well use it. A year or so ago I did more of a personal blog on Blogger but the thought of linking tens of thousands of CN players to it terrified me and so that didn't really work out. Maybe I'll use this as sort of a game developers blog instead. I think this will be fun.
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