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Operation Falcon


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(OOC: This will be a weird one. I've just spent the last few days at movie conference with a couple of other guys and while this is hardly amazing, I hope you enjoy it all the same. So instead of a written account of how Operation Falcon went. Here it is in movie form!)


At 22:00 hours a plane containing a dozen Special Forces Operatives left Monbossa's main airport and headed for the Asian countryside of Zargathia. On board the the plane was Team Leader Norvan Wallace, the video log was uploaded and sent to us as soon as the Big Bag was secured. Current info has them flying back over the Zargathia mountain range towards the western cost in helicopters carrying the payload. You will have to forgive the sound problems, but the TL was listening to music that has become very popular over the last few days.

If you'll all click on the link below this we can proceed.

Operation Falcon

The king must know about this immediately, I want running Intel on how things are proceeding ever ten minutes.

Tell me how did the Cult of the Damned become so well armed and organised?

Unknown sir. Though I do request the right to investigate the group at a later date.

Approved. Everyone, dismissed.

(OOC Again: If you haven't figured it out, Big Bag means Nuke. If no one objects or counters by tomorrow, Monbossa will have a nuclear weapon.)

Edited by Karnee
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OOC: O...kay... So you basically send in Spec Ops into Zargathian territory, kill the followers of some Cult guarding a nuclear weapon (which i do not have IG, nor intend to for that matter as Amy is strongly opposed to nuclear weaponry) in a decently sized base my army somehow hasn't noticed despite holding war games there since the Lu Empire 'sold' me the land, and leave again, all of this without a single spy roll (my odds are 90%) or even so much as telling me about it?

Now, i'm not one to gun down (pun intended) someone else's RP, but there are quite a few issues i have with this, most of them concerning national sovereignty and what essentially boils down to unknown foreign troops infiltrating my country without as much as a notice at my government. Lastly, you need to have nukes IG to have them here, and your IG nation is 11 days old so i doubt you have a WRC already.

Nice vid tho. Is that from the K.O.S. beta?

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(OOC: Nah, its Rainbow 6 Las Vegas 2 and the music was from Sympathy for the Devil. Also Blah. *Embarrassed at mistake*

I can't believe I forgot about that. Though I have to admit I am surprised to find out about also this Spy roll feature. Is this based on your IG stat's or RP wise? Either way if you want me to cancel the post that's fine.)

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(OOC: Nah, its Rainbow 6 Las Vegas 2 and the music was from Sympathy for the Devil. Also Blah. *Embarrassed at mistake*

I can't believe I forgot about that. Though I have to admit I am surprised to find out about also this Spy roll feature. Is this based on your IG stat's or RP wise? Either way if you want me to cancel the post that's fine.)

OOC: Ig using the spy option.

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OOC: Ig using the spy option.

OOC NOTE: Detailing further, you check your spy success % and contact a GM (Sarah Tyntagil, for example) who will roll to see if you are successful at getting into the country unseen.

Either way, if you drop the nuke idea and have this operation take place in your own country it should all be perfectly legal, as you'd be RPing your own citizens and troops without involving anyone else. If you want to have the operation take place on foreign soil that's fine too, but keep in mind that you'd need a spy roll from a GM in order to get in unseen. Nukes are still restricted to IG count = RP count, so they're a no-go if your nation doesn't have them :)

Edited by Amyante
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