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Republic of Free Somal


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Republic of Free Somal News Report

I, Mad Dog Bob Denard, hereby claim control of the land now known as Somal. (ooc: See Somalia) Under my rule the native peoples of the Free Republic of Somal will no longer need to fear the tyranny of foreign dictators. Myself, a native of this fine continent, understand and have fought endlessly for the freedom of the natives of Africa. My forces no longer will serve for the cause of the highest bidder. Instead, they will bring peace and prosperity to the disparate tribes of Somal. At first things will be difficult as the infrastructure of Somal has been badly damaged due to the infighting amongst the various factions. My forces, the Africa Legion, moved into the Somal region earlier this month and has been fighting a series of small battles.

The last of these battles concluded with the capture of M'Bossa, the new capital of Somal. Much remains to be done, but in time it shall be accomplished. We open our doors, but warn foreign visitors that we can not protect them at this time. We seek investment, educational assistance, medical advancements, and other life improving improvements.

Thank You,

President Mad Dog Denard


A younger Bob Denard after participating in the Tingdan Uprising.


New recruits being trained for Denard's African Legion.

New Flag:



African Legion, commanded by Mad Dog Bob Denard

2800 Men (Paper Strength- 3500 men)

First Somal Regiment

400 Men (Paper Strength- 3500 men)

Second Somal Regiment

344 Men (Paper Strength- 3500 men)

3rd, 4th, and 5th Somal Regiments

0 Men (Paper Strength- 3500 men)

AK-47 rifles


Kalinskov PKM

10th Armored Regiment

714 men (Paper Strength- 3500 Men)

13 T-62 tanks

33 BMP-2 APCs

126 Trucks converted to military use.

20th Artillery Regiment

113 Men (Paper Strength- 900 Men)

12 105 mm towed howitzers

42 62 mm mortars

23 82 mm mortars

Air Force - 0

Navy- 0

Special Forces- Classified (0)

Local Resources:

Somal, once free of its inner struggles of factionalism is more than able to produce the native crops needed to feed itself. Likewise, Somal has the resources oil and the needed supplies of bauxite and steel to produce high grade aluminum once the technology is put into place. The majority of the population lives near the coast and relies on small scale agriculture and fishing to provide for its day to day food supplies.


Free Somal Republic

The African Legion led by the notorious Mad Dog Bob Denard pushed the last of the warlords out of M'bossa this morning. The fighting was heavy, but swift in conclusion. Civilian casualties were kept to a minimum as Mad Dog Denard was able to maneuver his light infantry formations outside the city rather than having to capture the city in extensive house to house fighting. In the typical Mad Dog Bob Denard fashion the Somal Warlords were rounded up and promptly placed before firing squads. The mood of the Somal people is one of indecision at this point.

Some are torn between the joy of having the Warlords removed and the fear of what may well be the next of another foreign dictator. They are well aware of Mad Dog Bob Denard's blood drenched history, and this to is an issue of concern for them. It can be remembered that Denard has been spotted serving in at least half a dozen insurgencies, three major wars, and no less than twelve coup attempts all over the world. He has also been accuse of war crimes by at least two other governments. Thus far attempts to prove these crimes have failed as witnesses have proved scant.

Witnesses to last week's fighting say Mad Dog Bob Denard has comported himself with remarkable restraint. Civilian casualties were kept to a minimum. Prisoners were disarmed, given a stern warning to not return to the fighting, given food and money, and told to return to their homes. Only the Warlords that have plagued Somal in their own fashion have been executed. However, only time will tell if this is to the betterment of Somal or to the detriment.


Warlord Charles Chan being executed by one of Mad Dog Bob Denard's officers.

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The Republic of Free Somal

Office of Mad Dog Bob Denard

Nations of the world, the Republic of Free Somal humbly wishes to make the following announcements that are of great importance to Mad Dog Bob Denard and the Republic of Free Somal.

1) Religious freedom is hereby restricted to personal worship. Public displays of religious practices are restricted to previously approved funerals, weddings, and registered religious holidays. Attempting to convert or proselytize, in public, will be met with a small fine, of 500 Somal Dollars, and an escort back to your home. The penalty does not increase with each offense as the intent is for the fine to serve as a stern reminder.

- Getting a religious holiday or religious event registered is requires the submission of 2 separate forms that merely describe the nature of the event and the time, date, and location that the event will be held. The forms are more or less one to two pages long and they are not very difficult to fill out.

- Personal worship in your homes and community places of worship are hereby protected under this law as well. The Republic of Free Somal has a large Muslim population with a small population of Coptic Christians*. Mad Dog Bob Denard only attends a service of any sort when forced to do so by his mother or current love interest. He will not tolerate the interruption of a religious worship or a physical attack in the name of religion. People are free to worship as they choose fit in private, but public worship is restricted to the above guidelines.

- Foreign missionaries are hereby banned from entering The Republic of Free Somal until further notice. Any attempts to circumvent this order will be met with an armed escort to the border and followed by a swift boot the rear in order to expedite the offender's departure.

- Prayer of any sort is banned in the public schools of the Republic. However, Mad Dog is sympathetic to the faith of the Muslims of the Republic and will allow the to leave school property to do their daily prayers during scheduled break times providing they promptly return to attend class. Of course, the students will be required to seek a place to pray out of public view. The local schools are encouraged to make arrangements with the local Muslim religious officials to make this possible. If no arrangements can be made a government loans, with no interest, can be arranged to create a nearby secluded area to accommodate these Muslim students. As Christians are not required by their faith to pray five times a day they'll have to do their worshiping before school, after school, or on weekends.

2) The Republic of Free Somal is hereby disbanding our fledgling army. The African Legion is to be converted into the Free Somal Constabulary. This force will undergo an intense 10 week training program to properly ensure that they are well versed in police tactics to complement their light infantry training.

- The Free Somal Constabulary will equipped as a mobile force using small utility vehicles to transport teams of men on their patrols and to troubled spots.

- The Free Somal Constabulary will also serve as the training arm of the Free Somal Guard. The Guard will consist of locally raised companies and battalions. These forces will initially undergo a 10 week light infantry training course followed by specialty training to be provided by the Constabulary units.

- The Constabulary will consist of 6000 men.

- The Guard will consist of 30,000 men.

- The Air Force will be tasked with creating a medical services wing to provide medical care for remote locations in the Republic of Free Somal. Like wise they will be funded in part by the creation of a government ran cargo service. These planes will move supplies, men, and materials at reasonable cost to anywhere in the Republic of Free Somal. To support the ground forces of the Republic, the Air Force will train an Air Attack Wing along with a Ground Attack Wing.

- The Navy is tasked with creating a patrol force to secure the sea lanes of the Republic of Free Somal.

3) The Republic of Free Somal is in a serious crisis in regards to being able to fund infrastructure projects. It is Mad Dog Bob Denard's intention to create a comprehensive road network within the Republic. Further, he intends to begin the construction of schools, clinics, hospitals, universities, banks, police stations, and labor camps. Other projects will include small scale hydroelectric projects, a harbor, and several small factories.

To ensure that corruption is kept to a minimum the office of Mad Dog Bob Denard has hired the services of a reputable international accounting firm to keep the government books in order.

- The penalty for a guilty conviction for government corruption will consist of a 3 year sentence in a labor camp.

4) The office of Mad Dog Bob Denard also puts forward these requests at this time for the following equipment:

A) 500 Off Road Vehicles to transport the Constabulary troops on their appointed rounds.


These vehicles must be light, durable, and relatively simple in construction. Repairs must be easy to affect and spare parts easy to acquire.

B: 36 An-28 Cargo Aircraft for the creation of our government ran cargo service.


These planes should be in good repair. While we have the pilots needed to fly them we appreciate the opportunity to train our men in the proper repair of these aircraft. Spare parts should be plentiful as well.

- The equivalent of the AN-28 may be provided. They just need to be easy to fly, easy to fix, and able to land on short run ways.

C) The Republic requires the following for the equipping of our medical clinics:

- X-ray machines

- (insert medical device name here)

- (insert medical doo hickey name here)

- (insert medical thinga majigger name here)

[OOC: The clinics and hospitals of the Republic aren't going to be lavishly equipped with super modern gizmos. I don't want MRI machines and other sophisticated devices because once it breaks down my Somal technicians won't be able to figure out how to fix it.]

D) The Republic wishes to acquire a supply of construction equipment. We will require the following:

- Bulldozers

- Backhoes

- Trenchers

- Dump Trucks

These vehicles will be used in the construction of our national road system. Much of the work will be done by hand, but with this equipment the total construction time will be drastically reduced.

E) The Republic desires educational opprotunities for its citizens. As of tomorrow five hundred of our ablest young men and women will be given government scholarships to study abroad. They seek training in Engineering, Medicine, and other Sciences. This program is to be expanded within the first six months to increase the total to 1000 as participants come forward.

Help in this matter will be greatly appreciated.

5) Funding for these projects will becoming initially from Mad Dog Bob Denard's personal resources. The collection of taxes is expected to begin providing the needed funds within six months. In order to meet the funding gap that will occur the Republic is asking for low interest loans to secure the equipment and resources needed to bring the Republic out of the dark ages and into a modern era.

Many Thanks,

Mad Dog Bob Denard

* (OOC) The Coptic tradition of Christianity is more alive in Ethiopia than Somalia. However, for the purposes of this RP I'll be adopting the Ethiopian tradition as the basis for the native Christian beliefs.


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A) 500 Off Road Vehicles to transport the Constabulary troops on their appointed rounds.

These vehicles must be light, durable, and relatively simple in construction. Repairs must be easy to affect and spare parts easy to acquire.


These are the AXE Jeeps, the latest version of the old GP Jeeps. If interested Cochin can supply these to you.

B ) 36 An-28 Cargo Aircraft for the creation of our government ran cargo service.

These planes should be in good repair. While we have the pilots needed to fly them we appreciate the opportunity to train our men in the proper repair of these aircraft. Spare parts should be plentiful as well.

- The equivalent of the AN-28 may be provided. They just need to be easy to fly, easy to fix, and able to land on short run ways.

Cochin can offer you the METAC Transport Aircraft manufactured by the state owned GAL. They are general purpose propeller driven aircraft , with rough specifications of An32 and C130. They are powered by 4 GAL RD135 engines. METACs are used in RCDF for Aerial Artillery Platforms, Anti Submarine Warfare, Special Operations and General purpose transport.

E) The Republic desires educational opprotunities for its citizens. As of tomorrow five hundred of our ablest young men and women will be given government scholarships to study abroad. They seek training in Engineering, Medicine, and other Sciences. This program is to be expanded within the first six months to increase the total to 1000 as participants come forward.

Help in this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Cochin can offer scholarship programs for Somal youths to study in Cochin University.

Additionally Kingdom of Cochin offers to help in the training of Free Somal Guard and Free Somal Constabulary. If interested we can send a preliminary team for you to evaluate and if you are satisfied we can send a naval task force with full TOE to help you in training your military. The costs for training can be subsidized.

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These are the AXE Jeeps, the latest version of the old GP Jeeps. If interested Cochin can supply these to you.

The technicians of the Republic of Free Somal are fairly familiar with the older Willy Jeep. However, we are impressed with the durable look of the newer vehicle. The roll cage appears to be strong enough to handle the recoil of a 7.62x39 PKM machine gun with ease. Like wise it would be quite easy to mount rocket launchers on the vehicle.

However, we have to ask if the vehicle meets our criteria for ease of repair? Our technicians are well versed in the art of repairing 1950 to 1960 technology, but not so well trained in the arts of sorting out more modern vehicles.

Cochin can offer you the METAC Transport Aircraft manufactured by the state owned GAL. They are general purpose propeller driven aircraft , with rough specifications of An32 and C130. They are powered by 4 GAL RD135 engines. METACs are used in RCDF for Aerial Artillery Platforms, Anti Submarine Warfare, Special Operations and General purpose transport.

They are wonderful looking planes, but unfortunately they fail to meet the demands of our short take off and landing. We will request the delivery of 12 of the aircraft once we have created the suitable infrastructure for handling them. As of now the shorter runways of the Republic are better suited for something in the twin engine variety.

Also keep in mind that more than a few of our airfields are dirt strips.

Cochin can offer scholarship programs for Somal youths to study in Cochin University.

They'll be on the first plane out.

Additionally Kingdom of Cochin offers to help in the training of Free Somal Guard and Free Somal Constabulary. If interested we can send a preliminary team for you to evaluate and if you are satisfied we can send a naval task force with full TOE to help you in training your military. The costs for training can be subsidized.

We do need assistance with the retraining of our African Legion. While they are well versed in the arts of light infantry warfare they are poorly prepared to deal with the routine police duties that they'll be called upon to perform. We'd greatly appreciate assistance in this matter, and we could use help in training our Naval Forces.

In order to complete these tasks we should probably order, in advance, a small fleet of patrol vessels. Can Cochin provide those vessels? Again simple to use, easy to fix, and spare parts must be plentiful.

Further, while the African Legion is well equipped with rifles, machine guns, and RPGs the rest of the armed forces are using a mixed bag of equipment. Would it be possible for us to order 12,000 AK-47 rifles (AKM Assault rifles will do as well), 1000 PKM Machine Guns, and a selection of pistols and shotguns needed for police work?

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Mad Dog Bob Denard only attends a service of any sort when forced to do so by his mother or current love interest.

OOC: So epic. :lol1:

IC: We in Alvonia have our own truck to offer, the AMC El Camino.


While it isn't as durable as what the Cochin offers, they are easily maintained and more than capable of mounting a machine gun, rocket launchers, etc. They also can have modifications made to better serve it to off-road duties.

Also, we have several older models of the M1897 Trenchgun. Standard with it when it was used in Alvonia is a bayonet. It is very powerful, therefore we recommend it's use to the military. Also offered is the W1200, a more modern approach to the threnchgun, but less powerful.

We can also have the Oberstes Korps help train your soldiers.

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Mad Dog Bob Denard formally requests 2 of the El Caminos for his personal use, but requires that they are equipped with spinners and a hydraulic suspension system.

We will also order 1000 of these W1200 Shotguns for police work. Please provide the 3 inch magnum chambers for triple aught buckshot rounds.

Likewise, we would prefer the fiberglass stocks as they stand up to wear and tear for longer periods of time.


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The technicians of the Republic of Free Somal are fairly familiar with the older Willy Jeep. However, we are impressed with the durable look of the newer vehicle. The roll cage appears to be strong enough to handle the recoil of a 7.62x39 PKM machine gun with ease. Like wise it would be quite easy to mount rocket launchers on the vehicle.

However, we have to ask if the vehicle meets our criteria for ease of repair? Our technicians are well versed in the art of repairing 1950 to 1960 technology, but not so well trained in the arts of sorting out more modern vehicles.

AXE is a general purpose military vehicle and is thus very easy to maintain and repair. RCDF only recently phased out from Willys Model Jeeps to AXEs and care has been taken to have conformity in standards and technologies. The changes are such that a nation with 50's and 60's tech can easily incorporate it.

They are wonderful looking planes, but unfortunately they fail to meet the demands of our short take off and landing. We will request the delivery of 12 of the aircraft once we have created the suitable infrastructure for handling them. As of now the shorter runways of the Republic are better suited for something in the twin engine variety.

Also keep in mind that more than a few of our airfields are dirt strips.

As said earlier METAC is based upon AN32/C130. AN32 is one of the most rugged aircrafts.

OOC: Indian Air Force uses AN 32 as its main work horse. And it can land on very short runways and bumpy rough landing fields.

IC: Regret to say, GAL does not produce any twin engined propeller transport aircrafts.

They'll be on the first plane out.

They are welcome.

We do need assistance with the retraining of our African Legion. While they are well versed in the arts of light infantry warfare they are poorly prepared to deal with the routine police duties that they'll be called upon to perform. We'd greatly appreciate assistance in this matter, and we could use help in training our Naval Forces.

In order to complete these tasks we should probably order, in advance, a small fleet of patrol vessels. Can Cochin provide those vessels? Again simple to use, easy to fix, and spare parts must be plentiful.

Further, while the African Legion is well equipped with rifles, machine guns, and RPGs the rest of the armed forces are using a mixed bag of equipment. Would it be possible for us to order 12,000 AK-47 rifles (AKM Assault rifles will do as well), 1000 PKM Machine Guns, and a selection of pistols and shotguns needed for police work?

Royal Cochin Police Force has a training command where our Constabulary are trained. We can send a team of trainers to Somal to commence training. Advanced training can be done at our facilities in Cochin.

If your nation permits a Cruiser Task Force shall be deployed to your coast with samples of our Missile Boats. They are of various designs and we can showcase some early versions if you would like. We do not manufacture smaller boats than that.

The orders for the guns are welcome. We shall ready a consignment soon. Perhaps a representative from Cochin State Armory can be sent to Somal to showcase the variety of weapons manufactured by our state industries and other private industries in Cochin?

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A representative from Cochin is most welcome, however, do keep in mind our limited funds and expertise will not likely produce large orders for quite sometime.

- We'll pre-order 12 Metac aircraft to be delivered in roughly 6 months to 1 year.

- Our naval requirements are for patrol sized vessels, but to clarify, how big are these missile boats? (Keep in mind I have no naval improvements in game.)

-12,000 AKM rifles to be ordered

-1000 PKM Machine Guns

- Pistols

- 500 AXE Vehicles

- Training for my Constabulary forces.

Can you give me an estimate on these services and products?

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OOC: I am not really clear on how estimates and such has to be placed. How to set value for the items we create in RP?

IC: This is an example of our Missile Boats 250px-Osa-I_class_Project205_DN-SN-84-01770.jpg

A preliminary team from RCDF and RCPF Training Commands shall be flying to your nation soon to chalk out the details of the programs. We want to know about the status of air fields in Somal. Knowing that we can ascertain the type of transport required to send the ordered materials to you.

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OOC: I am not really clear on how estimates and such has to be placed. How to set value for the items we create in RP?

IC: This is an example of our Missile Boats 250px-Osa-I_class_Project205_DN-SN-84-01770.jpg

A preliminary team from RCDF and RCPF Training Commands shall be flying to your nation soon to chalk out the details of the programs. We want to know about the status of air fields in Somal. Knowing that we can ascertain the type of transport required to send the ordered materials to you.

The airfield in M'bossa, our capital, is in good condition. It can easily handle full sized airliners. Perhaps if the missile launchers were removed and suitable weaponry in the form of heavy machine guns and 20 millimeter cannons were installed the vessel would serve our purposes more adequately? Perhaps even a larger turreted gun could be installed given the size of the vessel? Most of our water borne threats seem to be pirates in speed boats, and I suspect a guided missile might be a bit of a waste of a fast moving vessel that would be incredibly difficult to hit no matter what technological advantages one has.

If the adjustments can be made we'd be interested in purchasing 4 of them at this time. However, we do require something smaller in the form of something like this:


If your government could point us in the right direction to acquire these vessels and provide the necessary boat handling and gunnery training we'd be most appreciative.

(OOC: Perhaps a resource exchange can be organized? In a past RP I simply traded several months worth of oil for the materials. I do have oil and aluminum to offer.

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The airfield in M'bossa, our capital, is in good condition. It can easily handle full sized airliners. Perhaps if the missile launchers were removed and suitable weaponry in the form of heavy machine guns and 20 millimeter cannons were installed the vessel would serve our purposes more adequately? Perhaps even a larger turreted gun could be installed given the size of the vessel? Most of our water borne threats seem to be pirates in speed boats, and I suspect a guided missile might be a bit of a waste of a fast moving vessel that would be incredibly difficult to hit no matter what technological advantages one has.

If the adjustments can be made we'd be interested in purchasing 4 of them at this time. However, we do require something smaller in the form of something like this:


If your government could point us in the right direction to acquire these vessels and provide the necessary boat handling and gunnery training we'd be most appreciative.

(OOC: Perhaps a resource exchange can be organized? In a past RP I simply traded several months worth of oil for the materials. I do have oil and aluminum to offer.

The requisite adjustments shall be made and the vessels ordered by you shall be delivered in a week. My nation is hosting a Fleet Review in connection with inauguration of our new Naval Base and all ships are there.

We shall replace the Missile launch systems with .50 Caliber HMGs and 2 turret mounted 40 MM Naval guns. 4 of the Missile Boats shall be sent you along with our Task Force.

Unfortunately since Cochin does not have any Coast Guard units, small patrol crafts of the type you seek are not in our TOE.

Perhaps you may consult our Dragon Bloc allies with extensive coastlines, you may find a suitable product.

As for boat handling and gunnery training it can be organized through the Task Force ships we are sending to your nation.

As for the payment, we are interested in the oil resources that you have to offer. We shall send our tankers to your state for the oil trade.

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The requisite adjustments shall be made and the vessels ordered by you shall be delivered in a week. My nation is hosting a Fleet Review in connection with inauguration of our new Naval Base and all ships are there.

We shall replace the Missile launch systems with .50 Caliber HMGs and 2 turret mounted 40 MM Naval guns. 4 of the Missile Boats shall be sent you along with our Task Force.

Unfortunately since Cochin does not have any Coast Guard units, small patrol crafts of the type you seek are not in our TOE.

Perhaps you may consult our Dragon Bloc allies with extensive coastlines, you may find a suitable product.

As for boat handling and gunnery training it can be organized through the Task Force ships we are sending to your nation.

As for the payment, we are interested in the oil resources that you have to offer. We shall send our tankers to your state for the oil trade.

Could the rear turret be removed in favor of installing a reinforced deck capable of handling a small helicopter? I am hoping to purchase several small patrol helicopters to give my maritime forces an over the horizon capability.

These aircraft are being sought at this time:


The front turret I believe can be adequetely armed with a 40 mm Bofors, but I am hoping something along the lines of this can be purchased for the forward turrets:


The 57 mm weapon has in the past been fitted with an automatic loader for use in turrets on small naval vessels. The selection of shells and the plentiful nature of the ammunition of the surplus arms market makes it a bit of a steal for us. We believe that the weapons can be easily purchases and converted to use on our patrol ships with minimal effort. However, we'll let you be the one with the final word in this matter as your shipyards are doing the work.

Your first shipment of oil will be made avaliable upon arrival of your tanker. Luckily, surplus stocks are available for shipments as the previous regime of the Warlords proved rather inept at transporting the oil to market.

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Could the rear turret be removed in favor of installing a reinforced deck capable of handling a small helicopter? I am hoping to purchase several small patrol helicopters to give my maritime forces an over the horizon capability.

These aircraft are being sought at this time:


The front turret I believe can be adequetely armed with a 40 mm Bofors, but I am hoping something along the lines of this can be purchased for the forward turrets:


The 57 mm weapon has in the past been fitted with an automatic loader for use in turrets on small naval vessels. The selection of shells and the plentiful nature of the ammunition of the surplus arms market makes it a bit of a steal for us. We believe that the weapons can be easily purchases and converted to use on our patrol ships with minimal effort. However, we'll let you be the one with the final word in this matter as your shipyards are doing the work.

Your first shipment of oil will be made avaliable upon arrival of your tanker. Luckily, surplus stocks are available for shipments as the previous regime of the Warlords proved rather inept at transporting the oil to market.

The Missile Boats Mk.1 as of basic design does not allow for helicopter landings. We can however redesign the units ordered by you for enabling helicopter operations.

The 57 mm guns requested by you is currently not used in any of our naval units, however we do use in some of our Infantry regiments. Would you like it to be a fixed installation? How many guns would you like to incorporate in the forward 57mm Battery? We recommend Twin Gun Battery.

As regards the material ordered by Somal, 10 HALOB transport aircrafts are enroute to M'Bossa with the small arms ordered. Another 5 HALOBs are bringing 25 AXE Jeeps for familiarization. 4 METACs and 1 HALOB with our Training Command personnel are also enroute to M'Bossa.

The call signs of aircrafts for identification are:



The remaining 475 AXEs and naval boats ordered shall be shipped to Somal via RCN TF22, a Marine task force. An additional tanker shall be accompanying this task force.

This task force will set sail on 18th.

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It is a shame the rear deck can't be configured for flight operations. However, perhaps this is a blessing in disguise as these vessels can give my already woefully untrained naval forces the experience they need to make the leap to ships capable of supporting helicopters. At this time I ask that the forward and aft turrets(might as well install one of these now) be equipped with a single 57 mm weapon each. With an adequate fire control radar the need for a dual weapons system will be eliminated.

As the last international flight into M'bossa was several months ago I suspect your aircraft won't be delayed in landing in anyway. I'll warn my security forces at the airfield to be expecting the arrival of your planes.

With many thanks,

Mad Dog Bob Denard

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You have misunderstood us, Mr. Denard. In the last message I said we can reconfigure the boats ordered by you for helicopter operations. The boats are at our Works yard at Ratnagiri undergoing priority refitting. The boats you shall receive will be able to operate helicopters of the type you specified.


Maj. Gen. Sandeep Zachariah,

Quarter Master General,

Royal Cochin Defense Forces.

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(OOC: sorry about that.. I'm running on to little sleep tonight.)

My apologies and I can't begin to express my delight regarding this change of events. Please make the boats helicopter capable with a single 57 mm weapon mounted in a turret on the bow. With a suitable fire control radar my vessels will be able control more of our coast line than previous expect.

Many thanks,

Mad Dog Bob Denard

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