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From: I'm done with this!

Tom Marvolo Riddle


Yes. I am leaving this game, for good this time(Interpret that your own way). You all are making me mad. Let me start out with the obvious. At the Dark Templar, I was told tho following:I would get 15 million in aid (Only got 9 Million, still had 4 aid slots and only two tech deals going)I would have constant Tech Deals with the Dark Templar (Only did one in 3 weeks)I would have the support of the full alliance (That was not true, All three of the Triums insulted me at some point)And when I left, they claim during wartime, despite the fact that we where told to stand down and go into peace mode, multiple times before I left. SO screw you DT.Second off, The Cnetral Powers, Alliance which I helped to create. In the first day, I managed to work out a aid program which got a nation 2000 more strenght in a single day, from 5500-7500 strength. With proper management I managed to get this nation prepped for a counter strike aainst the enemy, the Dark Templar, Who where in this case the attacking nation. The strkes where a succes and we rose triumphant. Then I get banned because they didn't do enough investigative work into me, claim i'm a liar, yet They never asked me about DT, and most awesome of all, dukeofscots, you are !@#$@#$ idiot. You will olose. The Central Powers demise is near. You didn't relize this, but I am a true leader, not you, you wont even comprimise, I wanted as much power as i could get. I had full control over that alliances cash, and guess what, If I wanted that alliance destroyed, I could have done it. I let you stay as emporer because I thougt you knew what you where doing.Who do I give most credit to individually though? ericcarlson. Why? He is a !@#$@#$ idiot who might as well leave the game to. What he did, attack me, force me to join Dt, skim from Nordreich (Which i also give MadMax credit for getting me to join DT). SO I add to my list of eternal enemies, ericcarlson, joining Eurmibargo (That gives away my greatst secret).

Source: I'm done with this!


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I wished you continued to post your topics. They really boosted my post count.

Anyways, despite all of the trolling you got (twice), I wish you good luck. I hope third time's the charm

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