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Math 55




“Ability doesn't exist, and occurs equally in all groups, and anyway justice is more important than patriarchal-racist abstractions. Sexism is clear at Harvard. When an entire class is male, it isn't by accident.”

Where is Al Sharpton?

The salient fact from the Harvard Crimson- 45 percent Jewish, 18 percent Asian, and 100 percent male.This does not look like "America"The total lack of females in Math 55 is easy to address. Harvard had already established that there was no difference in mathematical ability by firing a president who thought there might be.Just have no entrance requirements.Harvard should set about making the class thirteen percent black, sixteen percent Hispanic, a tenth of a percent Iroquois, and so on.Eventually a Javanese can appear once a year so it will reflect America's diversity.

This injustice is non-American.We must sacrifice math on the Cross of Diversity.Math's death cleanses our sin.


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"I wanted to break the writer's fingers by the time I got to 'belie,' so I can't comment on the argument," I said in my thick Balkan accent, my usually playful grin curled into a dire grimace under furrowed brow. As if to accentuate both my distaste for the writer and subtly bring attention to my own impeccable wardrobe as compared to the slobs surrounding me, I plucked a small bit of lent from my lapel, regarded it with a glare, then flicked it to the side.

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The people get to choose whether or not they get to stay in the course so I'm not sure where the OP's coming from. Interesting article though, I hadn't read it despite its age... a couple thoughts:

-I and many others think undergrad, especially the first couple years, is a time best spent exploring options, taking different subjects, etc. Focusing so much energy into one subject, let alone one course, may not be the best for these students down the line.

-40 hrs/wk on one course also cuts into time that could be spent socializing or working a part-time job, whichever of those the kids would find important to them.

-If they're done effectively an entire undergrad workload in math in the first year, what do they take next? Graduate-level research seminars? That could create problems.

That said, if there was a history version of this, I'd take it in a heartbeat. Bring it on, etc.

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Tbh, the author is kinda correct; there is a culture difference that causes more males than females to enroll in maths courses, and the disproportional gets greater the more complicated the course is. I have no idea what causes it, but it is definitely there.

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