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Help me, for I am an IRCtard.



Despite multiple, generally differing instructions on several occasions (my recollection of all instances lacking), I find myself manually typing in and joining every desired channel any time I connect to IRC (I use mIRC). I've put up with it for months but figured it was finally time to do it the smarter way.

Keeping in mind that I'm an IRCtard, can anyone please help me set up an auto-join list (with dumbed down directions, preferably)? Would be most appreciated. :)


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I use a list of commands instead of an autojoin list because the autojoin and nick commands are processed by different parts of the IRC server and sometimes are processed one after another. If the autojoin list is processed before your identify command is, you can end up being kicked from restricted access channels because the access lists only work when you're identified with nickserv (/nickserv identify password). Using a command list and explicitly putting the identify code before the join keeps this from happening.

AJOIN > Perform [or all other scripts] specifically for this reason. AJOIN is a NickServ command, and is triggered by IDENTIFY. It's also universal and you get all the same access no matter where you IDENT from.

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