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Update: Almost There

Prince Imrahil


There are about two weeks left in Lent. It has been a bit rough at times because I gave up some major vices for Lent. That list includes sweets (i.e. candy, soda, ice cream etc.), fried foods (I love buffalo strips, especially with honey mustard), and pizza (which I have tons of access to on an almost daily basis). In general, part of the reason for giving up those specific things is 1) I'm trying to get leaner, 2) in a few days there is an event at which I will attempt to run 3.2 miles which is a lot for me and 3) diabetes runs in my family so avoiding sugar and obesity now voluntarily is far better than doing so with my life on the line.

That said, I am almost literally counting down the days until Easter so I can indulge in the stuff that I have been without for the past few weeks. Seriously, when the clock strikes midnight, game on.



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While I support your attempt to get leaner and healthier, and probably to improve your will power, I must express my disagreement that sweets, fried food and pizza are "vices".

Taking pleasure in something which isn't harmful for anybody is obviously good, thus the key point is to ensure that it isn't harmful (i.e. you don't damage your health, others, the environment).

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While I support your attempt to get leaner and healthier, and probably to improve your will power, I must express my disagreement that sweets, fried food and pizza are "vices".

Taking pleasure in something which isn't harmful for anybody is obviously good, thus the key point is to ensure that it isn't harmful (i.e. you don't damage your health, others, the environment).

I see what you're saying. The reason I consider them vices is because I have a hard time stopping once I start many times. I'll start eating pizza and, far too often, don't stop until I'm bursting at the seams. Sometimes I can stop myself (if I'm mentally prepared, that certainly helps). Actually, I'm finally getting to a place where I can moderate this stuff, so it's less vice-like.

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