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Of Beer and Men



In the Paradoxian Beer Hall there is a newly dedicated subforum for beer reviews. Since our coming out party, there has been a flurry of activity from across the cyberverse. While many drink and post, it's becoming quite clear that there is only one Tyrant of the Tavern.

Zac the Sage accounts for fully 2/3rds of the threads in this particular subforum. His strategy for beverage success involves building his own six packs at the local grocery store and so sampling a wide variety of drinkables in a relatively short period of time. Zac is also known to take notes on his drinking experiences so as to accurately report them to the crowd at the Paradoxian Beer Hall. Here is one of his earlier reviews.


Brewery: New Holland Brewing Company

ABV: 9.00%

Beer Type: American Stout

Served From: Bottle

Glass Ware: Tumbler

Appearance: It's near black in color, very dark all the way through. Dark head does not last very long and quickly fades out.

Smell: Chocolate, Coffee, and Vanilla smells dominate. A very nice, rich, complex smell - very soothing.

Taste: Very smooth. Can taste the oak and vanilla most prominent, but there's a wide variety of other flavors too. The alcohol really hit strong at the end.

Mouthfeel: Very thick, but smooth. Highly carbonated, but that isn't a major negative for the style.

Overall: Something I greatly enjoyed. Carl and I have a German friend whose mother said it looked like a sissy beer, but whatever. It's a nice strong dark beer (although a bit expensive) with a nice, rich, complex feel.

While others may surpass him in the eloquence of their reviews, Zac the Sage is the undisputed maharajah of mead, the potentate of porter, and the sultan of suds.

Pop open a bottle and swing on by!


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