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2011-03-12 VE-NpO-NPO DoW chart




Notes: This is a Declaration of War chart, tracking the date of declaration and the alliances involved. Where an alliance has peaced out, the alliance's icon is vertically-shaded with white, the icon border colour gives the date of peace, and the DoW attack lines are dashed. Alliances which have declared for 'both' sides are horizontally-shaded, with their central colour based on their earliest declaration. 'Micro' alliances are not included, with that definition being subjective, and usually based on the total number of nations in the alliance. The grey alliances are currently bystanders. Design priority in this chart has been to minimize x-overs to enhance 'reading' clarity. (and now the only one that still includes alliances that were involved, but are now at peace)

also see Seipher's NS-related and nuke-related maps:


and Jharius' most popular map* that includes colour spheres and separates the 2 fronts:


and shadoz is keeping his updated too:


*as voted on by readers of the Amazing Sanction Race who voted in gopherbashi's poll:



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Yes, we recognized that MK brought war to us. How is that the equivalent of a DoW?

wow, other people try so hard to be a troll, and you make it look so easy !

just think a *little* bit harder about how you would have charted the conflict if you were a third-party, TOTALLY disinterested in CN politics, and maybe you'll earn a clue.

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Way to keep updating this for so long, a lot of times stats trackers loose interest after a while. Keep up the good work.

Also, hes going by who actually posted a DoW, making it official. Pretty reasonable position to take.

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Way to keep updating this for so long, a lot of times stats trackers loose interest after a while. Keep up the good work.

Also, hes going by who actually posted a DoW, making it official. Pretty reasonable position to take.

oh, i *understand* his position. i just don't see the point of bringing it up in a non-political charting forum. either i use DoW, along with recognitions, or i don't even show the 'hidden' conflict. in a political forum, sure, you want the bonus P.R., but here, it's trolling, especially over a month after the inclusion.

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wow, other people try so hard to be a troll, and you make it look so easy !

Since when is asking a legitimate question is trolling?

just think a *little* bit harder about how you would have charted the conflict if you were a third-party, TOTALLY disinterested in CN politics, and maybe you'll earn a clue.

MK hasn't been shy about bringing war to other alliances without a formal declaration in this conflict. Personally, it's something I can understand and not a policy I'm really opposed to. Despite that, one can be disinterested in politics yet still understand the difference between "I'm bringing conflict to you" and "I see you've brought conflict to us."

Also, hes going by who actually posted a DoW, making it official. Pretty reasonable position to take.

Since no official DoW was posted the lines can be drawn without an arrow either way and I'd see it as reasonable. If an arrow was pointed from MK to CoJ I'd see that as reasonable but also a bit misleading as the connotation most would get is they issued a formal declaration though, I suppose, it would technically be correct since their nations declared on ours first.

oh, i *understand* his position. i just don't see the point of bringing it up in a non-political charting forum. either i use DoW, along with recognitions, or i don't even show the 'hidden' conflict. in a political forum, sure, you want the bonus P.R., but here, it's trolling, especially over a month after the inclusion.

Your chart illustrates things in a definitive manner thus presenting them as fact. I challenged something presented in it as fact (that we issued a DoW). You respond with our recognizing hostilities. I state they are not the same. You respond more or less with "you're trolling" then later "he just wants a PR boost." If you're looking to just ignore the issue raised then instead of making excuses for why you shouldn't consider what I've said you could simply disable comments on your blog.

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being non-political, i have NO way of distinguishing in-game between random rogue attacks and alliance-wide actions. with hundreds of alliances out there, i'm not going to sift thru every in-game war declaration and 'imagine' an alliance declaration of war on a given date.

hence, only an official announcement in the alliance announcements forum can be charted. the direction and colour of the arrow indicate the alliance doing the announcing and the date of the announcement. this issue had already been debated and hashed out between the various war-charters over a month ago (when FAN jumped in on NPO). the fact that you bring it up this week, long after that discussion, appeared to be trollish behaviour.

if you actually had honest intentions, then i apologize for my snarky response. however, it's my chart, and barring an actual error, thus it stands.

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being non-political,

You keep saying this like it is supposed to excuse your lack of due diligence.

i have NO way of distinguishing in-game between random rogue attacks and alliance-wide actions. with hundreds of alliances out there, i'm not going to sift thru every in-game war declaration and 'imagine' an alliance declaration of war on a given date.

Sure you do. It's called asking.

if you actually had honest intentions, then i apologize for my snarky response. however, it's my chart, and barring an actual error, thus it stands.

It's an actual error. MK declared on CoJ.

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being non-political, i have NO way of distinguishing in-game between random rogue attacks and alliance-wide actions. with hundreds of alliances out there, i'm not going to sift thru every in-game war declaration and 'imagine' an alliance declaration of war on a given date.

hence, only an official announcement in the alliance announcements forum can be charted. the direction and colour of the arrow indicate the alliance doing the announcing and the date of the announcement. this issue had already been debated and hashed out between the various war-charters over a month ago (when FAN jumped in on NPO). the fact that you bring it up this week, long after that discussion, appeared to be trollish behaviour.

if you actually had honest intentions, then i apologize for my snarky response. however, it's my chart, and barring an actual error, thus it stands.

You are participating in politics; therefore, you and your war web are politicized, but if you're going to play non-partisan Government Accountability Office, then do it well. The definitive resource understands and notes that CoJ did not declare war on MK: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Doom_House-NPO_War#Other_Related Furthermore, your claim that you have no way of distinguishing between the two is nothing more than laziness on your part, there is an entire thread full of MK and Umbrella gov stating that there attacks on alliances that declared war on GOONS were not rogues and that they initiated hostilities against those alliance, including CoJ: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=98200

"Your chart" contains errors and they should be corrected if you want to be some archon of knowledge.

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