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Whose hunger for war was insatiable?



Let's have a look at some of the facts involved in and around the war declared on Polaris by Viridian Entente.

(1) Lennox holds a grudge against Polaris due to the way events transpired during the BiPolar war.

(2) Lennox approaches a member of Polaris that he knew saw him as a close friend, and could thus easily be led into trusting him.

(3) Lennox joins VE and is waived through the academy process because Impero knew it was Lennox, as evidenced by the logs used in the DoW.

(4) Screen shots are then sent by Lennox, to Dajaboo, that do not work. Dajaboo says that they do not work, but at no point in the logs provided actually requests that they are re-uploaded to an alternative hosting site.

(5) Within the space of a single day Lennox does a complete 180 and instead of wanting to spy on someone, he comes over all moralist and turns himself, and Dajaboo, into VE in the process.

All of these facts were available to Impero before he declared war on Polaris. I believe that nobody in possession of this set of facts could logically come to any conclusion other than this was a deliberate attempt by Lennox to draw Polaris into a war due to his long held issues with them unless they are either mistakenly, or deliberately, being incredibly obtuse. So no I'm not claiming this was a set up by Viridian Entente, the way things happened makes that highly illogical and unlikely, but rather a setup by Lennox, a rather obvious one too, and Viridian Entente must have known this was the case.

Can you blame them for rolling an alliance they and their friends have a long held distaste for, given this opportunity even knowing it's a set up by a third party? It's a long held precedent in this Cyberverse that alliances pay for the mistakes of their leaders, and there can be no denying Dajaboo made mistakes more than once along the line, whether maliciously or otherwise. To go further along that line would involve moving away from facts and into the realms of he said, VE said (he said: I thought it was a joke, VE said: you told him to spy on us), which I don't intend to do. I'll leave the arguments for just or unjust to to many ongoing threads about the war. Just wanted to explain why it's my belief that either Viridian Entente is incredibly dense, or they proceded with this war knowing Polaris was set up by Lennox.

So to answer the original question, I guess Viridian Entente was a bit peckish, but it was Lennox who truly had the appetite.

If you believe any of the 5 things stated above are incorrect for whatever reason let me know... If there are solid facts that didn't come to light in the DoW please also let me know.


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VE & Co.: "We want war with Polaris. We want war with Polaris." (repeat for several months for added effect)

Lennox: "Hey guys, I can probably hook you up."

VE: "Uhhhh....OK."

Lennon: "There you go."

VE: "Wow. That was fast. Nice."

NpO: "Hey, I need to talk to you about what just happened with Lennox."

VE: "The number you have reached has been disconnected."

Yeah, I suppose it's plausible, although I believe it's more likely that Lennox was actively recruited for this purpose.

I suppose we'll have to wait for 'x' months until some PB higher-up ragequits and posts all the logs confirming what everyone with an IQ over 75 already suspects.

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This is the second time that Impero has used this trick. A few months ago, he had a VE member (MrMuz) give the admin of CNtel his VE forum password. Once the admin logged in, they ran his IP. The guy had joined CoJ without our knowing, and rather than approach us with a sting operation scenario (which is what it was), Impero came baseball bat in hand with veiled threats.

This is VE standard operating procedure. Create a spy, create a CB.

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Schatt you'd also notice that it was because we didn't feel CoJ leadership had anything to do with the spying, that we didn't attack CoJ. NpO leadership, however, was involved, therefore there is a war here.

I don't see how one can logically think we were involved in planning this, when it was Dajobo himself who suggested our alliance as one of two potential targets for maximum information gathering. Lennox came to us as he applied to say who he was to Impero, and then it wasn't long after that that he turned state's evidence and showed us what was going on.

Hunger for war is always out there, and I'm happy to be able to shed some pixels for Custom 45 again. But Polar gov was involved in planting a spy in VE, and as such Polar has been declared on.

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