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Be Careful Who you Step on.



Around two and a half years ago I was a little noob who somehow wound up MoFA of a noob alliance. We of course ended up getting rolled, in a war that I still think shouldn't have happened (sad part is it's not even listed in the wiki, so no one but those involved will ever remember it). The people who backed out on their treaties with me and the people who rolled me however have all seem to come to me now needing things. Chimera, Roy_Mustang, Kevenovia, etc...

I didn't turn these people down, because I actually like them and by CN standards they are good people. If I would have held grudges though I could have easily kicked these people in the face and told them to go screw themselves like I felt I was done to two and a half years ago. I wrote this because I just want people to realize that no one stays in power forever. The guy that you decide isn't worth your time today, may be your only hope tomorrow. The guy you decide to kick while he is down today, may have the choice to make sure you never get up in the future.

Be careful who you step on while you head to the top. You may end up needing them on the way back down, or in this case you may end up needing them when they have climbed their way higher than you expected to see them.

That's why every noob who queries me on irc asking for help with their alliance or every alliance who posts "We're getting attacked by GOONS!!!111!!! THey're evil!!11" topic I help them and give them gentle guidance and some help. You never know when I may have to beg one of their former members to activate a treaty that might save my alliance or have to count on one of their former members to lead my coalition in war etc....

Just my thought of the day.


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Well done, Omni. We GOONS have a different approach. Those that see the humor in what we're doing (even if it's them who we're doing it to) are more likely to form a strong relationship with us. I'd rather have friends and allies that are able to laugh it off and get to know us. Those that freak out and cry about injustices we've dealt them are not the caliber of individuals we chill with.

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Well done, Omni. We GOONS have a different approach. Those that see the humor in what we're doing (even if it's them who we're doing it to) are more likely to form a strong relationship with us. I'd rather have friends and allies that are able to laugh it off and get to know us. Those that freak out and cry about injustices we've dealt them are not the caliber of individuals we chill with.

I can't beleive I'm saying this, but if it wasn't for GOONS some people would never find this forum and would leave the game after a few days. So....in a twisted way....Thanks.

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I can't beleive I'm saying this, but if it wasn't for GOONS some people would never find this forum and would leave the game after a few days. So....in a twisted way....Thanks.

No problem...happy to help. :v:

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