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Hey there, R&R.



Once upon a time, you guys signed a treaty with IRON.

The relevant sections follow.


We, the alliances of R&R and the Independent Republic of Orange Nations (hereby referred to as IRON), sign this pact in essence of orange unification, friendship, and stronger bonds of faith through security, defense, intelligence, and finance.

Article I: Mutual Defense

A declaration on one signatory through military means is considered an attack on both signatories. A 24 hour notice will be given to the other signatory alliance to respond to the aid of the defending alliance. This does not chain to outside MDPs which are only linked to one signatory and not the other.

Grämlins attacked one signatory, not citing any outside MDPs. Your treaty is activated, and you have no conflicting obligations to any other parties. Going to do something about it?


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Forgot to add, call out is ridicuolous anyway, because R&R was allowing IRON nations to ghost them en masse. That's what R&R is doing.

Lies, it wasn't announced on the OWF so it can't be true XD

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So wait, invicta joining in wouldn't really help, but R&R joining in would end this right away?

Thanks for the credit, it's appreciated. Sounds like we're pretty badass.


We're not in the most powerful bloc on Planet Bob. You are.

This is not in dispute... is it?

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