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What's with all of the friendliness?



So earlier I was looking through the DoE's of some new alliances and I noticed something really, really weird (at least to me). It seemed to me that the majority of the posts were extremely supportive of these new alliances. Now 3 months ago I started my own alliance and got a lot of crap for it. If you want to look through the thread I posted, here it is. I'm not saying that they need to be trolled; all I'm wondering is, what happened to Planet Bob during the last 3 months that caused this attitude change. Of course, it could be me.


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Because you didn't list a proper protector, IRC server or colour sphere. It also didn't look particularly professional. Some raiders asked you to tell them if you were protected, you answered in a roundabout way and people called you out for it.

This happens whenever someone makes an announcement like yours. However, most of the micro alliances around at the moment are more professional in their DoEs. Perhaps threads like yours helped them :P

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Because you didn't list a proper protector, IRC server or colour sphere. It also didn't look particularly professional. Some raiders asked you to tell them if you were protected, you answered in a roundabout way and people called you out for it.

This happens whenever someone makes an announcement like yours. However, most of the micro alliances around at the moment are more professional in their DoEs. Perhaps threads like yours helped them :P

Basically this; you didn't conform to the norms of how other players think you should do it. On the other hand the more recent attempts made by others had a little more effort at appeasing their concept of what’s professional.

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"Of course, it could be me."

After reading the DoE that you linked to (and in particular your responses throughout), I can state with a good degree of certainty that this is the case.

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