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Absolutly nothing you ever wanted to know from THE one and only Jedi drunkard

Entries in this blog

Ya know what? Sometimes doctors can't figure it out

This ain't CN for a bit kiddos. This is just the honest to goodness rambling of a DrunkWino. So, I've got this pain in my side. Put your finger on your belly button. Now go about 3/4 of the way to your hipbone. My pain is there. It feels like there is a very angry midget with a knife trying to cut his way out. Ever been to the doctors office and they ask you to rate your pain from 1-10. My !@#$ gets cranked up to 11. This is the 1 year and 1 month anniversary of the midget stabbing his way ou

King DrunkWino

King DrunkWino

Reps seem to be the fun blog of the whatever, so here's my take:

Shut the $%&@ up you stupid !@#$%^&. Serious as a heart attack if a heart attack were popping opiates and washing them down with rum. I've even got the bum right leg. I am the real life House for all intents and purposes and one thing House got right is that everyone lies. You stupid !@#$@#$ halfwits that are either !@#$%*ing about or soon will be !@#$%*ing about reps need to step back and realize that you're !@#$@#$ morons. Is that clear enough for you or do I need to use more filter

King DrunkWino

King DrunkWino

Lecture 115: How to actually *be* a member of an alliance instead of dead weight ~ Dr. Wino

Welcome back class. Settle down and stop using your laptops to search xvideos and redtube for porn. Now, if you remember my last lecture, (which I suppose should be read AFTER this one since it was a 200 level and this is a 100 level class, but who gives a ****,) I pointed out some general and specific ways for alliance leaders to pick up their game a bit. If you haven't yet read it, just read the previous blog entry. Should be easy to find, and if you can't, well yeah. Anyway, this lecture wi

King DrunkWino

King DrunkWino

Lecture 201: Improving your Leadership ~by Dr. Wino

Settle down class. Today Dr. Wino will be conducting a seminar on how to improve the inner-workings of your CyberNations Alliance. There are those of you that this will be more of a refresher course and there are others here that, quite frankly, need to listen to some of these ideas before you fail. In other cases, before you fail again. This course is mainly for those of you in leadership positions, but you players that aren't should pay as close, if not closer, attention. Let us begin: Egos

King DrunkWino

King DrunkWino

A real life weekend through hell that ended in sheer heaven

I typically don't go for the whole "hey check out what I went through," mainly because if they don't involve a matter of life and death and have some sort of clear moral point or survival tip, it's mainly just someone indulging their ego and pumping up their own self-worth at the cost of a few minutes out of a bunch of peoples lives. (I just watched a whole ****load of House episodes, which is why I probably come off as a sheer ******* right now.) At any rate, if you didn't hear, there was qui

King DrunkWino

King DrunkWino

The Silly War kicks into full swing. Is this awesome? (y/y)

Lemme ask you good folks something, regardless of where your particular alliance found itself in this big ole slobberknocker of a fight, ain't ya having some fun or what? Tell me you're not checking your alliance forums more, that your not logging in to your nation or lurking the forums more. Of course you're putting more effort into Cybernations right now because the world is a burning and it just happens to be fun as all get out. I mean, look at one of the biggest differences between this shi

King DrunkWino

King DrunkWino

Grub Thows a curve ball that really isn't a curve ball

By now, those of us that have been trying to follow The Silly War (yes, I'm calling it that because it fits oh so well,) know that the New Polar Order is back in the game. This time Polar enters (re-enters, who the frack knows anymore,) to support her ally the New Sith Order. This, of course, put RoK in a tough spot because Polar went to war against GOD. First lesson: I started my CN life in the Random Insanity Alliance, a founder of the SuperFriends, so I can say this as 100% fact and 0% opini

King DrunkWino

King DrunkWino

Don't be ****heads

A bit earlier, Rebel Virgina started up a little discussion in the OWF that basically dealt with the folks who now have political power in the game of CN. It was about the old question of harsh reps. Now, a lot of folks tend to laugh off Rebel Virginia as a dude that just kinda hops around doing whatever he feels like doing with the fact that he does it with a certain style being his only saving grace. Frankly, I don't really care if people agree with that or not. However, it was the fact that i

King DrunkWino

King DrunkWino

When Real Life intersects with CN

Take a look at that kiddies. What you are seeing is a picture of a New Orleans Saint, QB Drew "Breesus" Brees hold up the Halas trophy. What does that mean? It means that the Saints are going to be playing in the Superbowl. Let that sink in. Saints - Superbowl. That's as farking insane as the Cubs playing in the World Series. What does this mean for CyberNations you ask? Well that's simple, the world is now officially ending. Forget global warming, global nuclear war, or any of that. The Sai

King DrunkWino

King DrunkWino

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