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Loki's Words of Wisdom #6

Malik Shabazz



Human emotion is one of the most destructive forces in the universe. Once it takes hold of you it clouds common sense, logic, and reason and can lead one to do destructive things. Try to control your emotions, swallow your pride sometimes, and never let anything get to you.


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If it was an attempt, you would be quite late.

But thanks for noting that it is not a spam blog, much like every other blog posted.

1. I know you get a hard on from trolling my blogs, but this really has nothing to do with the OP.

2, Who are you fooling?

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1. I know you get a hard on from trolling my blogs, but this really has nothing to do with the OP.

2, Who are you fooling?

What the actual $%&@? The OP made a statement, to which I replied. How is that "nothing to do with the OP"?
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What the actual $%&@? The OP made a statement, to which I replied. How is that "nothing to do with the OP"?

You replied to the disclaimer, without even saying anything about the main message.

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Without emotions there's little reason to do anything. Going purely by logic, there's no reason to not suicide (or to suicide, for that matter).

Emotions out of control can be bad, anyway: on that I agree.

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