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[b]Public Announcement From The United States Congress[/b]

"The United States will continue to allow legal medical drugs to be imported into the United States. Because imports from around the world are very low, Mogatopia's are also of course low. The United States has a manufacturing base for medical drugs and makes 95% of their own.
We hope that the United Kingdom finds those who attacked their nation, however we still find Mogatopia as a reliable producer of legal medical drugs."

Edited by PresidentDavid
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Shooting down any MoG[Corp] aircraft would be harmful to peaceful civilians attempting to trade goods with other nations with perhaps more economic freedoms than the citizens whose nations wish to put economic sanctions against us are aware of and would be greatly disappointing to the world opinion, a nation that is not exporting any goods to your nation that would be considered illegal to your nation should not have any negative economic sanctions placed against it, MoG[Corp] does not interfere with any other nations laws and does not feel other nation should interfere with our internal affairs, our citizens are free, we question why you limit those in your nation to follow a more conservative path, why cant you allow those in your nation to experience any sensation they wish?

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[b]Official Report from British Inspectors[/b]

British inspectors are pleased to announce that the opiate stockpile of Mogtopia is no match to the agent used against Britain. Moreover, the agent used against Britain has been investigated further and revelations have come to light which have revealed that the agent was a highly advanced synthetic opiod, something way more advanced that what Mogtopia could produce.


RAF jets in Spain, Italy and Malta returned to Britain via Spain and Portugal.

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Realizing the need for a more traditional criminal system, MoG[Corp] began construction on a massive prison complex to be constructed in the desert, with room to hold up to 15,000 prisoners, 300 miles from any other source of water. Nations currently experiencing an overpopulated jail system may apply to send their criminals to MoG[Prison]®.

Aquaducts - 60%
Drug Bunkers - 18%
MoG[Prison] - 2%

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MoG[Hotels] has begun construction of a multiple building complex on the island of la palma, to contain at least 3 casinos, 5 hotels, numerous beachs, hundreds of resturaunts and shops, to be called "La Palma Grand Resort and Casino", as well as expanding the airport on the east coast of the island to allow for the expected increase in air travel.

Aquaducts - 61%
Drug Bunkers - 24%
MoG[Prison] - 12%
La Palma - 1%

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With the formation of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, MoG[Media] focused even more on pro capitalist programming, with additional focus on anti spy propaganda, numerous posters" had been created,

Aquaducts - 62%
Drug Bunkers - 36%
MoG[Prison] - 27%
La Palma - 13%

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Murdeira, Island of Sal, Cape Verde Islands - MoG[Corp]'s construction of additional services and housing in the Cape Verde and Canary islands has breathed new life into the islands, becoming the largest tourist destination for Mogatopian citizens.
In other news, southern morocco and Western Sahara have been closed to travel, due to recent instability in the area. MoG[Corp] employees living in the area are asked to keep a close eye on their surroundings and report any suspicious persons or packages to MoG[Security]. Remember citizens, only you can prevent terrorism!

Aquaducts - 63%
Drug Bunkers - 42%
MoG[Prison] - 34%
La Palma - 19%

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MoG[Pharmacuticals] announces its latest product Alert®(mild dose of cocaine cut with caffiene in a tablet for easy transportation), sales have been strong so far, and international sales are expected to grow rapidly as the product becomes more readily available.

Aquaducts - 65%
Drug Bunkers - 49%
MoG[Prison] - 43%
La Palma - 32%

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projected have continued, additional bunkers were planned, each at least 3 football fields side by side, near each Branch capital cities, for hydroponic food growth, to assist in creating at least some measure of protected food supplies in case of war.

Aquaducts - 70%
Drug Bunkers - 64%
MoG[Prison] - 61%
La Palma - 54%
Hydroponics Bunker - 1%

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The first hydroponics drug bunker has come online, the first crop grown will be Marijuana, to be marketed in nations that have decriminalized or legalized marijuana usage. MoG[Construction] has been focusing heavily on completing the La Palma resort and Casino, workers have been taken off other projects until the completion of the massive resort.

Aquaducts - 71%
Drug Bunkers - 65%
MoG[Prison] - 62%
La Palma - 71%
Hydroponics Bunker - 4%

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La Palma is nearing completion, only the pools and the gaming tables have yet to be installed and completed, advertising has begun to bring in revenue on the day of completion, including heavy discounts for airfare from the nations of Germany, Ireland, Ceylon, People's Republic of Africa, Wagadou, among others.

Aquaducts - 73%
Drug Bunkers - 67%
MoG[Prison] - 68%
La Palma - 92%
Hydroponics Bunker - 12%

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  • 2 weeks later...

the La Palma Resort has opened, invitations were sent out to celebrate the opening of this massive complex to almost everywhere in the world.

OOC: think of one of the party style threads, with a casino royale twist perhaps. I'll be posting it at some point probably tomorrow morning.

Aquaducts - 75%
Drug Bunkers - 71%
MoG[Prison] - 72%
La Palma - 100%
Hydroponics Bunker - 18%

Edited by Mogar
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