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Are you the next "Charlie Sheen" ?

Are you too sexy for your shirt?

Does the awesome meter explode when you walk by?

If you answered yes to any of the above..... you are probably full of crap, and WE WANT YOU!

join DDM... the most awesome, sexy and amazing thing since DD's on a 21 yr old.

Our forums are [url="http://s15.invisionfree.com/ddm"]HERE[/url] Hopefully our next member is a forum nerd and can fix those right up.

or find us on IRC in #ddm

We prefer experienced members that are able to cause trouble, troll aimlessly, and not get us nuked to hell and back in 25 days or less.

We are experienced and know what is up, down and generally sort of crookedey, but would love to talk to anyone that wants to get busy with us.


Good afternoon, Charlie Sheen here. Unfortunately, I am unable to become an affiliate of your organisation, for I am currently lounging with my beautiful women. Of course, I can wish you all the best though for I have tiger blood and Adonis DNA.

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