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I just entered into a trade with someone (I've double and triple checked everything. IN trade agreements it says "accepted" and it shows my 5 trade slots as full). But, for some reason, the resources won't show up in my connected resources and I'm not getting any of the bonus resources I should be. I should have gotten beer, steel, construction, asphalt, and automobiles as soon as I accepted that trade (trade was Iron and Aluminum). My alliance is at a loss. What should I do?


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Nearly the same thing is happening to me. I have 5 active trades and the last one was accepted only a few moments ago. One of the resources of the last trade overlaps one of my other connected resources but I'm not getting credit for the first resource. The trade is accepted and all but it's not showing up in connected resources and my population hasn't gone up at all (the new resource was fish).

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Exactly the same problem with me. The guy has fish and pigs showing up as his resources. But no Aluminum and iron for me. The +1 happiness for the team bonus is showing up, though. The trade is definitely working. Just no resources for me. *projects a batman sign on the clouds and prays for admin*

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