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Markus Wilding

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General Dawson looked out across the desert. His soldiers were expected to arrive any minute now at the Norman Military Base. Sole soldiers from the 1st Red Australian Inf. Div. had dug a trench and were sitting there with AARM-65 assault rifles in hand, prepared for the extremists (who stylized themselves as "Free Australians"), known to Australian Command as OPFOR. The 1st Australian Armoured Division was also nearby, their engineers digging tank trenches. Soldiers from the Australian Free State, the UFE, the Caspian Clique and Selenactos were due any minute, in both Brisbane and Norman. Their equipment would prove invaluable in the long road ahead. In the previous night's attack (known as "The Night of Eternal Flames" to some military commanders) almost the entire army had been eliminated, leaving only one division left operational, and even then they had taken severe casualties. Some of the armoured units had survived, but were the fresh, off-the-line Matilda IIs and Cromwell tanks that had rushed crews trained in their use. If the OPFOR brought any form of serious anti-tank weapons or worse, armoured units of their own, the green 1st. Armoured was done for. General Dawson received a radio message - Caspian Clique soldiers and 2nd Australian Inf. men would be due in 0100 hours. "Good", he thought. "More men to face the so-called "Free Australians"..."

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Brigadier General Daniel Kerasley stepped out of the AVA blackhawk, put on his aviators, and walked over to meet General Dawson. Behind him more blackhawks landed, carrying members from the 1st Airmobile Infantry Regiment, and AH-64 Apache Gunships began to prowl the skys. The rest of 2 Brigade would arive shortly. "General Dawson? I'm Brigadier Kerasly, commander of AVA 2 Brigade. I'v been asked to reprisent the AFS forces here." he said approching the Red Australian Army general.

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Bravo Company, 2nd Afghan Light Infantry Battalion, along with its attached vehicles sat idle next to airstrip at the Norman Military Base. They had arrived twelve hours ahead of the main force, that was now due to arrive at any time. Many of them had spent the last twelve hours or so cleaning weapons, or preparing their vehicles to assist in the push to eliminate the threat of this so-called "Free Australian" movement. Many of the men were veterans of the Week-long Kandahar campaign, and had no love for violent insurgents or rebels. They had taken over a section of the trenchline, and set a watch on the horizon, many catching some rest, something that they had gotten little of during the campaign.

A loud drone in the sky, was what roused the soldiers from their lethargic state, many of them standing up or looking up from their tasks at hand.


Twenty-four CT-23 "Skymaster" Strategic Airlift Aircraft, escorted by a further six CT-55 "Bushmaster" Heavy Tactical Transport Aircraft, began landing on the long airstrip. As the aircraft rolled by the already arrived Caspian forces gave a cheer, waving, one of them had a flag that he was waving. The aircraft were all marked with the national flag of the Caspian Clique, and painted in a dull grey, dust was kicking up as they passed by the hundred and fifty Caspian troops already there. Many of the Caspian troops, who had goggles put them on quickly, or covered their eyes with their hands and looked away.

The aircraft quickly taxied into a line on the tarmac, off of the runway, their rear ramps beginning to lower. Off the lead CT-23 strolled a middle-aged commander, wearing a combat helmet with his goggles down over his eyes, and chewing on a cigar, quickly lighting it as soon as he stepped off the aircraft, as smoking was disallowed on the flights. He tipped his helmet to the already-arrived Bravo Company, who gave a makeshift salute and then a hearty cheer as their fellow comrades had finally arrived.

He quickly walked over to the two Australian Commanders, and called out in thickly-accented English, "General Dawson, sir! I'm Brigadier General Andrei Konev, commander of Task Force Caspia. The Caspian Clique sends its regards, as well as some of its best," said Konev with a smile. "The Clique has assigned the entirety of the 2nd Afghan Light Infantry Battalion, a company from the Kandahar Light Infantry Regiment, as well as two platoons of the Turkmenistan Hussars Regiment, with fourteen Infantry Fighting Vehicles. We also got a platoon of three Viper Main Battle Tanks from the Kabul Dragoons available, plus a platoon of Caspian Army Engineers to the Peacekeeping Force." As he listed off the units available, he offered his hand to the two commanders.

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"Brigadier Kerasly," General Dawson held his hand out for a short handshake, then motioned to the soldiers who were awaiting in the trenches. "It is good that your men are arriving, if our sources are correct then the attack should come any minute now." Then, as he finished this sentence the Caspain planes landed on the nearby airfield. "Ah, it appears we have another visitor. Brigadier General Konev, again it is good to see you. Again, the attack should be coming any minute now." In the distance, muffled booms and bits of sand could be seen and heard in the distance. "It appears the Chinese have begun their assaults. Let us go inside, that way we can co-ordinate our attacks and defense better." He motioned for the two commanders to join him inside as the rumble of armored vehicles filled the air. The "Free Australians" had just launched their attack on Norman, and were hellbent on taking it and "liberating" it.

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As the commanders headed into the bunker, Kearsley shouted at a young Lieutenant "Get those gunships Airbourne ASAP! Radio the rest of the Brigade to dubble-time it here!" The Lieutenant dashed of to where the signalmen had setup shop, barking orders to the radiomen. Apaches Began lifting off, and troopers rushed to take up position behind HESCO barriers.

Corporal Nathan Butler, dashed to cover as mortar bombs began falling around him. His squad was inside a HESCO bunker on the trenchline. He switched the saftey off his M15A1 rifle, looked down the sights and waited for the insurgents to come into view. They came over a small hill, with jeeps, SUVs and other converted civilian vehicles. "Open fire!" An officer yelled and the entire line erupted with gunfire. Next to him, a Militiaman opend up on an M58 machinegun, the noise was defening. An Apache swoped overhead, its 30mm cannon ripping through the rebels, its rockets taking out whole chunks of them. mortar bombs continued to fall as Nathan fired his rifle.

Hot brass spewed from the bolt. He ejected the magazine and slammed another one into place. The rebels were close now, some were even breaching the line. "Fix Bayonets!" came a cry over the radio. As he withdrew his OKC-3S knife, a motar shell landed on the bunker collapsing the roof and knocking him unconscious.

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Konev looked back towards the soldiers that were disembarking from their aircraft, and adjusted his tactical microphone, talking into the headset.

"Colonel Kazeem, I want those transports unloaded, NOW!" Konev barked into mic, to his executive officer, who was overseeing the unloading of the transports. "Captain Turner," he said, as a few tracers went by, "I want Bravo Company up supporting the outer defenses. Get those damn planes out of here ASAP, I promised Dawkins I wouldn't scratch some of his babies. Deploy your forces as you see fit, I want those heavies off the transports and up on the line yesterday."

Konev's eyes blinked as an errant rebel mortar shell landed nearby, the explosion of which did not faze him at all, he turned back to his fellow commanders, and followed them towards the command bunker. Behind him, the Caspian forces began deploying out of their aircraft, the infantry all had their weapons cleared for action before they landed. The tanks and IFVs were rolling straight off the planes, their crews already inside before they landed, they were all fully loaded with ammunition, and gassed up, and ready for war. They wouldn't have to wait long.

The husky bark of CR-8G Modular Assault Weapons filled the air as the Caspian forces moved forward to assist the thin line of troopers holding the perimeter of the base.

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Corporal Butler was dragged from the rubble of the (former)HESCO bunker. He groggily got to his feet, coughing up dust as he did so. Bullets wizzed past him, as he took cover by the trench wall. The rebels had reached the trench now and were fighting fiercly with the troops there. An Apache was hovering nearby, its cannon poundng rebel positions. Suddenly an RPG was fired from behind the chopper, hitting it in the tail. It spun and crashed onto a squad of Red Army troopers. Butler looked behind him, Caspian armoured vehicles and troops were moving into support. Butler then looked up towards the rebels charging down the hill, and over the horizon came hundreds of helicopters. Hellfire missiles streeked across the sky, slamming onto rebel vehicles. Blackhawks dropped of troops behind the rebels. All around him, militiamen cheered, as they welcomed the rest of 2 brigade.

Kerasly was looking over a live feed of the battle from a UFE UAV. The damage to the 1st Airmobile Regiment was enourmous not just in men, but meterial as well. almost a hundred blackhawks had been destroyed by rebel mortar fire, as well as tens of gunships. "Brigadier this is Colonel Verbruggen, 2nd Airmobile is coming in!" Kerasley's radio crackled. "COLONEL! about damn time! deploy your troops behind the rebel forces, we will smash them between hammer and anvile!" he replied, unable to hide the joy in his voice.

Edited by Chernarussia
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Colonel Omar Kazeem was in his element, as an executive officer of a task force in the Caspian Military, their task was to be out in the field with the men when they were deployed. While the task force commander would usually direct the overall battle plan from their headquarters, the executive officers would command them in the actual field, providing a senior military officer on-site. The rebel "Free Australians" were beginning to overwhelm the trench line, when the Caspian task force moved forward from its positions near the airstrip.

Leading the charge were the three "Viper" main battle tanks, flanked by seven "Jackrabbit" Infantry Fighting Vehicles on both sides, all of the weapons on the vehicles were blazing. Tank commanders on the Vipers were manning the CMGH-8 Heavy Machine guns that the vehicles had as secondary weapons on the top of the turret. Kazeem rode behind the turret on a Jackrabbit, he and his senior NCO directing the fire as the 20mm Auto Cannon on the Jackrabbit blazed away at the rebels. One Viper sited in on a rebel technical (a pickup mounting a heavy machinegun), and opened up with its' main gun, the shell hit the front of the charging vehicle in the engine block, the force sending the technical somersaulting backwards bumper over bumper four times. A "Swatter" missile, fired from one of the Jackrabbits' anti-tank missile batteries, hit another technical, probably carrying explosives for demolitions, and the vehicle was blown a good forty feet into the air.

Beside the infantry fighting vehicles and tanks, the ever-faithful infantry of the 2nd Afghan Light Infantry Battalion charged forward into the maelstrom, letting loose bursts of fire from their own weapons. As soon as they reached the trench line, they dived into the trenches, as the vehicles stopped behind them, the light infantrymen poured on deadly accurate fire from their modular weapon systems, the ranks of rebels beginning to get thinner.

Colonel Kazeem shouted over the din into his mic, "General, the trench line is secure, we can hold them."

As General Konev watched the battle unfolding from a closed-circuit feed aboard one of the Jackrabbit IFVs, from the command bunker with Generals Kerasly and Dawson, he responded, "Good man, keep pumping lead. Omar, if there are any wounded from the Communist Australian or Australian Free State militaries up there, I want your corpsmen to evacuate them if they can." He turned to Dawson, "Sir, one of our Bushmaster heavy tactical transport aircraft is already configured for medevac, they can evacuate the most seriously wounded to a more secure location for treatment."

He then spoke into the mic to Kazeem, "I want you to hold the company from the Kandahar Light Infantry in reserve for now, use them to plug any holes in the line if that assault gets any worse."

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Red Army forces had sustained major casualties in the attack, since the "Free Australians" focused their attacks on the Communist lines. Calls for corpsmen came from nearly all sides of the trenches, and some tanker crews pulled their dead comrades from the tanks, making cross signs with their hands. A lieutenant entered the barracks where General Dawson was and reported the casualties to him - 14,000 dead, another twelve thousand wounded on the Red Army's side. General Dawson sighed, placing a hand on his chin. "We've lost a damn good amount of men today. Secure the trench, round up anyone still alive who can hold a gun and get them here. We will make them pay for what they've done."

In a few hours, another unit of fresh Matilda II and Cromwell tanks had arrived. The crews brought with them trucks, towed behind on industrial-strength ropes. "Thought the lot of you could use some extra mobility." The 1st Red Australian Infantry Division began loading up their equipment onto the trucks, including assault rifles, heavy machine guns and themselves. General Dawson explained they were preparing for an assault on a Free Australian stronghold to the south. "Hopefully, the Chinese have already softened them up for us."

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OOC: This wouldn't be my terminology for geurillas, this would be full scale civil war with division size formations


"Sir it appears, the auscoms were liberal in their use of the word Geurilla." Brigadier General Kan Limei said from AusCom FOB.

"Heh. I saw your action reports." Lt. General Chou said on the secure line from Guam.

"I would recommend a decisive use of force to squash these guys, mobilizing the a full scale rear line invasion by the PLA and PLANAF forces to establish a second front behind the enemy lines, this coupled with strategic bombing. Three weeks we can have an expeditionary action group in the region along with a few battleships to provide support."

"Thats quite a commitment, we'll need to speak to Taipei HQ for that." Chou replied. "In the meantime I am ordering two airborne combat brigade teams in to guard our planes, along with authorizing the deployment of a F/A-47 squadron. Daytime use of F/B-23s is authorized by CMC."

"Understood, thank you general AusCom FOB out." Kan said saluting.

The F/B-23s entrance into the daytime battlefield meant active jamming of the enemies defenses and the ability to engage with impunity was now possible. Although only four of them, the F/B-23s in the field provided a decisive sensor capability able to track two hundred units at once and feed that to the Chinese forces command to use airpower to engage ground targets.

With F/B-23s provided targeting over the counter revolutionaries artillery battery positions. Enemy radar signals would be detected by the F/B-23s and smart bombs would be launched against those targets eliminating them, while their signals and lock ons to enemy ground to ground artillery would be transmitted to the older JH-7s who would use long range stand off air to ground missiles to engage these targets.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1297618140' post='2631234']
OOC: This wouldn't be my terminology for geurillas, this would be full scale civil war with division size formations

OOC: My thoughts exactly. :P


"Sir, the 2nd ALI Battalion got pretty chewed up last night, we're looking at almost twenty-five percent casualties total for the entire task force. We got an IFV out of action, and a Viper that needs some TLC before we can put it back out in the field," reported Konev, over the phone to General Terry Lowell, back at the Caspian Armed Forces Command in Ashgabat. "We're looking at large formations of rebel forces that we're going to have to engage."

Lowell sighed, then responded, "What can I send you, Andrei?"

"I'm going to need at least two more battalions of mechanized infantry, the full balance of the Kandahar Light Infantry, along with a full company of Vipers, all the support troops, plus artillery, and if you can spare it, two squadrons of aircraft, Multirole Strike and Tactical Fighter-Bombers," responded Konev, knowing Lowell wasn't going to like his request.

"That's a tall order, Andrei, but I'll clear it with Dawkins, he probably won't like it, but I don't think he'll refuse you either."

"Thank you sir."

"Just get the job done, and you boys can come home, I'll get back to you in an hour."

[b]Secure Transmission to the UFE from Caspian Foreign Office[/b]

(OOC: I'm assuming that since you're deploying ground forces, as well as flying aircraft for day strikes, your presence would be known to the other members of the Force by now, apologies if I'm mistaken)

[quote]The Caspian Clique is planning on deploying combat aircraft to Norman Military Base, along with support aircraft, including mid-air RP-450 "Guzzler" refueling aircraft. These refueling aircraft will be available to all Peacekeeping Force aircraft that require air-to-air refueling.[/quote]

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1297618140' post='2631234']
OOC: This wouldn't be my terminology for geurillas, this would be full scale civil war with division size formations

OoC: I was thinking of having a big batle, than having a Vietnam style geurilla war


With the battle over and the base secure, AVA engineers began to clear the airstrip of the ruind helicopters. the 1st Airmobile had lost 621 men, almost 2/3 of its strength, and the 2nd Aviation had lost 24 choppers and 48 men. The remainder of the brigade however, was in good spirits and doing well. Brigadier Kerasley walked into the command bunker and laid out a satellite map of Communist Australia.


"Ehhmm, gentlemen" Kerasley said looking at the other commmanders. "As you can see, i've marked out were the allied strongholds are. I suggest we divide our forces, and each take on a different operational area to patrol. the AVA can take the Cairns area, Caspians can take Townsville. As it is their country, i would recommend that the Red army take a role in all the areas, but focus on Norman and the desert areas around Mt. Isa, its mine is a valuable economic asset."

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"This map displays where our soldiers will be divided. The 1st Infantry will be moving from Norman to engage the "Free Australian" stronghold near the mines. The 1st Armoured will be in Cairns, hopefully destroying any resistance. Same in Townsville, the 2nd Infantry and Second Armoured will be patrolling. If the rebels are as easy to rout as they were today, this campaign should be short work." Already, the 1st was preparing themselves for the fight in the mines, one that would prove a long and arduous.

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"This campaign will take a while, it will be about winning over the people, not simpily destroying the rebels. 2 Brigade will move to Cairns to provide infantry support to 1st RA Armoured. however 3rd Aviation and 2nd Airmobile will remain here to assist the Red Army at the mines."

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"Task Force Caspia, which is due to receive reinforcements within the next twenty-four hours, will assist attacking the stronghold. We have significant experience in assaulting such positions from our own counterinsurgency campaigns, and feel that experience could be beneficial to the units of the Red Australian Army," noted Konev, looking at the two commanders.

"Once our additional forces arrive, Task Force Caspia will have a reinforced brigades strength, and plenty of ground-based firepower."

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"The length of time will not matter. What matters is is that the world knows you will not be able to simply roll over our land this easily without retribution. This, my friends, is the beginning of a new era for Australia." General Dawson hoped that the newly-trained recruits could handle the struggles of fighting a determined, well-armed enemy.

"So, what're they planning on calling this?" Cpl. Tolmer referred to the lonely stretch of road they had been traveling on that would bring them to the mines. Sgt. Dixon shrugged and said "I dunno...Highway 35 or something like that." The only surviving lieutenant of the Night of Eternal Flames, Lt. Callum McDonald, didn't even so much as grin. "Can it, you knuckleheads. The guys we're fighting are tough sons-of-%&$*#es. Keep yer sides covered, make sure yer buddie's always next to ya, and don't die. We're two minutes ETA, so load up." The men in all trucks loaded their AARM-65s and M60s and prepared for the assault. Their enemy had a slight advantage, with the mines being in hills and mountains. However, the Red Australians were more than ready to beat each and every one of them senseless. Cpl. Tolmer prepared his "Blooper" grenade launcher and in an instant they were attacking. The Free Australians had set up machine-gun posts in the mine's higher offices. "Go go go! I want these rebels DEAD!" The LT shouted at any man who didn't do precisely what he was told, and that was to move forward into the hellfire of the machine guns. "Blooper" grenade launchers made short work of most defenses but couldn't do anything to the MG posts for the simple fact of it would destroy valuable coal that the Reds needed for production.

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As soon as the bulk of Task Force Caspia arrived at Norman, the column set off with the Australian force headed for the stronghold, moving in support.

Once again, at the head of the Task Force, was Colonel Kazeem, directing two battalions of the Turkmen Hussars Regiment, the "Azrael" or "Angels of Death", to take up supporting positions behind the assaulting Communist Australian forces. Marksmen from the regiment quickly began picking off insurgent forces that surrounded the entrances to the mines. The Caspian forces were reluctant to fire straight into the mines themselves, seeing as every third round in every gun, besides their pistols, was a tracer as was custom to military practice. The tracer rounds could easily set alight the coal or set off a spark in floating in the air, especially kicked up by the now constant explosions.

Kazeem radioed back to Konev and Dawson, "Sir, we're going to take massive casualties if we go straight into those mines, we're going to incinerate ourselves if we don't watch it here. Look, I know these coal mines are important to the Communist Australian nation, but we need some sort of weapon here, like a fuel air bomb or something. We need to suck the air out of those damn caves. One bullet pinging off the rock could ignite the coal dust in those mines."

"This is your operation General Dawson," said Kazeem, into his radio, "whats your call?"

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OOC: This post requires a [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ec0XKhAHR5I"]song[/url]

The Blackhawks flew low over the ground towards the rebel positions. Corporal Butler looked out over the flat land. Bluffs jutted up at random, from the farmland. After the Battle of Norman, 1st and 2nd Airmobile as well as 3rd Aviation, were pushing south with a convoy of Red Army and Caspian soldiers. “All Eagle vectors, this is Eagle-Three –Actual we have contact with the enemy” the radio crackled. They could hear the gunshots and explosions now. “Thirty seconds out!” the Co-pilot called. Butler turned the safety off his rifle and cleared the chamber. They swept into Mount Isa from the north, hitting the Airport.

Butler jumped out of the Blackhawk firing on a group of rebels near the terminal. "All Eagle-Vectors this is Eagle-Six! Secure that Terminal ASAP!" the Colonel shouted through the radio. UFE jets flew overhead, dropping their payload off in the distance. Butler's squad steadily advanced using fire and manuver tactics. RPGs were fired from the upper levels, hitting the advancing sections. A hellfire missile hit the terminal, collpsing the corner of the building. smoke grenades were thrown through the doors followed by Butler's squad. securing the lobby, Butler led his squad through the northern sector of the building. Clearing the rooms as they went.

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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1297646565' post='2631764']
As soon as the bulk of Task Force Caspia arrived at Norman, the column set off with the Australian force headed for the stronghold, moving in support.

Once again, at the head of the Task Force, was Colonel Kazeem, directing two battalions of the Turkmen Hussars Regiment, the "Azrael" or "Angels of Death", to take up supporting positions behind the assaulting Communist Australian forces. Marksmen from the regiment quickly began picking off insurgent forces that surrounded the entrances to the mines. The Caspian forces were reluctant to fire straight into the mines themselves, seeing as every third round in every gun, besides their pistols, was a tracer as was custom to military practice. The tracer rounds could easily set alight the coal or set off a spark in floating in the air, especially kicked up by the now constant explosions.

Kazeem radioed back to Konev and Dawson, "Sir, we're going to take massive casualties if we go straight into those mines, we're going to incinerate ourselves if we don't watch it here. Look, I know these coal mines are important to the Communist Australian nation, but we need some sort of weapon here, like a fuel air bomb or something. We need to suck the air out of those damn caves. One bullet pinging off the rock could ignite the coal dust in those mines."

"This is your operation General Dawson," said Kazeem, into his radio, "whats your call?"
"There'll be an RAAF B-52 headed your way, it's loaded with two fuel-air bombs. Call out the targets and it'll do the rest." True to his word, the B-52 was circling the air in about ten minutes time, awaiting for Caspain co-ordinates before making their runs.

[quote name='Chernarussia' timestamp='1297648093' post='2631815']
OOC: This post requires a [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ec0XKhAHR5I"]song[/url]

The Blackhawks flew low over the ground towards the rebel positions. Corporal Butler looked out over the flat land. Bluffs jutted up at random, from the farmland. After the Battle of Norman, 1st and 2nd Airmobile as well as 3rd Aviation, were pushing south with a convoy of Red Army and Caspian soldiers. “All Eagle vectors, this is Eagle-Three –Actual we have contact with the enemy” the radio crackled. They could hear the gunshots and explosions now. “Thirty seconds out!” the Co-pilot called. Butler turned the safety off his rifle and cleared the chamber. They swept into Mount Isa from the north, hitting the Airport.

Butler jumped out of the Blackhawk firing on a group of rebels near the terminal. "All Eagle-Vectors this is Eagle-Six! Secure that Terminal ASAP!" the Colonel shouted through the radio. UFE jets flew overhead, dropping their payload off in the distance. Butler's squad steadily advanced using fire and manuver tactics. RPGs were fired from the upper levels, hitting the advancing sections. A hellfire missile hit the terminal, collpsing the corner of the building. smoke grenades were thrown through the doors followed by Butler's squad. securing the lobby, Butler led his squad through the northern sector of the building. Clearing the rooms as they went.
Some Matilda IIs were already on the scene, firing on any "Free Australian" spy planes that attempted to take off. Free Australian infantrymen could be heard yelling to their comrades [url="http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/3/32/Sniper_helpmedefend03.wav"]"Get over here ya yobbos and help me defend!"[/url] as they raced to set up any form of defense. Anti-tank guns and RPGs threatened the Matilda and Cromwell tanks, and the tankers told the AVA so over their radios. A squad of Red Australian infantry who were in the area on their way to Townsville had gathered up a group of prisoners from another part of the airport, and paraded them in front of their now-assaulted airport. One of the prisoners could be heard berating his comrades for getting captured. "[url="http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/2/2a/Sniper_jeers07.wav"]Shoulda saved a bullet for some a' YOU blokes!"[/url]

Edited by Markus Wilding
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OOC: Fuel-Air Bombs usually require a heavy delivery system, as they're usually very large weapons, especially to be effective, we're talking a C-130 transport. There are 750-lb weapons, but they'd still need a jet fighter. Not trying to be an asshat, just saying, even the venerable (and insanely awesome/cool) AH-64 Apache needs some help from the big boys high in the sky sometimes. :awesome:


(Here's a 15,000-lb weapon, for example)

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"We're forwarding the coordinates to your targeting system right now, but we need time to pull back, we need to get a safe distance away before you unleash that bad boy. We'll radio when we're good to go," said Kazeem, over the radio net to the bombardier of the aircraft circling above.

Kazeem quickly ordered the coalition forces back to a minimum safe distance, the Viper Main Battle Tanks and Jackrabbit IFVs providing covering fire as the troops retreated away from the mine.

"Lets go, double time it," yelled Kazeem, yelled at the Caspian and Australian soldiers, "we need to get to minimum safe distance, or we're going to well-done and served up in a body bag."

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A ground commander in Guam had a pop-up come up on his computer screen. He decrypted the incoming file via a processing algorithm. Another pop-up displayed, "LAUNCH AUTHORIZED." He raised the Launch Site's alert level clearing the maintenance areas around GLR-133 Enhanced Payload Launch Vehicle 1. The men who were performing its scheduled maintenance routine and who were nearing the end of it buzzed away from the missile. The vehicle pivoted to point south towards Australia. A few minutes later there was a roar as the missile exited the launcher heading south towards what appeared to the Commander's satellite display to be some form of coal mine entrance.

[i]"What in the world are we attacking down there?"[/i] He pondered.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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A flight of ten UFE STVOL heavy transports (well relatively STVOL) were would descend from the sky escorted by the AC-130 gunships which were ordered to circle the coal mines engaging targets if they came out to stop the heavy transports. With the massive UFE FAEB detonating at the entrance a large swath of area would be burned away and flattened allowing for the landing of the transports. As their forward and aft section opened up, UFE infantry would storm onto the scene lead by UGV units which were the first to enter into the cave entrance.

One UGV team was dispatched to guard large UGV which would move down into the passage alone. On it was a high powered EMP device which when detonated, while not sparking an explosion, would knock out the electronics for any booby traps and surveillance equipment within the tunnel along with advanced equipment like night vision and thermoimaging scopes, essentially rendering non-shielded equipment (something rebels were unlikely to have) void.

[quote]Transmission to All Commands: Be advised. We will be detonating a clean EMP device in the tunnels, we advise all to hold off assaults until such a device has cleared the tunnels. Then an assault can begin with minimum risk.[/quote]

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