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Communist Revolution

Padraig Rua

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Early on this Monday morning, roughly 5000 Volunteers and members of the People's Communist Army took over strongpoints in Fairbanks city centre. A force of Volunteers gathered at Liberty Hall under the command of Commandant James Brooks. The rebel headquarters was located at the General Post Office (GPO) where James Brooks, overall military commander and four other members of the Military Council: Tom Jennings ,John Clarke, Seán Mac Dermott and Joseph Hines were located. After occupying the Post Office, the Volunteers hoisted two communist flags and Tom read a Proclamation of the Alaskan Socialist People's Republic.

Elsewhere, rebel forces took up positions at the Alaskan Courts, the centre of the Alaskan legal establishment, at Jacobs Weapons Factory and Boland's Communication center and at the hospital complex at the south of Fairbanks. Another contingent, under Michal Mallin, dug in Fairbanks central park.
These are just a few of the many places occupied by the communist forces. Over 16,000 Government troops have been deployed to crush the revolution along with 10 tanks and air support.

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[quote][center]Dispatch from the United Federation of the East, Fort Beihai[/center]

The United Federation of the East urges the government not to thwart the will of the people and allow for the natural and historical transition towards Socialism.[/quote]

Covert action was ordered to immediately begin signal jamming of the governments communications capabilities, a squadron of EF-50 fighters were launched and ordered to infiltrate Alaskan air space at a high altitude using their stealth systems. Once they approached the combat area at super cruise the fighters would be ordered to conduct broad spectrum jamming to prevent air support from being able to be used effectively.

The fifteen thousand troops stationed at Fort Beihai were placed on high alert, as Beijing would begin sending more resources to back the revolution.

Edited by Triyun
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Throughout the Athenian Federation hackers funded by the government would start attacking Alaskan governmental servers with the purpose of bringing them off-line.

[quote]The people have shown their true desire, the Athenian Federation fully supports the glorious communist freedom fighters.[/quote]

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The honorable government of the Caspian Clique hopes there is a quick resolution of this revolution, preferably through channels of mediation, rather then military force. We hope for a continued peace and stability in North America, and expresses concern, as of late, for these anti-government forces at play.

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The First Carrier Fleet has been ordered to deploy from Guam to Fort Beihai.

Wolfpack Y in the East Pacific has been ordered to mobilize to conduct coastal disruption in Alaska.

The Third UAV long range naval flight from Fort Beihai would intensify its standard procedure Alaskan Coastal Operations to alert Fort Beihai if interdiction would be required of any force attempting to deploy itself against the socialist revolution.

[quote]Dispatch from the United Federation of the East:

The United Federation of the East sternly warns counter revolutionaries against interfering with the natural progression of socialism in the Pacific Rim.[/quote]

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The People's Secretariat for Foreign Affairs would issue a statement to the world:

[quote]The Union of Revolutionary Socialist Republics declares its unconditional support for its comrades in the Alaskan Socialist People's Republic. It also warns that outside interference by hostile counter-revolutionary nations will not be welcomed.[/quote]


The Fourth Corps (50,000 troops) of the Second Red Army began massing up in the Nova Alascan RSR, particularly in the cities of Sitka and Yakutat; they would be loaded into C-130 transport aircrafts, ready for take-off at a moment's notice. A CVBG was dispatched toward the Alaskan Republic with the intent of establishing a blockade as well as sinking any hostile foreign ships heading toward the Republic. At the same time, squadrons of F-50 aircrafts were issued orders to infiltrate Alaskan airspace utilizing stealth systems; EWAC and AWAC aircrafts would also be used. If needed be, strike-fighters squadrons would be dispatched for firepower.


Intelligence agencies across the URSR were issued orders by the Military Command Administration to launch a massive DoS attack on Alaskan government server systems. At the same, the Union government authorized the funding of up to $500 million Liras to the People's Communist Army of the Alaskan Socialist People's Republic, as well as large quantities of supplies and equipment.

Edited by JEDCJT
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Fairbanks has been abandoned as the rebel forces numbers increase at a ever faster rate. The Republic's government has retreated to the North of Alaska, they are now preparing defenses to hold back the communist menace. Over 20,000 troops of local people combined with 16,000 government troops are now heading North. The government is still requesting aid from foreign nations supporting the Republic.

The Republic will not fall!

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Burma does indeed believe in the freedom of the people, and as such supports the socialist revolution. We praise those Alaskans who look forward to progress and equality, free from the oppression of capitalist oligarchy.


To the UFE:

Burma requests to send resources to Fort Beihai to be routed to Alaskan revolutionaries. In addition, we request to send a special operations group to Fort Beihai, in the event that hostilities beyond Alaskan borders arise and to do our part to further international revolution.

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A large group of aircraft was detected on OTH sensors. Operational orders were given to intercept and destroy these aircraft. Another squadron of EF-50s was dispatched to engage and destroy them over the North East Pacific. Closing in on them with super sonic speed, the pilots would not know the EF-50s were there until they missiles would begin impacting their aircraft. "The UFE has detected hostile aircraft, that appear to be bombers coming from the CAS. They have been dealt with accordingly. The CAS was warned. Future interference will result in reprisals against the CAS's capability to project power."

[b]Classified to Burma[/b]

Assistance is cleared. We shall prepare for your arrival alongside the UFEs own expeditionary forces.

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One quarter of the Fourth Corps (12,500 troops) would be dispatched to the City of Fairbanks to help the Alaskan Communists consolidate power there; C-130 aircrafts ferried the troops there, escorted by several squadrons of F-50s and F-66 aircrafts. The remainder of the Fourth Corps (37,500 troops) would be dispatched, via C-130s, to take over southern Alaska, with Anchorage as its objective. At the same time, the Eighth Corps (50,000 troops) would be mobilized for action as well. In airbases and air hangars across the Nova Alascan RSR as well as northern Columbinan RSR, additional squadrons of F-50s, F-66s, and U-8s were being readied for action.

The CVBG continued to sail toward the Gulf of Alaska; it would establish a 'perimeter' alongside the Alaskan coast. The CVBG would work together with the First Carrier Fleet as well.

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With clearance from UFE liasons, the Tatmadaw began loading material support onto commercial cargo ships. Considering the UFE was Burma's largest trading partner, nothing would be out of the ordinary for Burmese ships crossing the Pacific toward UFE holdings. The containers were loaded with outdated Kalashnikov rifles, grenades and logistical hardware such as radio equipment, fuel, etc.

On another commercial transport ship also bound for Fort Beihai, 5,000 special operations soldiers waited to port in Alaska. They had no immediate combat orders, but were to assist in current operations until they received further orders from the Tatmadaw headquarters in Naypyidaw. Along with the soldiers were several liason officers and a black ops team lead by a Burmese Intelligence Agency (BIA) handler who were planning to engage in covert operations to further the revolution.

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[u][b]A Speech from the President of the Federal Republic of Alaska:[/b][/u]

Communism is a cancer on this fair world of ours, it takes away the rights of every man woman and child. The Republic has the most unpleasant fortune of having to deal with it once more. I call upon the people of the great nation of Alaska to stand up against this evil force which wishes only to control us and rob us of our freedom.

I tell you this with the greatest truth, Alaska is facing its greatest moment in history. We most show our strength and stop the rise of communism here. Our nation is free and democratic and we shall never fall under the yoke of a corrupt dictatorship which is supposedly for the people. I am convinced that we are on the right side in this struggle, and we must stop this threat to global peace.


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The United States of The Island supports the current government of Alaska. With a large number of unstable communist nations around the globe, the economic and political stability around the planet is very uncertain.

The United States, although we are far away, would like to know what we can do to help Alaska.

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1297459406' post='2629631']
The United States of The Island supports the current government of Alaska. With a large number of unstable communist nations around the globe, the economic and political stability around the planet is very uncertain.

The United States, although we are far away, would like to know what we can do to help Alaska.

[u][b]Private to United States:[/b][/u]

If possible we request an evacuation of citizens, military personnel and government members from the North of Alaska. If that is not possible then an attack on UFE aircraft or an attack on the URSR's troops invading the Republic.

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