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Royal Baron News

Razgriz 2K9

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January 25, 20XX-Baron (AP)

With the Coronation and celebrations over and done with. The first session of the Baronian Parliament has now been in session. The expected order of business is to deal with the economy, which has recently suffered a downturn as a result of the URSR's take over of the former Ursalian Monarchy. Other issues include the environmental bill, Military Spending and potential trade and military alliances.

Prime Minister Bowen spoke, "This is a crucial time for the people of the Kingdom of Baron. If we are to become a major player in the region, we would need to start working our way up to building our country's standing in the world."

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OOC: Sorry I wasn't able to respond Michi, I'm back now.

January 31, 20XX

Baron (AP)- Military Officers have begun the process of reorganizing the fledgling Royal Baron Military. This force, designed in the purpose solely in the defense of the nation, will be reorganized as such. There has not been any news on the acquisition of Weapons or equipment as of yet.

In other news, Parliament is currently working on a bill in an effort to preserve the environment of the Yukon. The majority is against the bill, citing the fact that there are already measures in place to protect the environment. The voting is set for tomorrow.

Finally, the Baronian Foreign Minister is looking into heading to the United Kingdom of Idaho-Montana to open bilateral talks, including a possible trade and defense agreement.

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  • 1 month later...

March 7, 20XX

Baron, Kingdom of Baron (AP)- Lawmakers today have passed a bill expressing religious tolerance of all faiths. Originally, the Baronian Constitution stated that the Official Religion of the country was the Mysidian faith, which revolved around the legend and faith of the titular Mysidian Legend shown below. With the passing of this law, the people of the Kingdom of Baron are free to profess their individual religions, including Catholicism and Inuit Religions, both the second and third largest religious groups in the country.

[b]Mysidian Legend:[/b]
[i]Birthed from womb of dragon's maw
And borne unto the stars
By light and darkness cast aloft
Are dreamtide oaths resworn
Moon is swathed in ever-light
Ne'er again to know eclipse
Earth, with hallow'd bounty reconciled

Yet fleeting is the reverie
When moon from shadow has egressed
Guided forth anew by light made manifest
Two bound by ties of blood
By Time and Fate when wrest apart
Unto lunar light and Gaian breast[/i]

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  • 2 weeks later...

March 16, 20XX

The Baron Parliament is currently looking for the expansion and modernization of the Royal Baron Military. With the threat of Red Dawn surrounding their borders, defense has become a prominent issue.

The greater threat is dealing with the threat of Soviet Ursalia and Socialist Alaska to the South and West. While Baron maintains some cordial relations with their former masters in Ursalia, they have no official relations with Alaska, only recognizing the previous Democratic Government.

Parliament is convening on the issue of increasing the defense budget, and it is certain that the bill will be passed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

April 11, 20XX

The Baronian Parliament has begun the process of industrialization, focusing on building the economy, whilst keeping down the cost of infrastructure, which has been a major issue for the longest while. For the past several weeks, the costs of housing and infrastructure had increased considerably, and has become the dominating factor in National expenses, if this bill is passed, it is certain to decrease spending on infrastructure over the next few years.

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April 17, 20XX

BARON (AP)- A recent terrorist attack launch by an unknown group has left 4 people dead and 6 others critically wounded. While no group has actively taken responsibility for their actions. It has been speculated by some people to be the work of various left-wing terror groups. Police are still currently investigating.

The terror attack was a bombing in the business district of Baron City, the Capital of the Kingdom of Baron, and is the first such attack in the Kingdom's history. While it is unknown who caused the attack, the lack of clues or suspects would probably ensure that this will not be the last such attack.

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April 18, 20XX

BARON (AP) - People took to the streets today, rioting in protest over the infrastructure bill and runaway government spending. Various other blunders by members of the government have also been the cause, and it is likely due to the terrorist group, now identified as "Imminent Storm"

In a speech to the people of Baron, Prime Minister Bowen urged the people to remain orderly and that they are doing what they can to fix the problem. However, many of the populace has become tired of the situation that is going on. One of the rioters stated "I am sick of this current government, we are not given enough of a say in government and I'm sick of it. Our King must agree to our terms, and we will let our voice be heard."

Imminent Storm, the terrorist group in question, is a Neo-Liberal group seeking to overthrow the monarchy and institute a Republic in Baron. This recently established terror group was responsible for the deaths of 6 people in yesterday's terror attack in the Royal Capital of Baron.

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April 19, 20XX

BARON (AP) - Arthur I, King of Baron was admitted to the hosiptal last night after suffering a stroke that crippled him. Arthur's declining health may be related to the stress involved with the recent rioting going on in Baron, which has just entered its second day. Should Arthur be unable to rule as King of the constitutional monarch, his daughter, Princess Cecilia, would succeed her father on the throne.

There are rumors that "Imminent Storm" and the Neo-Liberal rioters are supported by the rebel forces in Pravus Ingruo. However, the rumors are unconfirmed and are most likely false. Further details will be available as time progresses.

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