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Opinión con Vijay Malik: A Just War?


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[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1295490688' post='2584730']
Petty drama, meaningless statistics, and pressing a few buttons every day is not fulfillment nor is it real entertainment. It is a shallow, worthless experience which results in disillusionment, cynicism, and broken dreams. No, real fulfillment and real entertainment come from the relationships you develop with friends, and the communities you help build.

What you, and so many like you, are doing is sacrificing the relationships you've developed over the past three years for the sake of a week or two of button smashing and after peace is made you'll find yourself bored, disillusioned and with infinitely less friends then you had before. Instead, you'll probably find yourself surrounded by a group of arrogant, self-centered pricks who'd rather tear you down to nothing than call you friend.


When that is the case, I will simply absolve myself of the misery that I've created from my reckless actions. But, I do not feel that what I'm doing is entirely drastic in the sense that I can't be held accountable for them. It is like I've been given a blank check to cash towards whatever my hearts desire; thus I'll run wild with this check I've got. Once it finally bounces, I won't be here to fit the bill nor do I care who does. It is somewhat irresponsible of me, but I could care less at this point. As in many ways, I've already hit that point of boredom, disillusionment, and have been dealing with it for ages. I've tried countless remedies, and this is my last best hope for enjoyment. I hope you don't have to reach this point, as it really is a terrible feeling.

(OOC: The majority of my relations in CN are strictly in IC; those who I am friends with in an OOC sense will be there for as long as I'm here on CN. When i'm gone I've got a stable of friends and real relations outside this gaming realm to worry about.)

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[quote name='Joe Izuzu' timestamp='1295498104' post='2584897']
Good riddance and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Yes yes, I will make sure to be mindful of that swinging door. Thank you for your concern, it's very much appreciated.

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