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Cloak and Dagger

Markus Wilding

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"Of course." He slipped a false paper that confirmed a marriage between the two. This was of course a prepared precaution - no detail slipped the Fist's grasp. If everything went smoothly, the clerk would give him the information he needed, and the six other operatives would travel the city, slipping into an inconspicuous ally to change into their paramilitary clothes, which would ultimately reveal their true affiliation. It mattered not to them if they were found out before or after the weapons free order was given - they would achieve their goal, one way or the other. All they needed was this information that was held by a clerk.

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The officer looked over the document with raised eyebrows; she was about to say something when something on the screen of the computer caught her attention. She read over the message quickly, hiding a note of surprise from her face, and then turned back to the operative. "Your request has been cleared by Civil Command. If you would wait a moment, I will print the hotel's location and directions where Amankaya Reséndez is staying..." She returned a moment later with a few papers, which she handed to the operative.

Meanwhile, the Direction Central officers knocked on the door of the hotel room; when no one answered, they entered. They searched for any evidence of the operatives' true intentions in the Republic before the head officer received a communication from a Direction Central intelligence database, alerting him that the information on Reséndez's hotel had been given. The officers turned and quickly and discreetly left the hotel room. Once they arrived near the hotel at which Reséndez was to be staying, they would await the 'businessmen'. Reséndez was in the hotel on an upper floor, unaware of what was about to take place.

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The leader accepted the location without so much as a note of surprise. He accepted the papers, uttered a short thanks and stepped out the door. He called the other six and ordered them to go weapons free. As for himself, he would be far, far away from the hotel. He would be making his way to Zagarthia. His rank meant he didn't need to be in the line of fire unless he could avoid it.

The six instantly went into action, so to speak. They neared the hotel, and upon confirming the location, found a discreet place to drop their "civvies" as they changed into Fist shirts and pants, with only their emblem on it. They wouldn't risk putting any blame directly on Portugal. Their weapons, actual, bullet firing variants this time, bore their emblem as well, etched onto the sides of each gun. The sniper checked his scope and opted to keep it at the lowest magnification due to the close-quarters nature. All attached silencers and prepared the cyanide pills in their mouths should bullets not kill them first.

The plan was hastily assembled by the only two sergeants in Xinyan. Three would assault the building directly, searching room-by-room for Amankaya Reséndez, shouting her name in Portuguese and Chinese to lure her out. The other two would keep watch outside with the sniper, situated near the alley facing the hotel. If Amankaya made the mistake of being near a window, he would see and take the shot that ended her life. What could go down as either the bravest or stupidest move of the Fist was about to unfold on the streets of Xinyan.

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The Direction Central operatives had barely set themselves up before the Fist operatives entered the scene. In nearby buildings, three of the four Direction Central agents watched over the scene with scoped rifles; the last of the agents stood in front of the hotel. Xinyan militsiya were awaiting orders in locations that would allow them to advance from behind the Fist operatives once they were given the order. Evidence had been found by Direction Central that this Amankaya Reséndez was an unmarried fugitive from Portugal who had fled to the Republic to escape persecution in Portugal. Well, that was all very well with the Republic, but that meant these men who had claimed to be related to Reséndez could only be here for one purpose, and the Direction Central agents were now stationed here to prevent them from carrying it out.

Reséndez, meanwhile, remained in her hotel room; she was watching the news on the television, hoping for updates on the situation in Portugal.

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The fishing boat carrying Clotilde Guerra had been traveling for some time. She had used every penny she had to get as far away from Portugal as possible. Her first stop would be Maine. She had only heard rumors about Maine, but from what she heard it seemed to be the perfect place to begin her exile. A wall that spanned the border and a high military population would hopefully keep her safe. After Maine she had planned to attempt to get into Disparu and then head further north west to disappear forever, however that was no longer a viable option. The boat she was traveling on had access to the internet via satellite and she had learned of the fall of Disparu. It seemed she would have to stay in the much smaller nation of Maine for longer than she wanted to.

As the boat a approached the DPRM, PRS Initiative of Task Force Alpha was on patrol along the route it was taking into Maine.

"Sir we have a small unknown vessel approaching. It's not responding to anything."

Captain Shatner sighed, "O.K. get to a marine boarding party onto two RHIBs and a Merlin for support and go check it out, keep them on high alert."

"Roger that Sir."

As the RHIBs approached the fishing boat, the fishermen brought it to a stop.

The marines quickly boarded and searched the vessel after securing the crew. When they found there was no weapons aboard and it was in-fact just a fishing boat, they began questioning the crew.

"Why are you going to Maine?" a marine asked the man who appeared to be the captain of the vessel.

"A mulher pagou-nos para trazê-la!"

"Do you speak English?"

"Eengleesh? No, no eengleesh."

"You gotta be %&@$ing kidding me. Anyone here speak english?"

"I do abit Sir!" said the private by his side.

"%&@$ off Dobbs you muppet!"

Clotilde spoke up, "I speak english Sir."

"Good, what did he say?"

"He said I paid him to bring me here."

"Oh you did, did you? And can I ask just why you would do that?"

"I am fleeing from Portugal, if I had stayed there I would have been killed."

"O.K. tell the crew they can continue onto Maine if they please, or they can turn back to portugal and we can provide them with enough fuel to get them back."

Clotilde explained the situation to the captain and he told her what they planned to do.

"He says they will turn back and thanks you very much for the offer of fuel."

"O.K. tell him to follow our boats back to our ship and we can get it to him, you come with us though."

They made their way back to the Initiative with the fishermen following and Clotilde in custody. They gave the fishermen enough fuel to get them back charging at a very generous rate and sent them on their way. They would most likely be questioned when they returned, but that was of no concern to the DPRM.

Clotilde was brought to the immigration HQ in Belfast and went through the regular process for asylum seekers. A few weeks later she was granted asylum in the DPRM and was presented with all the documentation she would need to live and work in Maine. She was finally free.

The boat that brought her however, was surely about to arrive back in Portugal...

Edited by King Timmy
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The Fist operatives meticulously searched every room for Reséndez. She had escaped the Brotherhood's grasp for too long for this chance to pass them by. As each room was breached and cleared, the six moved ever closer to Reséndez's death. Her room was finally approached and breached. A short burst of Kalashnikov gunfire erupted and the six began their exit, almost as if nothing had ever happened. The other three agents got the radio message from the others inside (if the Direction Central operatives had the right frequency, they would be able to hear it) and they began packing up. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, it appeared they would get out scotch free and be given nice medals upon their arrival to Portugal. They could almost hear Councilor Roybal congratulating them now.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1295046044' post='2575445']
They now had most of what they needed. Next, they only had to find this hotel, which would be very hard in this city. It seemed almost everywhere they turned, there was another hotel.

The operatives stopped dead in their tracks once the captain began talking. They relaxed a bit as he spoke further, but still maintained an air of a heightened sense of tension in their speech and posture. The lead operative of the five began speaking to the captain. "Ah, we thank you for the offer. It appears somebody has seen the woman we are looking for, thankfully. We only need to know which hotel she is in. Would it be possible for us to obtain that information?"

The fisherman, although annoyed at this teen waking him from his nap, groggily replied "Eh, depends on where you wanna go...I'ssleepin' 'ere..." A single bottle of Slavorussian vodka bounced onto the deck of the small boat.

"I want to go to England," whispered Setson. "How much do I have to pay you?"

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The drunk fisherman loudly repeated the destination. "ENGLAND....? Eh...sat'll cost ya...a couple ten Euros at th' least..."

In the meantime, Councilman Montez sent an encrypted message to Global Research, telling them of the recent actions the Brotherhood's Fist and Councilor Roybal had taken to eliminate dissenters in Portugal. The message to them would ask GR to exclude his name and only name him as "Mr. M". What Global Research decided to do with the information was up to them.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1295402864' post='2582455']
The drunk fisherman loudly repeated the destination. "ENGLAND....? Eh...sat'll cost ya...a couple ten Euros at th' least..."

In the meantime, Councilman Montez sent an encrypted message to Global Research, telling them of the recent actions the Brotherhood's Fist and Councilor Roybal had taken to eliminate dissenters in Portugal. The message to them would ask GR to exclude his name and only name him as "Mr. M". What Global Research decided to do with the information was up to them.

"Keep it down old man!" Setson whispered harshly. Before his next words came out, though, his stomach began to growl. "Hey, if you help me get to England and give me something to eat, I'll give you 1,000 euros? How's that sound?"

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[quote name='kitex' timestamp='1295402996' post='2582458']
"Keep it down old man!" Setson whispered harshly. Before his next words came out, though, his stomach began to growl. "Hey, if you help me get to England and give me something to eat, I'll give you 1,000 euros? How's that sound?"
The fisher attempts to sit up at this, instead stumbling around deeper into the boat, towards the captains deck. "Ah...that sounds good...get in th' boat I say! We go t' Enland tagether!"

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1295573372' post='2587503']
The fisher attempts to sit up at this, instead stumbling around deeper into the boat, towards the captains deck. "Ah...that sounds good...get in th' boat I say! We go t' Enland tagether!"

"Ok. Stay here. I'll be back in about 10 minutes."

Setson went back to the hotel, gathered his belongings and went back to the boat. Before he left the hotel though, he put the pistol in his pants.

"OK. Let's go!"

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1295279334' post='2578632']
The Fist operatives meticulously searched every room for Reséndez. She had escaped the Brotherhood's grasp for too long for this chance to pass them by. As each room was breached and cleared, the six moved ever closer to Reséndez's death. Her room was finally approached and breached. A short burst of Kalashnikov gunfire erupted and the six began their exit, almost as if nothing had ever happened. The other three agents got the radio message from the others inside (if the Direction Central operatives had the right frequency, they would be able to hear it) and they began packing up. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, it appeared they would get out scotch free and be given nice medals upon their arrival to Portugal. They could almost hear Councilor Roybal congratulating them now.
The Fist agents' hopes would go disastrously wrong for them.

"Bring in the Piranha," the Direction Central officer muttered into his comm unit; in a nearby Militsiya station, a MOWAG Piranha AFV rolled out, a 50cal machine gun mounted on its chassis, and six soldiers within it. Within moments it streaked through the streets of Junction 2, halting at the hotel, which was now under lockdown. The gun swiveled to aim right for the hotels windows and doors, where the Fist operatives were now holed up. Meanwhile, the Direction Central agents lined up shots on any openings in the hotel with their sniper rifles; the Militsiya troops unloaded from the Piranha and prepared to breach the door.

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[quote name='kitex' timestamp='1295575286' post='2587534']
"Ok. Stay here. I'll be back in about 10 minutes."

Setson went back to the hotel, gathered his belongings and went back to the boat. Before he left the hotel though, he put the pistol in his pants.

"OK. Let's go!"

"Aye...ya be packin' heat I see...Prolly do us good with th' Fist around. AAAAAAAAAAAND WE'RE OFF!" The fisherman cut the line holding the boat to the shore and the little boat chugged it's way into international waters. The trip itself would probably take a good while, considering the small motor in it.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1295819246' post='2594448']
"Aye...ya be packin' heat I see...Prolly do us good with th' Fist around. AAAAAAAAAAAND WE'RE OFF!" The fisherman cut the line holding the boat to the shore and the little boat chugged it's way into international waters. The trip itself would probably take a good while, considering the small motor in it.

[i]Well, let's hope we don't get caught. I have enough food and water in here for the both of us, so we're good,[/i] Setson thought.

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Clotilde Guerra had been living quite happily in Maine. She had a small modest flat on the outskirts Belfast, for which the rent was subsidized by the government for a short period. They had also provided her with a temporary job in a grocery store close to her flat to keep her going while she applied for other jobs in her adopted nation. As her case was on of fleeing a nation, she was also part of the asylum protection program which granted her a new identity to conceal her whereabouts from those she was fleeing from.

Meanwhile in the PRSIS headquarters also located in Belfast, an Administrator by the name of John Green was finalizing the paperwork of Miss Clotilde Guerra. Her case was typical. Running away from a country she wasn't welcome in any more, sponging off the kindness of a foreign nation. [i]Typical[/i], he though, [i]can't live up the consequences of whatever they did to piss of the people they're running away from and instead drain money from his government.[/i] Well he had had enough. He was sick of these people taking money away from where it was needed in his nation. In his mind he began to formulate a plan.

Clotilde's story said she was fleeing from the Brotherhood's fist. He has heard several stories about the fist hunting people down. He was planning to hand her to them on a plate. First he would need to make contact with them, he would find out where to contact them easily enough by searching through known contacts in the PRSIS databases. Next he would collate all the data there was about Clotilde in her protection. She had two officers posted outside her flat in plain clothes who would be looking out for anyone not regular to the building. He would get their schedule and pictures of the guards, the best time to act would be when a new shift had just started as this would give them the most time to act. When it was done, he would flee to Portugal and hopefully be compensated for his actions.

After looking through the database he found a suitable recipient for his message, when he returned home he sent this message to the fist.

[quote]To whom it may concern

There is an enemy of your state hiding in Maine, for me this is not acceptable. I have the whereabouts and can grant access for your agents into Maine, supply them with any weapon they please and get them out afterwards.

In exchange for this information and service I would to flee to your nation and a suitable reward. For the sake of anonymity you can call me Viper.

Transmission ends.[/quote]

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1295726225' post='2592245']
The Fist agents' hopes would go disastrously wrong for them.

"Bring in the Piranha," the Direction Central officer muttered into his comm unit; in a nearby Militsiya station, a MOWAG Piranha AFV rolled out, a 50cal machine gun mounted on its chassis, and six soldiers within it. Within moments it streaked through the streets of Junction 2, halting at the hotel, which was now under lockdown. The gun swiveled to aim right for the hotels windows and doors, where the Fist operatives were now holed up. Meanwhile, the Direction Central agents lined up shots on any openings in the hotel with their sniper rifles; the Militsiya troops unloaded from the Piranha and prepared to breach the door.
The sniper situated outside the hotel radioed to the operatives inside to duck and cover as he saw the AFV roll out. He didn't know if the call was effective or not when it began shooting. Inside, the call came too late to make a difference. At least two men had gone down from machine gun fire, the other four remaining took a desperate measure in this time. One of them kicked down the door of an occupied room and dragged out a screaming woman, holding his Makarov to her face. The other three provided cover for him if the Militsiya got far enough into the hotel to find them and their new hostage.

[quote name='kitex' timestamp='1295891220' post='2596796']
[i]Well, let's hope we don't get caught. I have enough food and water in here for the both of us, so we're good,[/i] Setson thought.
After a week and a half of sailing, the tiny ship finally landed in English waters. Although still a bit tipsy, the fisherman tried to fish in the waters to find some food for himself.

To whom it may concern

There is an enemy of your state hiding in Maine, for me this is not acceptable. I have the whereabouts and can grant access for your agents into Maine, supply them with any weapon they please and get them out afterwards.

In exchange for this information and service I would to flee to your nation and a suitable reward. For the sake of anonymity you can call me Viper.

Transmission ends.[/quote]
"Should we act on it?"
"It may be a trap, Councilor."
"I don't care. If it's a trap, then Clotide is smarter than I thought. Respond to him, provide him with the details necessary."
"Understood Councilor."

To Viper:

We have decided to take this opportunity. The three-man team we will send in request AKS-74u assault rifles along with silencers. They will arrive by plane in about a week's time.

As for the emigration request, that will be settled when the job is complete.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1295972279' post='2600262']
To Viper:

We have decided to take this opportunity. The three-man team we will send in request AKS-74u assault rifles along with silencers. They will arrive by plane in about a week's time.

As for the emigration request, that will be settled when the job is complete.

[quote]I will have three of the required weapons with adequate ammunition and silencers ready for them on arrival.

I will contact them when they arrive at the airport via pay phone outside the main gate.


OOC: Just go ahead and post their arrival :)

Edited by King Timmy
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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1295972279' post='2600262']
The sniper situated outside the hotel radioed to the operatives inside to duck and cover as he saw the AFV roll out. He didn't know if the call was effective or not when it began shooting. Inside, the call came too late to make a difference. At least two men had gone down from machine gun fire, the other four remaining took a desperate measure in this time. One of them kicked down the door of an occupied room and dragged out a screaming woman, holding his Makarov to her face. The other three provided cover for him if the Militsiya got far enough into the hotel to find them and their new hostage.
"Taking Xinyan citizens hostage...despicable," the Direction Central officer spat as he took cover. "Act as you have been trained."

The militsiya charged through the door, their AK-74 automatic rifles aimed. They moved up the stairs until they heard the sounds of the screaming hostage. They took cover; the captain signaled for his men to prepare before he tossed a flashbang grenade into the room. As the flash went off, blinding anyone within the room's enclosed area. The six Militsiya then entered the room and quickly lined up shots while the flashbang remained in effect before firing their rifles at close range.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1295972279' post='2600262']After a week and a half of sailing, the tiny ship finally landed in English waters. Although still a bit tipsy, the fisherman tried to fish in the waters to find some food for himself.[/quote]

Setson paid the man 2,000 euros and gave his thanks to the man and his cell phone number and then went off to join the English military.

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Arquelao Vigil entered the nation of Avorez through the Avorez International Airport at 8:00 P.M. as the airport security checked his passport he was brought to the side for a "private" screening. Inside of the room Agent Bradberton came in "Hello Mr.Vigil, I'm agent Bradberton. I'm a field agent in the Avorezian intelligence agency G22. I'm here because your extremely nervous and we suspect you to be a terrorist from The Brotherhood." Arquealo stared at him for a minute and then responded "I am a dissident of the Brotherhood regime in Portugal. I request protection for i fear they may send someone after me." Bradberton phoned his superiors and then went back to Arquelao "Mr.Virgil we have decided to protect you from any threats from the Brotherhood. We will authorize three squads to protect you and your hotel room from any assailants. However we ask that you not leave your hotel room." Arquelao responded with quick speed,"I agree to these terms Agent Bradberton." From there Agent Bradberton introduced Arquelao to his three protector squads. Squad Alpha armed with Raptor shotguns, flashbangs, gas masks, and three 24 shell magazines. Squad Beta armed with MP5K's suppressed, K-Bars, fragmentation grenades, and gas masks. Squad Theta armed with A-53 assault rifles with shotgun attachment, K-Bars, smoke grenades, and gas masks.

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[quote name='kitex' timestamp='1295996720' post='2601157']
Setson paid the man 2,000 euros and gave his thanks to the man and his cell phone number and then went off to join the English military.

Setsons application would be rejected due to his not being British. The application of a Portuguese "civilian" attempting to join the Army brokered suspicion in the Administratum and the Inquisition, believing Stetson to be a spy, Inquisitor Parax, the harbinger of the Scilly Islands was sent to track his every move.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1296002141' post='2601338']
Setsons application would be rejected due to his not being British. The application of a Portuguese "civilian" attempting to join the Army brokered suspicion in the Administratum and the Inquisition, believing Stetson to be a spy, Inquisitor Parax, the harbinger of the Scilly Islands was sent to track his every move.

Setson then went and applied for British citizenship, after spending two weeks studying British history, laws, and customs and taking several [url="http://www.prepareuktest.co.uk/OnlineDemo/Free_Sample_Test.aspx"]online practice tests[/url]. In between studying he stayed in a cheap motel and lived off of his savings.

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The application was further denied on undisclosed grounds.
New laws introduced meant it would take 10 years for citizenship to be applicable. In the meantime a tourist visa was provided to Stetson.

Inquisitor Parax followed Stetsons every move, inquisitors by nature are not subtle. Stetson would know he was being followed, but he wouldn't know it was by one of the most dangerous men in England.

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The flashbang went off, blinding the operatives. One of them randomly fired his AK, not knowing what he hit was his own comrade, the hostage, the Militsiya or absolutely nothing. It turned out he had hit the man next to him in the leg, bringing him down as he shouted in Portuguese wondering what the hell was going on. The final operative standing accidentally loosened his grip on the hostage, and tried to find what he thought was cover. In reality, he had barricaded himself against a wall, Makarov still in hand as he aimed it towards a non-existent enemy.

The three men got off of the plane at Maine's largest airport. They wondered how "Viper" would contact them, and decided to hang around the phones as one went to buy some food.

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