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The L6

KaiserMelech Mikhail

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The following message was sent to the Minmatar Republic, Soldiania, Xinyan Republic, Sioux Confederation, and Amarna:

[i]Dearest Friends,
I believe that we have much to learn and gain from each other. Fate has given us positions of great wealth, but our riches sometimes seem to be hidden from us. For our future prosperity, I am inviting you all to a conference held in the city of Obluchye. Political and business leaders are requested for this meeting. I eagerly await your replies.

Mikhail Stein, Khagan of Marscurian Siberia.[/i]

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John Adharran was enjoying his morning coffee while reading the local [i]Des Moines Register[/i] when a letter came in from a country he knew little about. He read it and thought someone must go to the L8 conference. He immediately picked up the phone and dialed Mr. Jonathon Madoff, Minister of Economic Interests and Developments.

"Jon, I need you to go to Obluchye for this conference we've been invited to."
"OK, when shall I leave?"
"As soon as I get a hold of Ms. Watson."

With that, John hung up the phone and dialed Ms. Madison Waston, Director of Cultural Affairs of Amarna.

"Hello, Ms. Watson! How are you today?"
"Good, good. Do you need something Mr. President?"
"Yes, darling. I need you to go to Obluchye for a meeting, it is of upmost importance. You'll be going with Mr. Madoff as representatives of Amarna."
"Hm...Sounds interesting. I'll set off immediately."
"Thank you, sweetheart."

Both Jonathon Madoff and Madison Watson set off for Des Moines International Airport to catch a flight to Obluchye. The flight will be long, but worthy. Both Watson and Madoff had thoughts rushing through their minds about what was going on and how they would handle it.

[u][b]Private to Marscurian Siberia:[/b][/u]

[code]TO: Mikhail Stein
Khagan of Marscurian Siberia

FROM: John Adharran
President of the Republic of Amarna

We have received your heartfelt letter and are sending Minister of Economic Interests and Developments, Jonathon Madoff, and Director of Cultural Affairs, Madison Watson as our official representatives. Their plane should be arriving in the coming hours. [/code]

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"Wait, what?"

"I'm telling you as it is," was General Cheng Nangjia's only, calm reply to President Wu Zen Jiang's surprised outburst.

"But--but this makes no sense," Presideng Jiang sputtered. "We've never even spoken to any of the aforementioned nations, and Greater Mongolia doesn't even exist anymore!"

General Nangjia only shrugged his shoulders, and the president seemed to think for a moment. "Though it is true that we severely lack allies--or foreign relations of any kind, for that matter. Perhaps this is an opportunity to ameliorate that."

[b]Reply to Marscurian Siberia[/b]

We will send Director of the Guofangbu General Cheng Nangjia, the most important political figure in Xinyan aside from the President herself.

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[quote name='Baskan' timestamp='1292284148' post='2538878']
[code]TO: Mikhail Stein
Khagan of Marscurian Siberia

FROM: John Adharran
President of the Republic of Amarna

We have received your heartfelt letter and are sending Minister of Economic Interests and Developments, Jonathon Madoff, and Director of Cultural Affairs, Madison Watson as our official representatives. Their plane should be arriving in the coming hours. [/code]
[i]We look forward to their arrival. They will be met on the tarmac at Obluchye International Airport.[/i]

[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1292284520' post='2538887']
Greater Mongolia doesn't even exist anymore![/quote]
OOC: Whoops. :wacko:

[b]Reply to Marscurian Siberia[/b]

We will send Director of the Guofangbu General Cheng Nangjia, the most important political figure in Xinyan aside from the President herself.
[i]We eagerly await their arrival. We will have people waiting to pick the dignitaries up on the tarmac at Obluchye International Airport.[/i]

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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Chieftain Spirited Bison (OOC: When someone ascends to the position of a Chief in the Confederation, they change their name to a more traditional form.) of the Sioux Confederation will attend, along with Tse Yuma of Native Petrol and Energy, the largest corporation in the Confederation. The Marsurian nation was far-flung, even by Lakota standards, which were high. After the long journey the plane touched down in Obluchye. The temperature felt much the same as those in the Black Hills. It reminded his of a shadowy reflection of home. Similarities veiled with a strange foreignness. Shortly thereafter, the pair made their way to the conference location, awaiting the other delegates and a greeting from the Marscurian diplomatic welcome wagon. Bison did not know what to expect, he had never established contact with any of these nations except for Amarna, which was very well thought of. He would indeed be interested to learn exactly what this meeting of Asian and American nations was about.

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[u][b]Private (Sorta): [/b][/u]
A voice came over the intercom, it was the pilot. "We are approaching Obluchye International Airport. Please prepare for the landing."
With that, the landing gear came out of the plane. Jonathon Madoff had several things going through his head. What is going to happen? [i]Why did they call so many nations to this conference? Who will all actually be attending? [/i] Madison Watson had similar things rushing through her mind. [i]I wonder if they have a rich culture.[/i] [i]I wonder what kind if opportunities will present themselves. [/i]Suddenly, the plane touched down and the passengers started clapping for another safe landing. The pilot came over the intercom again, "Thank you for flying with us today to Obluchye International Airport. Please exit orderly. Thank you and have a nice day."

Madison Watson gathered her briefcase and started heading towards the plane exit. Then she realized she almost forgot the gift basket! How foolish. She went back to the back of the plane and grabbed the basket of several Amarnan domestic good, such as corn, soy beans, pictures of infamous sights in Amarna, etc. She finally exited the plane. She was wearing a teal dress with her brown hair put up in a bun. Standing only 5'5", she was a short stature d woman. Though she walked with pride and dignity even though she is only 33.

Jonathon Madoff followed. He and his personal assistant, each holding a black briefcase, headed for the exit. Jonathon Madoff was a veteran of Amarna. His old age was starting to catch up as he had mostly gray hair. Standing 6'2", he towered over Madison Watson. He had just celebrated his 56th birthday last month before this trip and has had cardiac issues lately, but the doctor cleared him to resume official duties once again. He walked with a cane, as he was in a car accident when he was 44 partially crippling his leg. He was a determined man, though. Nothing would stand in his way. His nickname about the Cabinet was Jonathon "The Tank" Madoff as he withstood many issues in his life including the car accident, a heart attack, and several strokes.

Both exited the plane with their briefcases and Madison's gift basket. They walked towards their escorts and greeted them.

"Hello, folks!" Jonathon greeted them with.
Then Madison Watson introduced herself and subsequently Jonathon as well, "Hello, I am Madison Watson, Director of Cultural Affairs of Amarna. And this is Jonathon Madoff, Minister of Economic Interests and Developments. I must say, this is a beautiful country we have seen so far. I am honored to be here and I am sure my colleague thinks the same." Ms. Watson nudged Jonathon.
"Ah, yes! I am honored to be here. Now, where are we headed?"

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General Cheng Nangjia looked out the window of the jet as it slowly descended towards Obluchye Airport. He wore the ceremonial uniform of the Director of the Guofangbu, and a network of badges and medals decorated his chest for achievements already made in his time as Xinyan's de facto second in command: organising and developing the military, guiding the industrialisation and development of the nation; there was little of the Xinyan Republic's affairs that General Nangjia was not involved in. Though he was not the vice president (ostensibly the second in command of the nation) General Nangjia was without a doubt the most powerful of President Wu Zen Jiang's Cabinet.

Nangjia had noticed at once the relation between many of the nations--Xinyan, Marscurian Siberia, Soldiania, and the Minmatar Republic were all in the same general area, and in addition all four were, though Nangjia hardly wished to admit it of the Republic, all four were considered 'developing' nations. On the other hand, Amarna and the Sioux nation were both North American nations--why would they have been invited? Perhaps this would be explained, the general thought to himself as the plane began to land on the runway, when the meeting began.

A few moments after the plane came to a stop, General Nangjia stepped out of the plane. He stood six feet one inch, though the peaked cap that concealed his short black hair made that height seem taller, and the purely ceremonial uniform he wore lent him an authoritative, imposing figure, though not at all intimidating or menacing; it merely gave the impression of one to be respected, though Nangjia himself was far too humble to say such a thing. At forty three years old, touches of youth remained on his stern but not unfriendly face, and he had yet to truly appear to 'age' physically, but years of ceaseless work and business had taken its toll nevertheless on the General.

He strode over to the Marscurians waiting for him, and after identifying the primary or highest ranking diplomat amongst them, saluted that person and bowed his head in the traditional Xinyan governmental greeting; he would, of course, shake their hand if they offered it, though he knew of no other gestures of greeting. "I am General Cheng Nangjia, Director of the Guofangbu of the Xinyan Republic." His voice seemed serious, almost grim, but he spoke politely and with respect; he spoke the language well, though not without a small accent to it. "Where will this conference be held?"

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Spirited Bison surveyed the other arriving diplomats. Several were dressed in regalia. Tse Yuma was dressed in a very formal suit, the lapel pin being the Native Petrol logo. Spirited Bison was dressed in his regalia. The uniform could be likened to a gray army dress uniform. A chest full of medals sat on the right. He wore a breast plate, but did not wear his ceremonial headdress. Instead he wore a stylized headband adorned with several eagle feathers in the back. He began to search for a Marscurian diplomat with which he could speak.

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When the delegates landed, the first thing that would have popped out at them was all the construction going on around them. Even at the airport itself, there were so many things being constructed, or just being completed. The control tower itself had just opened on Monday. As they could see from the tarmac, or more clearly from the air, multi-story buildings were springing up all over Obluchye. The city was quickly finding itself the industrial capital of the nation. However, all this growth came at a price. For a few minutes every hour, each building lost power. The brownouts were city-wide, and becoming worse. The windmills built just a few months ago were already obsolete, and couldn't supply the necessary power for the city. Plans were underway for several coal and natural gas power plants, but they wouldn't be completed for some time. For now, people learned to live with 22 hours of electricity.

When each diplomacy team arrived, they would be met by a set of men in nice pressed suits standing in front of a few older jeeps. Civilian automobiles were in short supply, and the tiny market in the country didn't help their prospects for foreign dealerships. For now, VIPs would be taken in the most comfortable jeeps they could find. When each of the delegate teams landed, the diplomats were escorted to the jeeps and given hard hats for the ride. "Trust me," the man meeting them said, "you'll need this."

The Amarnan plane landed first. The diplomats were taken to their jeeps, and the gift basket was placed securely under one of the seats. The Amarnans would get a glimpse of what was happening downtown. The airport was in a secluded field, as to not have smoke and steam blind the pilots. After a bit of driving, they reached the area of development. Here, smokestacks soared to the sky, and cranes moved girders over their heads with surprising speed. After a while in the industrial area, they hit the city. Steel skeletons of buildings lined the streets. The buildings were on different stages of development. Some were just a few girders in the ground, and some were having their exteriors applied. "Look out below," somebody yelled out in Russian. A palate of bricks smashed into the ground, with chips flying towards the VIPs. "See," the Marscurian said, "now you see why I gave you the hard hats." As they moved forward, the buildings became more complete, and many were in use. They turned onto a wide avenue, and at the end stood a tall art-deco building. It was the Obluchye City Hall, their final destination.

The Xinyan plane was the second to land. It was only an hour after the Amarnans, so the new jeeps were just pulling in to meet them at the tarmac. "Welcome," the man meeting them said, with a quick bow, "I'll be driving you to the conference, but our journey will take a little longer." Before anyone could question why this was, sirens started going off, and an explosion was heard in the distance. As they say the dust cloud rising, they were loaded onto the jeeps and headed out. "Railroad workers," the driver yelled, "the blast came from them blasting through the mountains. We need to replace the track heading out of the city. The old one was falling apart." The new route would take them into the city from the south, so they would miss most of the industrial areas. The Xinyan team turned onto a narrower side street as they approached city hall. Unfortunately, they would not get the same grand view as the Amarnans did. As they were dropped off outside the front doors, the jeeps sped away, hoping to get to the airport before the Sioux diplomats arrived.

Luckily, they had plenty of time. It was nearly sundown by the time the last plane came in, and not a moment too soon. The airport had just come off its shift at the brownouts. The Marscurians were surprised when they saw Spirited Bison in his uniform. At last, all the Sioux diplomats were loaded onto the jeeps. They would take the same route the Amarnans got. In the last moments of sunlight, they passed the spot of the explosion. The sight was a flurry of activity, and it would have seemed like a scene from the old west. Lines of men stood with hammers, pounding pins into the railroad ties. The diplomats would hear the foremen screaming out orders in Yiddish, Russian, Vaulean, and Buryatian. It was a wonder anyone could understand anyone else. Driving through the city, most of the workmen had gone home for the night, so there was no fear of falling debris. They almost couldn't see city hall in the darkness. The massive floodlights were turned off as a power-saving measure, leaving the structure a dark monolith. Pulling up, the doors were opened for the delegate as they moved into the building. They were directed towards a small conference room, where the Amarnan and Xinyan delegates were waiting for them, with Mikhail standing at a podium on the stage.

"Well," he said, "we have everyone who replied to my message. Shame Minmatar and Soldiania couldn't make it. We could have used them. Now gentlemen, it is 5:15. I say that we sit down for a nice dinner where we can..." The lights flickered, then went out for a brief period. "I told them to leave this building off the brownout rotation," Mikhail yelled, before the lights flickered back on. "Ah, there we go," he continued, straightening his tie, "now as I was saying, let's sit down for a dinner. I will discuss why I asked you all here. It will also grant you time to get acquainted with each other. Now, what do you say?"

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1292488020' post='2540797']
"Well," he said, "we have everyone who replied to my message. Shame Minmatar and Soldiania couldn't make it. We could have used them. Now gentlemen, it is 5:15. I say that we sit down for a nice dinner where we can..." The lights flickered, then went out for a brief period. "I told them to leave this building off the brownout rotation," Mikhail yelled, before the lights flickered back on. "Ah, there we go," he continued, straightening his tie, "now as I was saying, let's sit down for a dinner. I will discuss why I asked you all here. It will also grant you time to get acquainted with each other. Now, what do you say?"

Both Jonathon Madoff and Madison Watson took their seats. They were shaken a bit from the bricks almost crushing and killing them, but I guess Jonathon Madoff just adds to his resume of surviving the most random and dangerous of things. They noticed a state of development while on driving in. The smokestacks, girders, buildings being built, all developmental stages of a country. Even Des Moines had the basic infrastructure that they were building, yet other cities lacked greatly. Jonathon Madoff got an idea to begin a new developmental stage in Amarna, based on what he saw in Obluchye. He got out a piece of paper and started writing down plans for when he returns back home. Suddenly, he remembered he was at a dinner table and put them away. While Jonathon got ideas for Amarna, Madison Watson experienced the Siberian culture she had heard of. The burly cossacks and determined attitude of the Russians didn't surprise her one bit. . .

Ms. Watson went around shaking everyone's hands and introducing herself while Mr. Madoff just sat there looking embarrassed about what she was doing. He cleared his voice signaling her to get her butt over to the chair and sit down. She gave him the "death" glare and walked over slowly to her chair. She immediately asked, "What are we having for dinner, Mikhail?" She immediately knew she was in the wrong calling him by his first name, [i]so unprofessional[/i] she thought after she said it. She mentally facepalmed.

Jonathon of course spoke up, "Ah, yes. What are we having for this lovely dinner? By the way, Khagan Stein, this is a wonderful city hall."

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General Nangjia observed the ongoing construction with his eyebrows raised just barely. The fact that Marscurian Siberia was still in this stage of industrialisation and development struck Nangjia as strange, for he had not expected this. [i]We can only be thankful for those nuclear power plants the Koreans built for us,[/i] the Director of the Guofangbu thought to himself. He supposed that he had gotten a bit 'spoiled' on how quickly Xinyan City had developed, in large part thanks to the Zargathians and Koreans, as well as to President Jiang (and his own) planning. But when Xinyan had first gained its independence, the state of it was similar, if not worse, than the current state of the Marscurian capital. At that time, Xinyan 'City' was still a town and nothing more, struggling to grow and develop. The General had gotten used to clouds of smoke and thick air in those days as Xinyan pushed itself in the struggle to industrialise.

Nangjia sat himself down at the table, but focused on those around him rather than the food; that could wait. The Amarnans seemed rather amiable and friendly, while the Sioux representatives spoke little as of yet. Nangjia determined he would not waste much time on small talk (he was not the conversational type in the first place), or at least take as little time as possible with it. "It was indeed quite a surprise--though not unwelcome--when the Xinyan Republic received this invitation," he said, turning to Khagan Stein. "Given that we have yet to have yet to assert ourselves diplomatically in the world, however, this is a welcome opportunity to do so."

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Fastening his tie, Sanmatar was being briefed hastily on the nation that was hosting them as he made his way from the airport lobby to a waiting limo to take them to the formal dinner being held at the building where the conference would take place. Given that this was the first official state visit requested of a Republican official, the pressure was obviously on. The fact that he was already nearly late didn't help matters either.

Apparently an outreach program was being launched by Siberia in an effort to better understand it's neighbors and with the Minmatar Republic growing more stable as her economic concerns slowly faded, it was time for the Republic to take her place on the world stage. What better place, than at a conference designed to promote understanding and cooperation.

As the limo parked outside the building, Sanmatar Shakor, son of the late Maleatu Shakor exited the car and made his way into the rather fancy conference hall. He turned to his left and saw a coupld of guards who saluted him, as he entered the banquet room. Straightening up, he spoke with a brisk tone and with a hint of humor.

"Greetings, gentlemen. In my country, we often arrive late so as to give the other guests more time to prepare for our voracious appetites. I do hope your chef has prepared a fifth course..." Chuckling slightly, he took his seat, and nodded at the other guests.

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On the table was an amazing banquet of foods and drinks. Several types of meats, breads, side-dishes, and garnishes were arranged so that everyone could take what they wanted. After everyone had plenty of time to fill their plates and glasses with what they wanted, Mikhail grabbed a dinner roll and stood up from the table. He walked over to a rolled up map on the wall and opened it up. "Gentlemen," Mikhail said, taking a big bite of the roll, "look at this map. What do Marscurian Siberia, the Sioux Confederacy, Amarna, Minmatar, and the Xinyan Republic all have in common?" He was met with only blank stares. "Seriously," Mikhail said, "you have no idea? Wow, just wow." Grabbing a permanent marker, he outlined the nations. "Do you see it now," he said.

"We're all landlocked," Jonathan Madoff said.

"BINGO," Mikhail yelled, "HE HAS A BRAIN!" Running back to the table, Mikhail grabbed his cup and took a swig. "Gentlemen, ladies," he said suavely to Ms. Watson, "We have been given a blessing in disguise. Nations now are obsessed with access to the sea, but what has it given them? Tidal waves that batter their shores, and beaches that open their lands to invasions! Land is the most precious gift of all. It is the mother that sustains us, and it is safety and security. The sea brings mystery and death to men who foolishly tread its waters, but the earth gives only a solid foundation. In the past eras, it was not the men who controlled the sea that were rich, but the men who controlled the trade routes of the land, and we can make it so again. With this organization, the L5, we can work together to bring a new age of prosperity to our enclosed nations. I have asked the political and economic leaders of your nation here so we can discuss how to improve our economies. How can we increase trade and industry? How can we bring our people wealth? How can we maximize efficiency to make dependence on the ports of the world a think of the past? You all saw the progress that we being made outside Obluchye; does that look like poverty to you?! With our international cooperation, we can gloriously burst through the glass ceilings that conventional economics places on us."

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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Madison Watson blushed at the sight of Mikhail flirting with her. She knew he was and she blushed when he said it, especially with such dignity and pride. She proceeded to giggle and say, "Ah, landlocked. I see then. . .now what can I," Jonathon Madoff cleared this throat, "erm..I mean what can we do to help you?" Madison Watson said winking towards the Khagan. "Perhaps..." she said while biting her lips, "we could discuss things more intimately before we have to fly back to Amarna. Possibly work out some economic cooperation between our countries?"

Jonathon Madoff, obviously seeing Madison Watson lost in the Khagan took over, "Yes, an economic cooperation pact would be beneficial to all our nations. Not only that, but we each have substantial resources we all need. If we start to increase export/import between our nations, more goods will flow between our countries and our countries alone, sharing the wealth with everyone in each country, respectively. Not only that but perhaps we could begin a skilled laborer exchanging, like Amarna has wonderful agriculturists so we could send them to Siberia while you send us construction workers, etc. That would mean all of our economies will not focus on one single attribute but have an array of things to support it." Noticing Madison Watson still staring at the Khagan and lost to his eyes, "And. . .possibly a culture exchange or student exchange so our people can learn of each others respective culture."

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"I agree with you Mr. Madoff," Mikhail said, as he sat down next to Ms. Watson. He grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes, "There certainly is [i]so much[/i] we can share. I hear your lands are quite [i]fertile[/i], and that you are [i]warm and welcoming[/i]. We too have so much we can offer. Our land is rich in minerals [i]dug deep[/i] from the ground. Now, this may be an awful lot [i]thrust[/i] upon you at the moment, but I think this is the beginning of something beautiful." As he stood up to go back to his chair, he gave Ms. Watson a very distinct wink.

Sitting down, Mikhail tried to put on a serious face. "I believe the Amarnans have the right idea. Through these exchanges, we can learn how to do the best with what we have. By learning about each other, we can surely find ways to improve our infrastructure and our economies. Now, group cohesion is a very important part of what I want to establish here. I would be all for dropping many of our trade barriers so that we can help our fellow landlocked friends. We could perhaps establish a special visa system so that skilled workers could easily travel between our nations to offer advice and their services. There are so many things we can do here to increase our lot in this world. What do the rest of you think?"

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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Nangjia looked from Khagan Stein to Watson with masked distaste; his eyebrow arched with contempt. What was this--a show of the highest unprofessionalism at a political conference?

"You'll excuse me if I say so, Khagan Stein," General Nangjia said. "But I'm not sure if the Republic is altogether interested in such a deal. We are first and foremost interested in building up ties in East Asia for the moment. I will have to decline your offer, at least for the moment. I do not believe it is in Xinyan's best interests at this point."

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[i]"He gave Ms. Watson a very distinct wink."[/i]

Madison had many thoughts running through her head. His. . .firm comments distorted her hardened Christian faith and she did not know how to react, being a virgin. She was day dreaming them both on a beach, with the warm, radiant sun beating down on them, with the ocean breeze lightly flowing through her brunette hair while Mikhail stands over her, leaning down to kiss her. The ocean noises such as the dolphins were signing throughout the world, as it seemed their loved echoed throughout the Earth and all it stood for. She then imagined him leading them to the sea cottage in which they lived. He led her to the bedroom, then *SNAP*, Jonathon Madoff snapped his finger in front of her face. "Huh!?!?" Sounding surprised.

"Doesn't that proposal sound good, Madison?" Madoff said, but with a slight rasp in his voice. Obviously his age was wearing on him.
"Yes, yes, sounds wonderful. Anything with Mik-erm I mean all of us will be wonderful. Also, Xinyan should reconsider the proposal set afoot. It can be very beneficial to all involved." Madison said while shuffling her papers and her eyes quickly moving back and forth trying to see if anyone noticed her day-dreaming. Jonathon Madoff's assistant effectively facepalmed as he noticed Madison staring blankly into space after the Khagan made those comments.He was thinking, [i]God, what is this turning into. . .[/i]

Edited by Baskan
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"Well sir," Mikhail said to Nangjia, "I certainly feel you're making a large mistake. Are you sure you do not wish to stay until the end of our conference, in case you change your mind? I cannot see how increased economic development could not be in anyone's best interests. Why don't you stay the night and sleep on your decision. If you wish to leave, you may do so the first thing in the morning. For the sake of your people, I highly urge you to reconsider this."

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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1293003582' post='2549726']
"Well sir," Mikhail said to Nangjia, "I certainly feel you're making a large mistake. Are you sure you do not wish to stay until the end of our conference, in case you change your mind? I cannot see how increased economic development could not be in anyone's best interests. Why don't you stay the night and sleep on your decision. If you wish to leave, you may do so the first thing in the morning. For the sake of your people, I highly urge you to reconsider this."
Nangjia's sharp eyes narrowed on the Khagan. It sounded quite a bit like a veiled threat at the end, but the Xinyan military should be on the same tier as the Marscurian Siberian...should it come to the worst.

"I will, of course, remain until the conference is ended," he said, his eyes remaining on Stein's. "However, I do not intend to change my mind, Khagan Stein."

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"Excellent," Mikhail exclaimed, patting Nangjia on the back. He turned to face the Sioux and Minmatar delegates. "So gentlemen, I'm sure you have some excellent input for us," he said, sitting down and grabbing a cookie from one of the dessert platters, "what do you think of our current proposals?"

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"The Confederation will always look to increase trade potential, and we would probably sign such an agreement. We also support the inclusion of student and cultural exchanges. As for what we can provide, the Confederation's agricultural industry is our largest, with sizeable fuel and energy industries, and a new and growing motor vehicle industry developing."

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