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Prussian Empire News Agency

Padraig Rua

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[center][color="#FF0000"][size="5"]Prussian Empire News Agency[/size][/color]

With the Official establishment of the Prussian Empire and its government, the Chancellor Friedrich Von Brandenburg immediately began building up the new nation. The Reichstags was opened today by the Chancellor.

[i][b]The Reichstags[/b][/i]

The new international embassy for all foreign nations has also been officially opened. Diplomats from all foreign nations have arrived into their new offices within the building.

[i][b]International Embassy building[/b][/i]

The Imperial Military of the Prussian Empire has been established, with 10,000 infantry having been recruited and more to join up to the military forces. A military Parade was held, marching through Berlin.

[i][b]Prussian Imperial Army[/b][/i]

The Kaiser Patrick Von DeaneHaus was crowned today as the Kaiser of the Prussian Empire

[i][b]Kaiser being crowned[/b][/i]

We wish the Kaiser a long and prosperous reign. Long live the Kaiser and the Glorious Prussian Empire![/center]

Edited by ChancellorP
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[center][color="#FF0000"][size="5"]Country to be powered by wind[/size][/color][/center]


The Chancellor announced with the approval of the Kaiser the creation of wind farms in the Prussian Empire. These wind farms will create 10,000 jobs in employment. Two large wind Farms are to be established on the west coast of Prussia. They will power over an estimated 300,000 homes and businesses throughout the Prussian Empire. This is part of the Chancellors policy of making the country powered by environmentally friendly energy sources. The materials which are to construct the wind farms are to be made out of recycled materials. Many citizens in the nation are very pleased with the upcoming construction of these wind farms and the benefits they will bring.

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[center][color="#FF0000"][size="5"]Kaiser refuses to give the territory of Anchorage to Korea[/size][/color][/center]


His Imperial Majesty Kaiser Patrick Von DeaneHaus I, announced today that he refuses to give the territory of Anchorage to the Korean Nation. He claims Anchorage a internal part of the Prussian Empire and deems it an important city within the Empire. The Kaiser believes the claiming of this territory by the Koreans is their attempt of trying to control the pacific ocean, and her trade routes. Any attempt by the Koreans to try and take the territory of Anchorage will be met by force", said the Kaiser. He went on to say that the claiming of this territory by Korea is ridiculous as there is no Korean native population in Anchorage. After announcing this the Kaiser ordered regular flight patrols over Anchorage.

Edited by ChancellorP
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You have to have an IG navy to have a CNRP blue water navy such as corvettes upwards, cutters and PT boats are cool though.
England applauds this move by Prussia and hopes Korea comes to its senses and pulls out its peacekeeping forces now that a stable regime has taken control.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1291807878' post='2533825']
You have to have an IG navy to have a CNRP blue water navy such as corvettes upwards, cutters and PT boats are cool though.
England applauds this move by Prussia and hopes Korea comes to its senses and pulls out its peacekeeping forces now that a stable regime has taken control.

OOC: So all I have to do is create my navy IG and then I can declare in CNRP whatever amount of ships I want? Is this the same with military and population?

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No, your IG ship count corresponds directly into CNRP
example, if you have five destroyers ingame, you only have five destroyers in CNRP.

Your population is whatever you want in CNRP
But your soldier count is your IG population x80

Its all in the map thread dude in the guidelines, go and have a read.

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[size="5"][color="#FF0000"][center]New Railway lines constructed in Prussia [/center][/color][/size]

The Prussian Minister for transport announced the construction of new railway lines in the Prussian Empire. The Railway lines stretch from east to west and North to south connecting all major city's and towns with each other. Transport has been improved incredibly due to this new Railway line.

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[size="5"][color="#FF0000"][center]Status of forces agreement between Prussia and UFE[/center][/color][/size]


The United Federation of the East wishes to continue the lease on the substantial naval and air facilities around King Cove and Cold Bay Alaska called Fort Beihai. They would like permission to continue operating these forces under a new status of forces agreement giving them a further twenty year lease on these facilities. In exchange the UFE is to develop substantial commercial port infrastructure there and provide access to our civilians. Further they will continue the agreement with the previous government giving Prussia access to their sonar listening posts and over the horizon radar coverage which the base has provided. Along with this the UFE has given Prussia Map information of its continent. The Kaiser and the Chancellor accepted this agreement with great pleasure. Relations between both country's have improved.

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[center][size="5"][color="#FF0000"]Air Force Still Patrolling Anchorage[/color][/size][/center]


The Imperial Prussian Air Force(IPAF) is still patrolling the airspace over Anchorage by the decree of the Kaiser. The Kaiser is still standing by on what he said by claiming Anchorage as a internal part of the Prussian Empire and not a territory of the Greater Korean Empire. Since he in-acted this policy relations been the two country's have decreased. A treaty is yet to be signed, agreeing that Anchorage is the territory of Prussia. Until then the Kaiser is considering breaking of diplomatic relations completely with Korea.

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[size="5"][color="#FF0000"][center]Oil production creates large profits, but yet safe[/center][/color][/size]


The Prussian Empires oil production has increased dramatically. Huge profits are being made by selling oil to foreign consumers. Due to the large profit being made, the Prussian Empire oil company's have made producing oil much more safer and efficient. Oil extracting and producing facilities have been updated with modern equipment and have been tidied up so that it does not destroy the surrounding environment it is located in. With the modern equipment less oil is being lost, creating vast quantities of oil to sell. Many people in Prussia are delighted with this program.

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[center][size="5"][color="#FF0000"]Imperial Prussian Defense Forces Mobilized[/color][/size][/center]


Due to recent events, the Imperial Prussian Defense forces have been completely mobilized. Its 150 tanks, 20 Jet Fighters and Bombers and 95,000 troops, have been put on full alert and have been distributed to their defense or possibly attack districts. The Prussian Air Force is regularly patrolling the Prussian Air Space and cruise missiles are being primed for possible launch.

Edited by ChancellorP
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[color="#FF0000"][size="5"][center]Prussian Empire up to DEFCON 2[/center][/size][/color]


Due to recent events the Prussian Government has moved up its DEFCON level to DEFCON 2. All military units are preparing for an expected military strike, by foreign nations, or nation.

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[color="#FF0000"][center][size="5"]The Pacific Northwest Pact[/size]


Preamble: The Prussian Empire and The United Kingdom of Idaho-Montana agree to the terms set forward.

[u]Article I: Non Aggression[/u]
The Kingdom of Idaho and Montana and The Prussian Empire(henceforth: PE) agree to Non Aggression in which a state of war may not exist between the two countries, and they may not engage in any sort of aggressive conduct. They agree to never engage in espionage, and, if either comes across any information which may be valuable to the other, is required to turn that information over.

[u]Article II: Mutual Defense[/u]
The PE and United Kingdom of Idaho and Montana agree to mutual defense. If either country is attacked by a member not in this treaty, then the other signature must agree to defend the other and declare war on the attacking nation. In addition, the Strategic Defense Initiative of the United Kingdom will defend the Prussian Empire against nuclear attack.

[u]Article III: Free Trade[/u]
The United Kingdom of Idaho and Montana and PE agree to free trade between their countries. Neither country shall be taxed for goods arriving to and from their nations.

[u]Article IV: Optional Aggression- [/u]
Both Parties agree to aid each other in times of offensive war- with military troop aid as well as financial support if and only if the helping party feels the cause is just and noble.

[u]Article IIV: Termination.[/u]
Either country has the right to terminate the treaty with a mandatory 48 hour notice period.

Signed For the United Kingdom of Idaho-Montana
King Kellen I

Signed For the Prussian Empire
Kaiser Patrick I

Today both nations signed this Defense Pact. This is a truly great day for both nations.

Edited by Chancellor Patrick
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[center][size="5"][color="#FF0000"]DEFCON brought back to level 5[/color][/size][/center]


The Prussian Imperial Defense Forces have brought the DEFCON level back down to 5. Military forces are returning to district areas and missiles are being taken down and stored in warehouses for future use. The Air Force is patrolling only over Anchorage. The Prussian Nation is relieved and now everything is slowly turning back to normal.

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[size="5"][color="#FF0000"][center]Oil embargo with the American Union[/center][/color][/size]


Now that the Pacific North West Pact is in effect Prussia finds itself in a difficult situation. The American Union has placed a trade embargo onto the Prussian Empire. In response to this the Prussian Empire proclaims an oil embargo onto the American Union. With this oil embargo now in effect the American Union will have to look for alternative sources of oil, expensive alternatives. The Kaiser hopes that the American Union comes to its senses and discuss an alternative solution. Until then the American Union will start to be starved of oil.

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"We [b]strongly[/b] encourage the Prussian Empire to lift its oil embargo on the American Union. There is no need to exacerbate the situation, as had recently happened. With that, our oil corporations in Nova Coimbra have expressed interests to increase oil shipments to both the American Union and the Prussian Empire."

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OOC: The embassy thread you announce any diplomatic topics like an embargo. This is the News. Also why would Alaska be importing oil when it produces its own?

IC: The American Union placed an trade embargo on the Prussian Empire. We can not stand for this as we have no intentions of invading the American Union, or attempt to harm it in anyway.

Edited by Chancellor Patrick
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Portugal, unlike other nations, extends a hand to the Prussian Empire and offers a reduced price for Portuguese oil. Councilman Osorio stated earlier, "It is the Brotherhood's intention to extend a hand to the poor and oppressed of not just Portugal, but of the world as well. The Prussians are in a time of great distress and it is the Brotherhood's duty to serve and assist them in any way possible."

A formal request for a diplomatic building was also sent to the Prussian Empire government.

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[center][color="#FF0000"][size="5"]Completion of large motorways[/size][/color][/center]


The Prussian Empire has announced the completion of large, state of the art motorways. It is all part of Prussia's transport improvement program. These motorways connect all major towns and cities throughout the Prussian Empire improving transport of goods and cutting drive time in half. The Prussian nation is pleased with this achievement.

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[center][size="5"][color="#FF0000"]Oil embargo on the American Union ended[/color][/size][/center]


In a show of good faith to the American Union the Prussian Empire has ended its oil embargo on the American Union. The Prussian Government wants to have good relations with the AU and wants to show that Prussia wishes to talk. Even though the oil embargo is over the American Union still has the trade embargo on Prussian Products.

Edited by Chancellor Patrick
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