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And I have become Death


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Morning calm left an ephemeral feeling over the waters of Lake Victoria, within the Aether Empire. It was an eerie kind of feeling, those moments before the ocean was scorched forever by those flames that cannot be erased from the memory of history. It was as though history itself was begging mankind to turn from this fateful decision; to embrace the path of serenity. But slowly and surely, the ghostly chirps from the detonation chamber hastened in their tempo.

A ten mile circle of water was cleared of all vessels in the prelude of this critical moment - for only the chosen were worthy. Aircraft circled the locus as vultures. For vultures can smell the scent of death, and he was here in carnal being. Death was a metal casing, a cold casket for a body of uranium which awaited it's chosen moment. It's pulse beat with each chirp, ever faster until the sound flat-lined and the world screamed in a sound that could instantly blind the ears and muted vision to an eternal sea of flame.

Scientists, clad in black goggles stood in silent reverence, their form like the ancients who were ever mystified at the suns rise each new day. The Vons? They too were there, waiting for the game of war to change forever more. Sensors bobbed up and down along the playful waves. Zarfef then stepped on deck, his lab coat flapping in the wind, he steadied himself along the rail and awaited the fated moment. The skies culled forth fire as reds and golds weaved paths through the clouds and banished the purples into the darkness, dawn had arrived.

Alone, Zarfef watched the seconds vanish as the will of the Empire awaited the split of the heavens. [B]"And so Oppenheimer observed the bomb, and he knew the horror he had awakened. So it fell on him with a great and horrible sorrow and he embraced the maya that washed away the world, quoting the [I]Bhagavad Gita. Kalo Asmi Loka-ksaya-krit Pravardho, Lokan Samartum iha Pravattah[/I]. Now I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds."[/B]

Reaching his hand out to the horizon, Zarfef observed a bright flash cover the horizon in an ethereal glow. He watched. he watched with baleful calm as he cradled the flowering nuclear flame within his hand. So fragile an image hath never wrought such wicked destruction. The water was banished in an instant to clouds, and a hideous wind reaped the world of it's unsuspecting life below. The fires of hell churned and reached ever higher until the brilliant globe of fire met the ceiling of the world and condensed into a mushroom cloud. The world was awoken by an ear-shattering scream across the empire, the birth cry of Death. And then, as the creature loomed over those blight waters and left it's observers in trance, it rained. Black rain silently fell upon the boats and a massive wave broke along the shores the lake wide.

[CENTER]...We knew. The world would never be the same again...[/CENTER]


The screen flickered to life to reveal a familiar face to the world - Zarfef had returned.

[B]"Hello again. [I]I'm back[/I] and I've brought fun for all!"[/B] Zarfef smiled, it was as though he was possessed by an unspeakable mania and this visibly showed on his face. [B]"Some time ago, the world thought it would be fun to rain nuclear bombs down from the sky over our little peace of [I]happiness[/I]. Odd thing there isn't it? You think the world is nice and peaceful and then someone burns it all up. Needless to say, we felt bad, they wouldn't let us play [I]too[/I]. "[/B]

Zarfef began to laugh, the mania... maybe he should have taken his meds after all. [B]"But as I'm sure you're leaders will soon reveal. We've been invited into the club too now! But I thought you'd be happy to hear it from me first. I hope you didn't miss me too much. Well, I'll have to make it up to you in the future. I look forward to our future discussions. Farewell..."[/B]


The Aether Empire had indeed detonated it's first nuclear device and it was one of many being brought to bare in a short period of time. A total of ten were planned for the initial batch. The warheads however, were of particularly interesting nature. There were no plans for any "strategic weapons" or delivery systems. Despite Zarfef's seeming madness, he had actually learned a great deal from the end of the Great War of Arabia and had specifically requested that the Empire focus it's arsenal on [I]tactical[/I] weapons. The final plan called for a total 7 banshee II deliverable warheads, at 25kTons a piece and 3 artillery shells with a total of 15 kTons a piece.

OOC: With all this silliness about waiting for my MP, I finally figured... why not! Let's just enjoy it! After all, buying a little earlier will grant me a steady safe nuclear arsenal anyways that I need for my nations defense. And so all members of the Red Sands became nuclear powers.

Edited by Zarfef
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England finds the Nuclear weapon, a weapon of cowards.
Only yesterday, our capital city of London was devested by nuclear fire leaving more then seven million souls to forever burn.
Enjoy your toy, but it will not bring you the security you think it will.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1288846902' post='2501622']
England finds the Nuclear weapon, a weapon of cowards.
Only yesterday, our capital city of London was devested by nuclear fire leaving more then seven million souls to forever burn.
Enjoy your toy, but it will not bring you the security you think it will.
The threat of nuclear warfare is always present when a nation conducts warfare against a nuclear armed state. Perhaps England should have taken this into account before it forced its unreasonable demands on Ireland.

However, the Republic of Wallonia finds the presence of even more nuclear weapons in the world nothing to celebrate--if anything, it is only to be mourned that nations today believe they must resort to such weapons for security.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1288848262' post='2501650']
Wallonia would do well to hold its tongue when mocking a Nation in mourning.

[i]"Why would they do such a thing when we have mocked far greater nations with little or no reprieve?"[/i]

Edited by Executive Minister
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