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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1288589206' post='2498789']
"We admit the message was poorly worded...but we also already acknowledged that Athens had retained some of its honor...this held completely true up until the point of the occupation of the British Isles--you were in a position to force them out of Europe entirely...and did nothing. You fought courageously in France...but in expelling the Americans you fought only when it was convenient. You did nothing to help your ally when France turned from its imperialistic ways to expel them from the continent completely."

"And the UFE needs to check its communication systems. Their message has repeated i tself."

OOC: doublepost, Triyun? :P

"So we only fought when it was convenient while we fought against 2 nations that were together 2.5 times our size and didn't fight when the coalition we'd join was several times the size of the other? Your government has a weird opinion of fighting when convenient. Furthermore unlike some states we are open to a negotiation table prior to an offensive"

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1288589492' post='2498793']
"What you are of course leaving out is that the Athenians were placing diplomatic pressure on J. Andres to leave without blood shed taking place, Europe had already been in a terrible war which saw utter destruction in both Germany and France. At that time had the Louisianians and J. Andreans resisted in the Isles the death toll would have been much much higher. Athens pursued a strategy to ensure that not all three of Western Europe's great nations were in flames at the same time, and that strategy largely succeeded until the Irish who are basically Louisianians who switch flags decided to push for war even when J. Andres was ready to withdraw peacefully."
What diplomatic pressure? We are aware of no such thing. And the Irish are HARDLY the Louisianans--their own news makes reference to the oppression of the Louisianans."

OOC: Unless it's on the forums it doesn't count--and assuming it was nothing but a flag change is metagaming.

[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1288638357' post='2499168']
"So we only fought when it was convenient while we fought against 2 nations that were together 2.5 times our size and didn't fight when the coalition we'd join was several times the size of the other? Your government has a weird opinion of fighting when convenient. Furthermore unlike some states we are open to a negotiation table prior to an offensive"
Yes, like this was...oh wait, no it wasn't. It was an ultimatum. Period. And it didn;t even involve the nation it is supposedly on behalf of.

And yes, it was convenient. Unless you prefer erratic. You have an interesting choice of enemies.

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