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Greater Mongolia

Szent Korona

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A group of Mongolia leaders sent messages to the current protectors of Mongolia.

We, the leaders of the Central and Eastern Mongolian tribes, wishes to have independence. We wish to establish a neutral and peaceful nation, free of conflict. Please grant us this wish.

OOC: Completely new nation. The 5 western provinces are not included in the request.

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[quote name='Imperator Azenquor' timestamp='1282278825' post='2424010']
[i]"Unless advised other wise by our counterparts from the Kingdom of Cochin, the government of Vauleyo-Buryatia sees no reason to oppose the request."[/i]-Dr. Yuri Petrovic (Foreign Minister)

"The Kingdom of Cochin sees no reason to deny this request, however we do feel that there should be certain issues cleared up before formal transfer of sovereignty." - KP Varma, Minister of External Affairs

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  • 2 weeks later...

[i]"Prior to a transfer of sovereignty, the government of Vauleyo-Buryatia wishes to propose the following draft document to be signed by all present, which outlines the conditions under which we feel a transfer of sovereignty to Mongolia should occur."[/i]

[b]Mongolia Accords[/b]
Article 1: Introduction[/b]
The governments of Vauleyo-Buryatia, the Kingdom of Cochin and the representatives of the nation of Mongolia hereby enter into an accord in the spirit of the Tripartite Accords that existed with the former state of Madurastan.
Article 2: Territory[/b]
Upon signing this agreement, the governments of Vauleyo-Buryatia and Cochin agree to recognize the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state to be formed by the representatives of Mongolia, whose borders shall be determined as follows:

Article 3: Short Term Stability[/b]
Given the situation which led to the decline of the state of Madurastan, and the introduction of Cochin and Vauleyo-Buryatian Peacekeepers into the area, the stability of the region shall be paramount in all considerations. Accordingly, the governments of Vauleyo-Buryatia and Cochin agree to withdraw all Peacekeepers from the region by the eighth month after this agreement is signed.

During this period, the Peacekeepers shall assist in the maintenance of security and stability while the new government creates its institutions and begins to exercise control over the territory granted to it under Article 2.

[b]Article 4: Territorial Changes[/b]
The survival of the Mongolian nation, as a sovereign and undivided entity shall be of the utmost concern to the governments of the Kingdom of Cochin and Vauleyo-Buryatia. To that end, the government of the new Mongolian state shall agree to the following:

No actions shall be taken by the government of the new Mongolian state that shall, by means of agreement, treaty, accord or force, or any other means, transfer (in whole or in part) the territory granted under Article 2 to any other state or nation such that the territory (in whole or in part) is no longer under the direct sovereignty of the state of Mongolia and is no longer independent.

[b]Article 5: Lhasa-Zhukov Clause[/b]
If the government of the Mongolian state, for whatever reason, is unwilling or unable to exercise sovereignty over the territory specified in Article 2 (in whole or in part), then in the interests of stability and the preservation of law and order in the territory, it shall return to a joint protectorate of the Kingdom of Cochin and Vauleyo-Buryatia. In the event of such a situation, both governments shall deploy Peacekeepers to the area to restore order.
Article 6: Non-Aggression[/b]
In keeping with the spirit of the Tripartite Accords, the signatories agree that they will not undertake or support any actions, be they covert or overt in nature, which undermine the sovereignty or territorial integrity of any other signatory (e.g. Espionage) and shall not commit an act of aggression against any other signatory.

[b]Article 7: Treaty Supremacy[/b]
This binding accord shall supersede any other treaty held by the signatories (written or otherwise) and may not be modified without the full approval of all three signatory parties.

[b]Article 8: Cancellation[/b]
This accord may only be canceled after all signatories have been notified and a 72 hour period has elapsed. If canceled, Article 5 is activated automatically.


[b]Signed for Vauleyo-Buryatia,[/b]
Dmitri Andropov, President of Vauleyo-Buryatia
Yuri Petrovic, Foreign Minister
[IMG]http://i328.photobucket.com/albums/l358/ImperatorAzenquor/Sig2.png[/IMG],Imperator of Vauleyo-Buryatia and Her Overseas Dominions

[b]Signed for the Kingdom of Cochin,[/b]
His Highness Kerala Varma,
The King of Cochin.

[b]Signed for Mongolia,[/b]
The Mongolian Tribes

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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[i]"Given that this accord specifies the conditions associated with independence for Greater Mongolia, it is only natural that a cancellation of this agreement will result in an automatic return to the conditions that existed prior to the signing of the document. This term is in the interest of all parties involved, including the people of Mongolia."[/i]

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Article 8 in its current form puts Mongolia at the mercy of Cochin and Vauleyo-Buryatia, for either has the power to basically cancel us out of existence. If the article was that the treaty can be canceled when the three parties agree, then it would be fair to Mongolia.

Here is our proposal for Article 8:

This accord may only be canceled after all signatories have agreed to the cancellation and a 72 hour period has elapsed. If canceled, Article 5 is activated automatically.

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"We suggest a possible additional clause to Article 8 which binds the signatories to not invoke a cancellation as long as the treaty is being adhered to by all parties. The chief problem with the amendment presented by the Mongolian representative is that it requires their approval for cancellation even if a treaty breach occurs. This, in our view is not appropriate.

If an amendment can be drafted that reflects the situations under which the treaty can be canceled, while not requiring unanimity with the decision to cancel, then we would support such an amendment.

At this stage we welcome the input of the representative of the Kingdom of Cochin."

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In our opinion the treaty may only be unanimously canceled. The terms of Article 5 would get activated if actions against the spirit of this agreement is conducted by any signatory. Active negation of the terms of the Pact without consultation with the other signatories would also be liable to a unilateral move to cancellation and would revoke Article 5 automatically.

If any signatory wishes for the Pact to be canceled when there is no violation of the Pact terms they are required to communicate with the other two signatories and get a common consent for the same at which point a joint declaration of cancellation would be issued, 72 hours after which the Pact would be considered as canceled. It would be the onus of the first party to convince the other two signatories about the need to cancel.

We stress once again, the treaty may not be canceled unilaterally or bilaterally, it should be a unanimous decision.

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"The government of Vauleyo-Buryatia proposes the following text for the final article"

[b]Article 8: Cancellation[/b]

The governments of Vauleyo-Buryatia and the Kingdom of Cochin shall agree not to invoke this article except in cases where the government of Mongolia has taken, or is in the process of taking steps to either violate one of the aforementioned Articles in this Accord, or to invalidate the accord itself.

In the cases where a cancellation is permissible, the treaty will be canceled only after Article 5 is automatically activated and control over the entire territory returns to its status prior to the signing of the agreement.

This accord may not be canceled unilaterally by any of the signatories however a bilateral cancellation is possible if the governments of the Kingdom of Cochin and Vauleyo-Buryatia invoke this article under the aforementioned conditions. In other cases a trilateral cancellation is possible if the approval of all three signatories is obtained.


Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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[i]"On behalf of the Socialist Union of Vauleyo-Buryatia, we also sign this treaty"[/i]

Dmitri Andropov, President of Vauleyo-Buryatia
Yuri Petrovic, Foreign Minister
[IMG]http://i328.photobucket.com/albums/l358/ImperatorAzenquor/Sig2.png[/IMG],Imperator of Vauleyo-Buryatia and Her Overseas Dominions

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