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UFE General Movements and News


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"Your Excellency." Ding said as he entered Jia's office.

Jia smiled, "Executor it is good to see you. I trust everything is going well. It seems a bit strange you asked for a meeting without the others."

Ding let out a slight smile, "Yes... well. Its of a personal nature, the military is in fine shape, in fact its as strong as its been in years. We've surpassed pre-war stockpiles. Our units are deployed at home with plenty of supplies. Our base construction in the Pacific are complete. New models have been fully integrated. We're in the position we want to be in to win a war. Which is why I'm here..."

Jia laughed, "Ah so boredom then?"

Ding shrugged, "Boredom, a desire to move on. I feel my skills will grow dull if I remain in my current role. I'd like to request a transfer back to the special operations group. Vice Imperator Kou is sitting in a glorified position at the moment, and he's a capable enough field marshal after all..."

Jia nodded, "Heh, it would be a shame, to lose you none the less... But you are a good asset in the field as well."

"Thank you. Then you have something in mind?" Ding asked.

"Your old grounds, Europe, there is a rumor that there is some dead Empress risen. I find this to be rather silly. In my opinion its much more likely to be a look alike... even a clone. In either case, the trail for the fugitive Ming has gone cold, and there are other threats to consider too. If cloning is a technology that is becoming available, it could have great implications for infiltration as well as security systems." Jia said. "Biometrics is the gold standard, and this presents a serious threat to it."

"So you want me to find out the truth?" Ding asked.

"Indeed... beyond that a friendly Europe needs to be preserved. Your job shall be to ensure a friendly outcome for the changing dynamic." Jia said.

Ding nodded, "Indeed, I shall depart at once."

"Very well I shall inform them of the leadership transition. Any idea for a disguise?" Jia asked.

Ding shrugged, "I don't know probably grow my hair longer and wear a pair of sunglasses." he said.

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[quote]Space Project 2:

With the completion of the Mongolian Launch Loop, and Space Dock 1 Space station, a second launch loop is to begin construction in the Hawaii Archipelago. Additionally the UFE has ordered the construction of the S-2 space exploration and prospect vessel. The S-2 is designed to project UFE economic interests deep into space. The S-2 project is a plane designed to act as a carrier for large numbers of high agility guided probe drones. Additionally the unit is to be designed to be equipped with various electromagnetic equipment.[/quote]

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[b]Secure Transmission to the United Federation of the East[/b]

"With the formation of the Swedish Armed Forces, Sweden has noticed a fair number of capability issues that need to be able to be addressed to ensure the defense and security for Sweden and its' citizens. As the producer of a number of high-quality weapons systems and equipment, we would like to enter a defense contract with the United Federation of the East to procure weaponry, technical assistance, production licensing, et cetera to make this goal attainable. We would like to procure the following equipment, technical assistance, or production licensing from the United Federation of the East, or one of its allies;

[*] Three to Four Squadrons of High-Performance Air Superiority Aircraft (includes licensing to procure common parts from domestic producer Saab Aerospace, along with technical assistance for training of pilots and ground maintenance crews)
[*] Four Squadrons of Autonomous Strike Drone Aircraft (includes licensing to procure common parts from domestic producer CybAero)
[*] Six Squadrons of F-68 Multirole Stealth Aircraft (includes licensing to procure common parts from domestic producer Saab Aerospace)
[*] Five-Hundred Mobile Air-Defense Artillery Systems (includes licensing to procure common parts from domestic producers Bofors/Saab Defense, as well as a further option for a UFE-based-procurement of an additional five-hundred vehicles)
[*] Technical Assistance and Systems Procurement of Static and Mobile OTH RADAR Systems
[*] Four AWACS Aircraft (includes licensing to domestically procure eight more aircraft and procure common parts from Saab Aerospace/Ericsson)
[*] Production licensing and blueprints for the UFE's Standard Littoral Combat Ship (to constructed by Karlskrona AB - Halmstad Division)

We request that we be able to settle any payments over the course of two-year lump sum payments, the first lump sum payment being paid upon confirmation of an arms deal, the second being procured in the next fiscal year. We would like to request the contents and extent of this arms deal be kept classified as possible, we ask that shipments of equipment and personnel be offloaded at the Swedish Naval Base at Gothenberg (SNB Gothenberg), where security can ensured."

[i]Theo Nyquist
Minister of Defense[/i]

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[quote]Classified Transmission:

The United Federation of the East is willing to sell forty eight high performance F-1 air superiority fighters in block I configuration to the Swedes. However these units will be black boxed. We are however willing to put mechanics on sight with yours to train them and allow for limited parts which are not of highly classified nature in regards to its stealth and active detection systems.

We can provide you with the A-47 stealth drones, we are willing to source out all materials except for some of the advanced radar absorbent skin, to the Swedes.

We see no problem in regards to the request for the F/A-68s.

In regards to the SAMs, 500 S-500 SAM launchers, each equipped with independent radar vehicles and four missiles can be done.

We are willing to provide assistance with radar systems

The four aircraft can be produced from the Crane AWAC model. The option for domestic production is acceptable as well. We also would suggest the purchase of two ultra high altitude observation aircraft. These 'blimps' are capable of reaching near space in altitude and loitering for extended period of time. They can be equipped with look down radar and IR imaging, acting as defacto satellites. They are also equipped with highly capable anti-missile jamming and active defenses. This would allow for detection along with passive ground based receivers of most stealth aircraft within a 600 mile radius.

We agree to the request for littoral combat production.[/quote]

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[b]Secure Transmission Reply[/b]

"We thank the UFE for providing us with this defense contract, and we will be in contact with visas for personnel so that they may enter Sweden without hassle, we can also provide living arrangements for any technical personnel arriving in-country. We understand the nature of the classified materials used to assemble aircraft, and take no offense to keeping parts production classified. We look forward to receiving the first shipments of equipment, and the arrival of technical staff to assist us with the national defense of our nation, and appreciate being able to do business.

We will be glad to purchase two ultra-high altitude observation aircraft from the UFE, and now add that to our purchase request. Might we also add a provision for a total of sixty low-observable UH-60 Medium Utility Helicopters."

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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First three Squadrons of full spectrum stealth STOL transport craft have been put into service, each equipped with 20 aircraft. These forces have begun drilling against mock installations in the Mongolian and Alaska Proving grounds, for inserting combat brigade teams into hot hostile areas.


New Squadrons at work.

[quote]Classified Orders have been ordered out of storage:

6 Jd. Mk 2s
6 STOVL F-36-C variants
12 Rebel Army Vipers
12 F/B-23s
12 F/A-47 Sino Fighters

All units are being modified with our most advanced materials and systems to simulate a combined wing of potential hostiles along the lines of what is in operational status in other air forces at the moment. This units will form Aggressor Combat Air Wing 1, and be stationed in Alaska. We expect the begin reinstituting Cope Thunder, a historic exercise there within a month[/quote]

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[font="Courier New"]
[b]Classified Orders:[/b]

To: Ulanbaator, North West Army Front
From: Office of the Executor

Begin preparations for broad front invasion.
Proceed with Final Preparation for Operation Tamerlane is to begin.[/font]

Across Western China and Mongolia, 800, 000 forces began entering into full scale mobilization for offensive action, concentrating force at the Northwest end of the Federation for an imminent major assault.

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  • 1 month later...

[quote]Wei_Hai: Greeting Mr. Attilia, welcoming to the United Federation of the East
[1:47pm] Gaius_Attilia: Greeting Mr. Hai, it is a beautiful country you have here, nothing like home
[1:49pm] Wei_Hai: I'm sure thats untrue, South America has been through trying times with the destruction of the Holy American Empire, but in time it will recover, just like any area does. I hope your people have not suffered too much under those mad men's last days.
[1:50pm] Gaius_Attilia: Unfortunetely not much is left of my orginal people, the last days left most of the country barren but we are rebuilding
[1:51pm] Wei_Hai: That is good, it is something that we hope to assist on in fact, tell me, are you that familiar with our relations with South America prior to the war?
[1:53pm] Gaius_Attilia: Unfortunetely not, during and before the time of the HAE I was almost always isolated from the world.
[1:54pm] Wei_Hai: The UFE and HAE enjoyed fairly cordial relations, and then a full blown alliance, up until a few years ago, when the HAE withdrew its treaty while the UFE was at war in the Carribean. Prior to that though we had substantial foreign investments, especially in the extraction of natural resources, which benefited both our nations. We believe that we could resume this relationship with you.
[1:55pm] Wei_Hai: We also believe that we could dispatch substantial numbers of advisers on all aspects of state power to your nation, and create a mutually beneficial relationship
[1:56pm] Gaius_Attilia: This sounds very interesting, especially since we have been starting to run into issues where money goes missing or is spent faster than expected.
[1:58pm] Wei_Hai: Yes, I can understand how that could happen, we certainly have expertise in doing this after the Chinese Civil War, and the Korean War. We also could supply you with military trainers, training you in proven battlefield doctrines.
[1:59pm] Gaius_Attilia: That would be extremely helpful to my people, even the army is a mess, they have a lot of fun but trying to get them anywhere requires you to dangle a hundred dollar bill in front of them
[2:00pm] Wei_Hai: In exchange for this, we would like to propose the following, first a limited degree of say within the affairs of your nation. We have little desire to cut anyones dinner for them, its annoying for both sides. We would like to though propose a UFE Adviser in your nations court as well as a MDoAP pact.
[2:01pm] Gaius_Attilia: That sounds quite agreeable
[2:02pm] Wei_Hai: Excellent, I will have my aids draft up and agreement for you to sign formally. Thank you for taking this meeting with me. Please feel free to spend the time enjoying my countries hospitality and even visiting companies and industries whom you think may help your nations development
[2:03pm] Gaius_Attilia: Thank you, I shall do that[/quote]

A formal treaty was sent to the Republic of Neo Roma:

First sent was an offer of membership onto the Pacific Harmony Accords (OOC: Selenarctos's obligations only extend to the West Pacific, so I'm currently the only member for the East).

Second was a treaty:

The following Articles shall now be in force between the UFE and Neo Roma

I. Non-Aggression
II. Intelligence Sharing and Cooperation
III. Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression
(Does anybody really need an explanation for what these mean)

IV. Economic Cooperation

The United Federation of the East shall lower all barriers to entry of raw materials entering from Neo Roma. In exchange Neo Roma will maintain minimal tariffs on UFE manufactured goods coming into its nation. Further the UFE shall help rebuild the natural resource and agricultural industries in Neo Roma, and unfreeze assets seized from the HAE, after the HAE's betrayal of the UFE, so that these may be used to increase the economic development of Neo Roma. The UFE shall also dispatch advisers to the department of treasury in NR, to help oversee the distribution of funds and conduct anti-corruption campaigns.

V. Political Assistance

The United Federation of the East shall appoint a Imperial Vizier to help oversee Neo Roma's political situation, especially in international affairs. The Imperial Vizier shall help Neo Roma build contacts and develop itself as a strong voice in world affairs.

VI. Military Assistance

The United Federation of the East shall dispatch military advisers to help train and organize Neo Roma. In addition Neo Roma shall be placed on Tier III technology exports, with the possibility to advance to Tier II within two years. This will enable Neo Roma to begin acquiring highly advanced technology normally reserved for some of the UFEs most trusted allies.


Yuan Jia, August Imperator of the United Federation of the East
Wei Hai, Grand Vizier and General Secretary of the United Federation of the East[/quote]

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Wei_Hai: Greetings President Farren, thank you for joining us here in Honolulu, I hope your journey was enjoyable?
[01:34am] President_Farren: The journey was very pleasuable and the Hawaiian Islands is an enjoyable place to visit so far.
[01:37am] Wei_Hai: Yes they are, I find them a great retreat from the more polluted cities of the mainland myself. I hope you enjoy your time here, but to business, as you probably know, the United Federation of the East has a long history in the Pacific. We consider it within our interest to see a strong united Pacific. We therefore want to propose rekindling the historic Californian-Asian alliance
[01:41am] President_Farren: Indeed, my administration is fully aware of the historic relations between the old Tahoe Republic and the United Federation of the East. Many within my cabinet are still strong supporters of rekindling of this forgotten relationship. I concur that a renewed alliance between us would be beneficial to both of us to strengthen security of the Pacific Rim. I know we must be quick here due to instability in the Gulf Federati
[01:42am] Wei_Hai: OOC: I know we must be quick here due to instability in the Gulf Federati <--- got cut off here, anything beyond Federation?
[01:42am] President_Farren: I know we must be quick here due toinstability in the Gulf Federation nearby suffering from uprisings, and we have our own troubles as well intergrating Arizona into our republic.
Wei_Hai: The UFE understands that, we too have seen difficulties integrating new territories into our nation. As for the Gulf Federation, we feel that it is important that the Gulf Federation issue does not spiral into a larger conflict because of people's ideological prejudice. To be open about it our current policy towards it is simply to defend France if attacked by a major power over it, but to let the Gulf Federation handle itself.
[01:46am] Wei_Hai: We hope this is agreeable with your own policies.
[01:47am] President_Farren: This is an agreeable position between us. We have little to no relations with the Gulf Federation outside of economic trade; however, we've been making the necessary security precautions to prevent the conflict to spill within our borders.
[01:49am] Wei_Hai: Well maybe we can help you out with that. Our proposal is this. The United Federation of the East would like to offer you a MDoAP pact, but in addition to this, we propose deploying military trainers to California to help build your forces up. What we'd ask, is a high degree of coordination between us, and assistance in keeping instability in the Americas out of the Pacific Rim
[01:54am] President_Farren: I think this is a reasonable proposal for my nation. We are trying to build up our military forces further, and could use the assistance for our budding defense industries.
[01:55am] Wei_Hai: Yes we can assist in that regard as well, I believe that we can work out contracts on joint production and sell some of the advanced manufacturing machines used in the production of things like radars and highly heat resistant compounds
[01:56am] Wei_Hai: So then I believe we have an agreement?
[01:59am] President_Farren: We do Mr. Hai.
[02:00am] Wei_Hai: Excellent, well have an remaining enjoyable trip to Hawaii, feel free to take as much leisure time as you'd like.

[quote]The following Articles shall now be in force between the UFE and California
I. Non-Aggression
II. Intelligence Sharing and Cooperation
III. Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression
(Does anybody really need an explanation for what these mean)

IV. Military Assistance

The United Federation of the East shall dispatch military advisers to help train and organize California. In addition California shall be placed on Tier III technology exports, with the possibility to advance to Tier II within two years. This will enable California to begin acquiring highly advanced technology normally reserved for some of the UFEs most trusted allies.


Wei Hai, Grand Vizier of the United Federation of the East[/quote]

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OOC: Triyun, you may want to do a review of the wording: "The United Federation of the East shall dispatch military advisers to help train and organize California. In addition [b]Neo California[/b] shall be placed on Tier III technology exports, with the possibility to advance to Tier II within two years. This will enable [b]Neo Roma[/b] to begin acquiring highly advanced technology normally reserved for some of the UFEs most trusted allies."

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The UFE Ministry of Foreign Affairs Has Issued a Notice to Cartographers to Update their maps to include the following changes in maritime territories. All Islands in the Indian Ocean with the exception of Sri Lanka and Lakashadweep Islands shall hereby be integrated into the Federation. Federation soldiers and maritime operators have been dispatched to ensure these islands continued functionality. Further the UFE shall be withdrawing from Oman, and redeploying their Central Indian Ocean Forces HQ to Diego Garcia.

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The PLA has begun inventoring Cochinese production and military equipment which can be used in advanced weapons, and weapons of mass destruction. All Cochinese nuclear weapons are now in the hands of the UFE, along with all fissile grade nuclear material. Cochinese military units not transferred to the Spartans have been moved into storage in secure UFE military storage lockers within China. Jaduya Mk 4s are being converted with their manuvering canards removed, RAM materials and UFE compatible avionics added, to be kept ready for national emergencies. Jaduya Mk 2 and Mk 1s will be outfitted for trainer and aggressor squadrons. HALOBs have all been transferred to Sparta. Warships not in use by the legion will be refitted for the UFE emergency maritime reserve. Cochinese PELICAN and stealth air transports are very similar to UFE designs and thus will be updated slightly for working in the UFE web before entering into UFE service. Jd. Mk 3s are to undergo testing for STOVL capability and kept largely operational. Surviving ground forces are to be kept in storage at various key reserve points.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[b]To:[/b] Chongqing Boeing
[b]From:[/b] Secratariat of Defence, Federation of Scandinavia
[b]Subj:[/b] Purchases

[i]To whom it may concern,[/i]

The Scandinavian Luftforsvaret is currently looking to replace its current stockpile of F9A1 'Griffon' Air Superiority Fighters. We would be interested in the specifications of the F-18 'Silent Hornet' or any other aircraft that would be suitable for the replacement of current aircraft. Thank you.

[i]Secratariat of Defence,
Federation of Scandinavia[/i]

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[quote]F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet Block 3 'Silent Hornet' Scandinavian Variant

Thrust: 35, 000 lbf dry, 55, 000 lbf with afterburner


Empty weight: 32,081 lb (14,552 kg)

Loaded weight: 47,000 lb (21,320 kg) (in fighter configuration)

Max takeoff weight: 66,000 lb (29,937 kg)

Combat Radius: 600 nmi

Range: 1400 nmi

Maximum Speed: Mach 2.2

Super Cruise: Mach 1.4

Avionics: The Silent Hornet is equipped with integrated AESA radar, synthetic aperture radar, electro optical IR, and LIDAR sensor systems. AESA radar is configured with low probability of intercept and direct energy attack capabilities against some vulnerable electronic systems based off of the capabilities of 5th Generation fighters. It is also capable of next generation jamming capability. Because the AESA can function as a broad band uplink, it is capable of and designed to transmit tailored data streams which give the new F/A-18 E/F a cyber warfare capability. The Silent Hornet is fly by light, giving it both excellent performance and resistance to most EMP weaponry.

Stealth Features: Although no 4th generation air frame can be true all aspects stealth, the Silent Hornet was designed to come as close as one could and be serviceable by less developed nations. Silent Hornet retains many of the reduced cross section features of the Block 1 and Block 2 Hornets, but builds on the legacy of the Boeing F-15 Silent Eagle, employing conformal internal weapons bays and is optimized for air to air stealth combat rather than air to ground. To compensate for the added weight, the Silent Hornet's air frame employs 3-d printed composite air frames which provide even more accurate shaping at a reduced weight and have greater flexibility for dealing with air resistance. The addition of internal weapons bays decreases total air resistance (relative to external weapons) and decreases the forward radar cross section of the air craft. This is further increased by more durable radar absorbent material coating developed for the F-35 C block, which is designed to stand up to the elements. The Block 3 has further increased its stealth features by a new engine which features both a 25 percent increase in total thrust and super cruise capabilities decreasing the IR detection of this aircraft. The engine has been reshaped with a thrust vectoring 'S' outlet configuration. For the weapons pylons on the outside of the aircraft, they have been reshaped with stealth in mind, reducing both drag and radar cross section (although still substantially more than with most regular weapons systems). They can also be jettisoned after use in high threat environments. The AESA radar system is one developed from Chongqing Aeronautic's AESA radar employed on the EF-50 Banshee, and while not as powerful, retains many of the low probability of intercept features increasing the chance of first radar detection and thus first kill. Further the AESA's cyber warfare, jamming, and direct energy capabilities give it an edge in air to ground combat. With a body optimized for air to air combat, and a cyber/electronic warfare suite and super cruise capability for air to ground, the Silent Hornet offers a comprehensive survivability packaged unmatched by the other 4th generation aircraft around.

1 20 mm M61 Vulcan Cannon
6 Internal Weapons Bay (can employ medium air to air and air to ground weapons)
6 External Stealth Pylons (can employ tactical fighter aircraft munitions or ECM pods)[/quote]

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[quote]Classified Transmission

[b]To:[/b] Chongqing Boeing
[b]From:[/b] Department of the Californian Air Force
[b]Subject:[/b] Aircraft Bidding Offers


The Californian Air Force has opened a formal competition of new fighter airplane offers to replace aging F-15 and F-16 planes part of our inventory. As your nation is an ally of California, Chongqing Boeing is eligible for this competition. We await your reply and offers.


Patrick Niall
Secretary of the Californian Air Force[/quote]

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Boeing Chongqing Proposes to upgrade the existing F-15 fleet to the F-15 Silent Eagle a variant on the F-15 Strike Eagle


The F-15 Silent Eagle will feature several key upgrades:

-Radar absorbing material
-AESA radar
-Conformal Internal Weapons Bays
-Conformal Fuel Tanks
-Blended IRST scope
-Upgrade engines to F-15 K Slam Eagle's General Electric F110-GE-129 to improve thrust to 131 kN with thrust vectoring
-Upgraded Radar Jamming Pod
-Improved Datalink

We would propose to phase out the F-16 fleet with F/A-18 Silent Hornets.

[quote]Thrust: 35, 000 lbf dry, 55, 000 lbf with afterburner


Empty weight: 32,081 lb (14,552 kg)

Loaded weight: 47,000 lb (21,320 kg) (in fighter configuration)

Max takeoff weight: 66,000 lb (29,937 kg)

Combat Radius: 600 nmi

Range: 1400 nmi

Maximum Speed: Mach 2.2

Super Cruise: Mach 1.4

Avionics: The Silent Hornet is equipped with integrated AESA radar, synthetic aperture radar, electro optical IR, and LIDAR sensor systems. AESA radar is configured with low probability of intercept and direct energy attack capabilities against some vulnerable electronic systems based off of the capabilities of 5th Generation fighters. It is also capable of next generation jamming capability. Because the AESA can function as a broad band uplink, it is capable of and designed to transmit tailored data streams which give the new F/A-18 E/F a cyber warfare capability. The Silent Hornet is fly by light, giving it both excellent performance and resistance to most EMP weaponry.

Stealth Features: Although no 4th generation air frame can be true all aspects stealth, the Silent Hornet was designed to come as close as one could and be serviceable by less developed nations. Silent Hornet retains many of the reduced cross section features of the Block 1 and Block 2 Hornets, but builds on the legacy of the Boeing F-15 Silent Eagle, employing conformal internal weapons bays and is optimized for air to air stealth combat rather than air to ground. To compensate for the added weight, the Silent Hornet's air frame employs 3-d printed composite air frames which provide even more accurate shaping at a reduced weight and have greater flexibility for dealing with air resistance. The addition of internal weapons bays decreases total air resistance (relative to external weapons) and decreases the forward radar cross section of the air craft. This is further increased by more durable radar absorbent material coating developed for the F-35 C block, which is designed to stand up to the elements. The Block 3 has further increased its stealth features by a new engine which features both a 25 percent increase in total thrust and super cruise capabilities decreasing the IR detection of this aircraft. The engine has been reshaped with a thrust vectoring 'S' outlet configuration. For the weapons pylons on the outside of the aircraft, they have been reshaped with stealth in mind, reducing both drag and radar cross section (although still substantially more than with most regular weapons systems). They can also be jettisoned after use in high threat environments. The AESA radar system is one developed from Chongqing Aeronautic's AESA radar employed on the EF-50 Banshee, and while not as powerful, retains many of the low probability of intercept features increasing the chance of first radar detection and thus first kill. Further the AESA's cyber warfare, jamming, and direct energy capabilities give it an edge in air to ground combat. With a body optimized for air to air combat, and a cyber/electronic warfare suite and super cruise capability for air to ground, the Silent Hornet offers a comprehensive survivability packaged unmatched by the other 4th generation aircraft around.

1 20 mm M61 Vulcan Cannon
6 Internal Weapons Bay (can employ medium air to air and air to ground weapons)
6 External Stealth Pylons (can employ tactical fighter aircraft munitions or ECM pods)[/quote]

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[b]General Orders from the Khagan for Further Space Construction[/b]

20 S-2 Carriers have been completed and are to be launched to link up with the Tianxia Space Forces. Along with them assembly of 10 support stations in geosynchronous orbit shall be deployed. These units shall be constructed modularly, and are expected to take approximately one year to assemble the entirety of them. S-2 Carriers shall serve roles both for lunar and asteroid prospecting, but shall serve another critical role of deployment of the new S-3 Space Drone. The S-3 space drone is equipped to be a highly flexible drone that can spend much of its time as a LEO unit, but has the capability to reposition itself several times before refueling. This drone is designed to pick up microwave and radio signals and be able to be deployed in fast numbers as passive signal receivers for various intelligence purposes.

Further the Horde shall begin its construction of colony clusters at the L-5 and L-4 Lagrange points. Deployed to its colony clusters shall each be two large scale facilities, of approximate size equal to the Island 3 class colony. This shall be supported by 2 L-2 colonies each. L-3s internal construction shall be primarily oriented towards heavy industrialization, whereas L-2s shall be laboratories for scientific personnel to operate out of. These areas shall be focused on the development of space industrial power, and shall be the focal point of our space operations in all sectors. Building up these resource areas shall be our primary aim for construction for now.

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[quote]Classified Transmission

To: Chongqing Boeing
From: Department of the Californian Air Force
Subject: RE: Aircraft Bidding Offers


The CAF is proposing a contract offer of 75 F-15 Silent Eagles and 100 F-18 Silent Hornets to your company. We would like to hear more about the datalink to improve airborne communication of threats and friendlies. The CAF would be interested in obtaining the core programming to an older version of it. Once we have a figure for the contract, we would be able to move forward with finalization of the contract.


Patrick Niall
Secretary of the Californian Air Force[/quote]

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We can accommodate this and will begin production immediately as well as supply you with older core codes.


To replace losses suffered during the conflict with Germany, temporary F-1s will be moved out of reserves, while a full 120 F-5 Super Quantum IIs will begin production, along with avionics upgrades for the full F-1, F-2, F-3, and F-5 fleets for exclusive Tianxia usage

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Most excellent. The CAF will allow 50 F-15C in our current fleet to be rebuilt under the F-15 Silent Eagle configuration. We will allow construction of a Boeing facility in California for this or have them flown to China via Hawaii to factories there. The initial order of 75 will be new aircraft completely.

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