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Boer Invitation

Zoot Zoot

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[quote]TO - Foreign Minister for the Republic of Transvaal, Hendrik Strijdom
FROM - Archchancellor of the Las Malvinas Island Territories, Alice Wesker

Greetings, I respectfull invite you to Port Howard to discuss the sovreignty of the South Georgia islands.
An armed escort will be provided from Falklands International and shall bring you to the houses of Malvinas where my office is situated.
On arrive should you accept the invite, just come on in, my PA will be notified beforehand.

Thankyou for reading.[/quote]

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[font="Courier New"]TO - Archchancellor of the Las Malvinas Island Territories, Alice Wesker
FROM - Foreign Minister for the Republic of Transvaal, Deputy Prime Minister Hendrik Strijdom

Groete Archchancellor!

I have conferred with my government and it has been agreed to have me visit the Falkland Islands as requested. I shall be flying to Falklands International by means of [i]Transvaler Lugmag[/i] airforce transport on one of our B-1 [i]Lansier [/i]bombers. The bomber will be unarmed for ordinance.


Deputy Prime Minister H Strijdom
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Transvaal
Government House – Pretoria [/font]

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Air traffic controllers and radar operators were warned of a B-1 Lancer inbound for the Falklands and were wwarned not to intervene on account of it being a diplomatic envoy from Transvaal.

The Airport was on high security alert, police and soldiers guarding the place and keeping out unwanted guests, officers in plain clothes mingled with the crowds going about their lives.
An honour guard formed on the tarmac outside the terminal awaiting Mr Strijdom.

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[color="#000080"][b][i]Transvaler Lugmag B-1 Lansier touching down at Falkland International[/i][/b]

The lone [i]Lansier [/i]bomber lumbered towards the airport and circled around a few times – seemingly like a buzzard on the prowl – before finally touching down. Once the aircraft had taxied to near where the honour guard was set-up, Foreign Minister Hendrik Strijdom descended from a staircase set up in the now-open bomb-bay.

A Malvinian officer approached the foreign minister and saluted, before escorting Strijdom over to the honour guard. There was a band detatchment which played the Transvaler anthem [i]Die Stem van Suid-Afrika[/i] and Strijdom gave a cursory inspection of the guard before following his hosts towards the waiting limousine which took him into Port Howard to meet with Archchancellor Wesker.

On arrival, he was taken to a private receiption office where he could freshen up after the long, cramped flight. Half an hour later he was shown into the office of the archchancellor.

“Greetings, my name is Strijdom. I am the Deputy Prime Minister of Transvaal and our foreign minister. How may I be of service?”

[b][i]Foreign Minister Hendrik Stijdom[/i][/b][/color]

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Alice looked up from her deska s the man entered. Rising to her feet she walked over and offerd her hand to him.
"greetings minister Strijdom, please, take a seat and help yourself to the food and drink" said Alice in a cool voice, gesturing at the table behind her.

Allowing a minute or two for them both to get drinks and take a seat, Alice continued with her hands clasped together on the table.
"Minister, it has come to my attention that the South Georgia Islands is under Transvaal's dominion, however it does not rest on your continental shelf. Not only that but it is an aweful long way out from mainland Transvaal.

South Georgia shares the continental shelf with the Falklands and we beleive it would be better under our rule. I have taken the liberty of preparing a treaty for you to look at should you be interested Sir."

Alice passed Strijdom a folder which has inside it the following:

[quote]Article One - Las Malvinas Island Territories will receive the Territory of South Georgia from the Republic of Transvaal.

Article Two - Transvaler-flagged ships (both commerical and military) are not restricted from the territorial waters of the island.

Article Two B - The Only exception to this article is if Las Malvinas is in a state of war, in which case, the Total Exclusion Zone policy comes into effect.

Article Three - The island is under the Republic of Transvaal's nominal 'protection', and should the Las Malvinas lose control over it or go into anarchy, claim of the island would automatically revert back to the Republic of Transvaal.[/quote]

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[color="#000080"]“South Georgia was bequeathed to us by Lübeck around a year ago when they departed from their southern territories. While we have made little economic use of the island, our main interest in South Georgia has been to maintain our forward maritime security as well as uphold our open seas policy between the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Also we do not wish to see it come under the tentacles of the Holy American Empire.”

“Reading through this offer you have made to us, especially in regards to Article III, seems to satisfy any concerns our government would likely have. Since it involves a change to our territorial composition, I will need to take this treaty back with me to Pretoria for Staatspresident Botha to sign – as only he has the sole and final authority to alter our borders.”[/color]

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[color="#000080"]Strijdom stood up to depart, "Unless there is anything else to discuss, I shall return to Pretoria and get the Staatspresident's approval of this agreement. If all goes well, then I shall return in a couple of days, probably Monday."[/color]

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"Thats fine Mr Strijdom, have a safe flight and I eagerly await your response, whatever it may be. Maybe once this agreement is concluded, no matter the way, The Falklands and Transvaal could come to sort sort of arrangement economicly. However, that is a discussion for a later meeting."

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[color="#000080"]Hendrik Strijdom wired his opposite in the Falklands to convey the news that Staatspresident Botha had agreed to the territorial transfer.

"I shall return on Monday to lend mine, the prime minister's, and the Staatspresident's signatures. Our government will evacuate our facilities from South Georgia and hand-over in one week's time, Saturday July 24th. Does that work for your people?[/color]

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[color="#000080"][url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=76516&view=findpost&p=2382693"]Official Notice[/url] from the Government of the Republic of Transvaal regarding the transfer of South Georgia to the Falkland Islands / Malvinas.


Staatspresident of the Republic of Transvaal

H Strijdom
Foreign Minister of the Republic of Transvaal[/color]

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