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Mars/Moon wonder expiration

King Irwin

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I think they are still too new for any player to have experienced this, so I guess it's more of a question for the admins.

Anyway, if the Base expires, do the Colony and Mine still work? It says that they require the Base, but my assumption is that this is only for purchase.

Also, what exactly happens at expiration? Should I assume the wonder is completely deleted, and with it any additional bonuses it brought with it (bonus resource, population boost, etc.)?

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The colony and mine will continue to function the same way even after the base expires, although purchasing a new colony or mine will require a new base first. To switch between Mars and Moon wonders you'll have to wait until all of your existing Moon or Mars wonders expire or manually delete them early. Once a wonder expires you will lose the effects of that wonder, whether bonus resources or extra citizens.

See [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=67660&view=findpost&p=1810476]here[/url] for more details.

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