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Deployed military question


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So I was attacking someone with my squad last night, I deployed 100% of my military before update, attacked, rebought, then after update i deployed 100% again, but was unable to attack as someone hit him before me. So I had 100% of my military deployed, and was waiting for him to buy more troops to attack, I wake up today and all of my military is back defending, I wasn't anarchied or attacked and couldn't attack now. I haven't been in a war for a while, since like the FAN war, so maybe this changed recently, but what exactly happened here?

Thanks for the help.

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What? If oyu deploy all your soldiers, you don't get anarchied anymore. The first day I attached I deployed all my military, attacked twice, then rebought about half of my forces because I lost that much. So I was fine, the 2nd day after ujpdate I deployed all my forces but didn't get to attack, so all of my forces should have stayed deployed until either he attacked me and anarchied me or until I was able ot attack and rebuy, or until I could undeploy. But none of those things happened...so why did my troops come home? And what is the rule that made them come home?

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If you have the soliders deployed they will come back defending and you should not be anarchied. You are anarchied if you do not have any soldiers at all.

Does this mean that to be in anarchy now your total soldier amount (both deployed and defending) is what is required?

Or put better, "what causes anarchy now other than ground attacks/defeat alerts?"

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