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A message was sent to the Chieftain of Winters Edge.

[quote]To whom it may concern,
My Name is General Alexander Blackburn of the Army of Antarctica and Imperium of Canadas military Govener for the Antarctic territorys of the Imperium. Emperor Bonaparte has instructed me to represent him in a formal meeting between our two nations in the hopes of kindling the flames of friendship due to the proximity we share, a land border as it happens.

With your permission, I would like to visit your state capital, or you can come and visit Ravensgate City, which is more of a sprawling mass of winter accomodation, research labs, barracks and sub stations for the green power that is used to power the place.
Housing just over 120,000 men, women and children, including a large military garrison.

We do have space for your representative or yourself, and several guards/advisors/family and the regional house of Governance is where the meeting will take place.

Best regards and hope to hear back soon.

Gen Alexander Blackburn
Imperium of Canada[/quote]

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A reply back

[quote]To General Alexander Blackburn,

We will gladly hold a meeting with you, and we can hold the meeting at either city. Our capital, The Frozen Sepulchre, has plenty of room for you and anyone who you decide to bring with you, especially considering it was built with room for the entire nation in mind.

If we decide to hold the meeting at our capital, we can hold it in our center castle with all of its heating, insulation, and lighting. You may choose which city we hold the meeting at, however. You are the ones asking for the meeting, after all. It is only fitting, in our customs at least, that the one asking chooses the place where it will be held.

Eldaria Dovesong, Head Chieftain of Winter's Edge[/quote]

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[quote]Dear Eldaria Dovesong, Head Chieftain of Winter's Edge

Then I would be delighted to visit The Frozen Sepulchre and "stretch my legs" as the saying goes.
Only two Imperial Guardsmen will accompany me.

I Shall be arriving sometime tomorrow morning, around 9am in an Antonov Jet, Callsign "Big Bird" and its radar signature is "CAN-10", so your radar operators on the border arnt alarmed.

Thankyou for the speedy response, and I shall speak with you tomorrow.

General Alexander Blackburn[/quote]

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[quote]Dear General Alexander Blackburn,

Sure thing. We just ask that you please stop at our eastern checkpoint, Fort Frostbite, and make the rest of the journey on foot. We do not much like aircraft flying above our city, nor do we have a place for any to land. Hopefully this will not be a problem for you.

Eldaria Dovesong, Head Chieftain of Winter's Edge[/quote]

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They Heavy Antonov touched down on its sleds and slowed to a halt near Fort Frostbite before unloading its Antarctic Expedition Vehicle, which was essentially, a tracked laboratory/winnabaygo, just large, about the size of a small train.

Alexander, two Imperial Guardsmen, two pilots, one cook and fifeteen scientists, who came along to field test the vehicle, drove towards the Fort and waited at the checkpoint to been seen too.

The plan was, that once accepted, to drive to the Capital, setup camp just outside, and the three snow mobiles packed into hydrolic lifts on the roof would be lowered, allowing both guardsmen, and the General to get into the city, to their meeting, without clogging up the streets.

Alexander approched a Soldier from Winters edge at the checkpoint:

"Soldier, Im General Alexander Blackburn from the Imperium of Canada, here to see Eldaria Dovesong, I request permission to continue my journey to the Capital, and that my Jet be allowed to remain here at the Fort for our return."

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The soldier nodded. "Let me go get my superior. She needs to inspect everything quickly before anyone can get through. It is just a precaution we take to insure the safety of our capital and all of its denizens," he says before quickly running into the fort.

A few minutes later, a lithe woman walks out with two men right behind her.

"Greetings, General Alexander. I am General Lilian of the Tribe of the Cheetah, and I will have to inspect everything you will be taking beyond this point. As I'm sure the soldier who got me told you already, it is just a precaution and does not mean we do not trust you. May we commence with our inspection?" she said calmly, keeping a slight smile on her face the entire while her eyes darted between each person that arrived, looking them over with a quick glance before moving on to the next.

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"Thank you, General Alexander," she said before motioning to the two men to begin investigating the large vehicle as the general herself started inspecting each and every bag and container they had.

"Ok, seems you are all good to go," she said after her and her two men were done. "General Varietus, you may open the gate! They are all clean!" she yelled out to a masked man sitting on the windowsill. He nodded and vanished behind the window's edge, and a few minutes later, the large gate in the center of the fort's two sides opened up.

"You may now go, General Alexander. It should not be long before you reach the capital from here. The Head Chieftain, Eldaria Dovesong, should be waiting for you near the gates to the keep. I hope you enjoy your stay," she said before backing towards the side of the gate with her two men, her hand resting on the hilt of the rapier at her waist as she lets the group pass.

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Alexander Saluted the General Varietus and General Lilian and climbed back into the AEV with his crew and guard.

"Ok Michael go, lets get to the Capital"

With that the AEV strove on towards the Capital, and onto their meeting with The Head Chieftain, Eldaria Dovesong.

A few hours later the Capital was in sight and the AEV slowed to a halt at the city gates.

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Once the AEV stopped at the gates, a guard squad walked up to the windows at the front.

"Greetings, you must be the group from the Imperium of Canada, correct?" the seargeant of the squad asked as soon as he could be heard. "Well, you may move on towards the keep. It will be just down the road this gate leads to. The Head Chieftain and the Bear General will be waiting for you there."

The squad went back to their guard posts and quickly opened the gate, letting them see the snow covered houses and the cold stone roads of the capital, lights shining through the windows of some of the houses with smoke rising out of chimneys. At the end of the road, a large wooden gate could be seen leading into a giant castle with one tower sticking straight up in the middle of it.

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"Thankyou Sergeant, We will proceed on foot from here, the AEV will tear up your roads, and we do not fancy damaging your streets or houses."

With thank, the General and his two guardsmen jumped out of the vehicle and strode through the streets of the beautiful winter city towards the keep.
Not long after departing the AEV towards the Keep, they came to the large wooden gate that was mentioned, after gaining entrace the three continued to the keep and went to meet with the Bear General and its Commander in Cheif.

"Lads, sort your !@#$@#$ uniforms out will you, just make yourselves look a little more presenta... there we go Phillips, Excellent." said Alexander to the two guardsmen.

Alexander himself was wearing Combat fatigues. Black Shiney boots, made specially for this climate, thermal combat trousers, a thermal shirt with his Field jacket on over the top of it, a Kevlar jacket and a bearhide overcoat for warmth. His Red beret sticking out like a sore thumb against his Antarctic uniform.

The Two Guardsmen came in parade dress, which was black boots, thermal pants, shirt, jacket, bearskin hat and a bear hide overcoat.

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The Bear General and Head Chieftain awaited just inside the wooden gate for their guests. The Bear General wore was a tall, muscular man wearing brown bear fur boots, pants, shirt, and cape with a hood hooking over his head. Next to him stood the Head Chieftain, an old, slightly wrinkled woman standing straight up but only reaching to about the Bear General's chest in height. She held a wooden cane in her hand and wore white wolf fur boots, pants, overcoat, shirt, hood, and gloves, her piercing blue eyes scanning General Alexander.

The Bear General walked up to General Alexander and held out a hand, his dark brown eyes catching General Alexander's eyes as he grinned a bit.

"I am General Credahn of the Tribe of the Bear. This is Eldaria Dovesong, Chieftain of the Tribe of the Dove and Head Chieftain of Winter's Edge," he said heartily. Eldaria nodded her head as she gave a faint smile, letting the General introduce her as he usually does.

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Alex took in both figures as he approached with the guards at his back, now marching in step.. boots crushing softly in the snow.

[quote]"I am General Credahn of the Tribe of the Bear. This is Eldaria Dovesong, Chieftain of the Tribe of the Dove and Head Chieftain of Winter's Edge,"[/quote]

"I am General Alexander Blackburn, this is Private Phillips and Private Rourke, it is an honour to meet you General Credahn"
Turning to face the old one Alexander bent on one knee as a sign of respect before standing and saluting her.
"Good morning Ma'am, it is also an honour to meet you, now then I have been instructed by the Emperor himself to over see a start to diplomatic relations between the Imperium and Winters Edge, such a friendship would be mutually beneficial im sure you will both agree, however, before we take this any further, I respectfully request we take this indoors out of the cold?"

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Eldaria nodded her head and turned towards the inner wooden door. "Follow me to the negotiations room. I'm sure you will find it rather comfortable and warm. General Credahn, would you be so kind as to open the keep doors please?" she said as she started walking, her overcoat fluttering a bit in the cold wind.

"Yes, ma'am, it will be my pleasure," he said as he ran towards the doors, pushing them open for the Head Chieftain.

"Thank you, Credahn," she said as she passed him. The General nodded his head and after General Alexander and his men passed, he shut the doors and followed them all the way into a large, spacious room in the middle of the keep. The room had a few vents venting slightly warm air into the room, a large, beautiful glass chandelier hanging in the middle of the vaulted ceiling, a large, wooden table with cushioned chairs and benches all around it, and several paintings of landscapes scattered about.

Eldaria walked to a chair set at one end of the table and took a seat, pulling off her hood to reveal graying blonde hair as she took off her overcoat. General Credahn stood right behind her right shoulder, setting down her overcoat and hood on the coatrack right behind.

"Would you like me to take your overcoats?" Credahn asked as they all got settled.

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The general quickly takes their coats and places them on the coat rack neatly. Eldaria leaned over the table and placed her elbows on the table, thinking for a few moments before speaking.

"Hmmm, I think just having peace between us and to trade with each other is all that Winter's Edge is interested in," Eldaria stated simply. "What can Winter's Edge do to help serve the Imperium's best interests?"

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Alex thought long and hard aboout his answer, Winters edge were in the same strength range as the Imperium as far as infrastructure went, but the Imperium had a technalogical lead... they could be mutually defensive in regards to the Antarctic?.

"Well Ma'am, what about an Economic ODP treaty?
ODP means Optional Defence Pact, and would only apply to the Imperiums Antarctic territory. Meaning if it came under attack, Winters Edge could choose to aid in its defence through the treaty, and vise versa, if Winters edge is attacked, the Imperium could choose to come to its aid through the treaty.

Not only that, but the economic expansion through this pact would bring in much needed money for both nations."

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Eldaria thought for a minute. "Hmmm, that wouldn't be a bad idea. However, I would like to speak with the other six chieftains and all six generals before signing anything. I would like to hear their feedback about it. General Credahn, can you recall the other generals and chieftains for me?" she said calmly, her hand at her chin.

General Credahn hesitated for a minute, his gaze flickering between the door and Eldaria before her stare sent him out the room.

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"Of course Ma'am, completly understandable."

Alexander watched as Credahn called in the other Chiefs and Generals, thinking to himself that this wittering old woman needs to get a grip and stop dancing around the ice of moving forward.

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Eldaria glanced over at General Alexander. "I hope it won't bother you, but it may take a few days for some of the chieftains to get here. They are each in their respective hometowns, some of which are quite far from here. However, I am sure they will be here with all due haste," she said.

General Credahn hung up the phone and walked back to Eldaria's side.

"They are on their way. The generals will be hear shortly, and some of the chieftains not long after that. But while you wait, would you like us to set up rooms in this castle for you? Or do you have other plans for sleeping arrangements?" General Credahn said with slight hand gestures.

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"Rooms will be fine General, but I must insist these proceedings be moved forward at a faster pace, I have a region to Govern and a garrison to maintain aswell as oversee all the research going on." replied Alex with a trace of irritation.

"However, Im sure when the rest of your cheiftains and Generals are here it will be a speedy discussion."

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"Of course, and it should not take them too long to get here. They have rather speedy ways of transport," General Credahn said. "The other five generals should be here by nightfall. The chieftains should be here by the nightfall two days from now, if not tomorrow. They are all rather young so they can make better haste here. Now, if you will follow me, I will show you your rooms."

General Credahn led General Alexander and his guards to their rooms.

(skip ahead to the next nightfall >_>;;;; )

Drakor Cobrafang, Chieftain of the Tribe of the Snake, slowly walked through the doors of the keep at Frozen Sepulchre. His brown hair partially covered his dark brown eyes, and he wore tight fitting fur clothes with a fur mask covering his mouth. General Varietus walked out of the shadows to meet up with him.

"Ahhh, Snake General. It has been a long time since I have seen you. Everything is well with you, I take it? And what of this meeting Eldaria has called? What does she want?" Drakor said with no emotion, his cold eyes darting around and inspecting every crevice around them.

"Yes, sir. Everything is well. And I do believe the Head Chieftain wants to talk with us about an Economic ODP with the Imperium of Canada," the General replied back quickly.

"Bah, does the old woman not know what to do? Does she insist on calling everyone else before making a decision?" Drakor spat, glaring down a random corridor.

"She only is doing what she believes is right, sir. Do not blame her for this choice, for it is a wise thing to do. If the Generals and Chieftains cannot agree on something like this, then it would not be a great idea, correct?" Varietus said calmly, trying to calm the Snake Chieftain down.

"Whatever, let's go," Drakor huffed, walking off with Varietus in tow.


Eldaria turned towards the door as Drakor and Varietus walked in.

"Ahhhh, Drakor Cobrafang, I am glad you were able to make it," she said with a smile.

"Yeah yeah yeah, sorry for making you all wait. Let's just get on with the proceedings," Drakor said irritably, looking away from the Head Chieftain.

"Ummm, about this treaty, what if they decide not to defend us? Since it is Optional, there can never be a guarantee we will get help if attacked," Reid Sharkskin, chieftain of the Tribe of the Dolphin, said worriedly, thinking of his hometown.

"That is a risk we may need to take, Dolphin Chieftain. And besides, the Economic boost this could bring would help Glacier Falls, would it not?" Eldaria replied back.

"True, then I guess I have no problem with it, right, General Turanidos?" Reid said, casting a fidgety glance at the Dolphin General.

"I agree, sir," Turanidos replied back, nodding his head gently.

"Well I agree to this, it would mean my tribe wouldn't have to worry about being hit by them," Zayn Catpaws, chieftain of the Tribe of the Cheetah, said calmly as he leaned back a bit.

"I do too, for the same reason as Zayn," Lindiel Lupine, chieftain of the Tribe of the Wolf, piped in excitedly. General Araya of the Tribe of the Wolf, and General Lilian both nodded their heads in agreement.

Arand Dogtai, chieftain of the Tribe of the Dog, yawned a bit before saying "Heh, I think it's fine. I mean, I'm pretty sure we don't have to worry things as much as the rest of you do, except maybe Drakor, so if you all are fine, so am I."

General Iliendra of the Tribe of the Dog leaned down and whispered something in his ear before straightening up and nodding her head. Arand quickly sat straighter, looking more awake than he had been a moment ago.

"I wouldn't mind it," Seleria Bearkin, chieftain of the Tribe of the Bear, said. General Credahn nodded his head a bit, grinning a bit as he stood near Seleria.

"Whatever, I don't care. The Tribe of the Snake won't be affected anyways," Drakor spat out irritably, crossing his arms over his chest as he looks away from everyone else.

"He means he agrees to the treaty, ma'am," Varietus said for his chieftain.

"I got that much, but thank you, Varietus. Now I will go and speak with General Alexander again and inform him of our decision," Eldaria said before slowly walking out of the room.

Edited by DracoDark
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Eldaria re-entered the room as Alexander was just sitting down to be comfortable. Shooting back up and presenting her with a salute was the respectable thing to do.

"Ma'am, I presume the other chieftains and yourself have come to a decision regarding my offer then?"

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